. . "Eichstätt, Lehrstuhl für Alte Geschichte der Katholischen Universität"@de . "The coin collection of the chair of ancient history at the Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt was founded in the mid-eighties. Since its establishment, the collection has been gradually expanded and missing pieces have been acquired, so that there are now 353 coins in total, that cover the range from classical Greece up to late antiquity and byzantine times. The collection contains mostly roman coins, although there are both Greek and Hellenistic coins, as well as mintages from the periphery of the Roman Empire, like Parthian and Celtic coins. The focus lies on Roman Imperial coinage, which make up the largest part of the collection, and is framed by smaller assemblages from Roman Republican times and late antiquity. Because of the lack of a proper edition, since 2013, the Eichstaett coin collection became a big part of everyday teaching at the university and contributed to various student- and research-projects, that helped systematise, edit and even exhibit several of these coins."@en . . . . . "2024-05-10"^^ . "2024-05-10"^^ .