. . "Halle, Archäologisches Museum der MLU"@de . "In 1841, the United Friedrichs-University Halle-Wittenberg decided to set up an archaeological University collection. However, this project could not be implemented until 1849. In this year the first quite small archaeological gallery was opened as the first public art collection in Halle. The core of this museum was the "Münzkabinett" formed by Johann Heinrich Schulze (1687-1744), which already provided access to original coins for lectures and exercises on ancient numismatics during his life-time. By doing this Schulze became a founder of numismatic teaching at University. This core collection, the "Numophylacium Schulzianum", can thus be linked to the development of the European Enlightenment in the 18th century in Halle, and it still is preserved here today. Almost half of today’s inventory of c. 5.000 coins (a total of c. 1.400 Greek, some Byzantine, and Oriental coins, the remaining two thirds are Roman) originates from Schulze’s collection."@en . . . . . "2024-05-10"^^ . "2024-05-10"^^ .