Search result

Type for person and corporation: Mintmaster (MM Me)

-valdo/-valdus [3628]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Abba [8241]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Abbo/Abbone [3539]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Abolino/Abolinus [3601]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Accard [7462]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Adalberto/Adalbertus [3645]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Adam, Peris [4808]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Adelbertus [3247]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Adobertus [3648]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Aegulfus [3531]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Aelfnoth [1566]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Aethelferth [1567]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Aethelhelm [1568]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Aethelmaer [1569]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Aethelred [9622]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Aetius [3243]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Agilino [3588]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Angiolino Machiavelli, Boninsegna di [4667]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Anglo/Anglus [3519]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Anno [8400]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Ansoaldus [3279]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Aonobode [3386]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Archaldus [3985]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Aribaldo [3252]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Arigius [3647]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Arnebode [3490]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Aroaldus/Arvaldus [3561]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Aslak [12138]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Audoaldo/Audoaldus [3577]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Audoaldus [3242]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Audolefo [3663]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Audolenus [3517]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Audolino [3125]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Audonodus [3633]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Ausonius [3533]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Austadius [3273]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Authgrimr [1576]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Avitus [6863]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Azzo [1578]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Babo/Babone [3646]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Badu/Badus [3593]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Baldus [3627]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Baldwine (Baldwin) [1580]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Baudomeres [3570]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Baudomeris/Baudomerus? [3530]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Berebode/Berebodes [3543]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Bert- / -bert [3632]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Bertacharius [3582]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Bertechramnus [3520]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Bertelando [3600]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Bertoaldus [3121]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Bertovaldus [3548]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Bertulfus [3240]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Betto [3565]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Bioneard [8245]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Bobo/Bobone [3574]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Boga/Boia [1587]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Bonulfus [3657]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Broglin (Proglin), Jakob (-um 1435) [11243]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Brother [1594]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Bruninc [10146]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Burewine [1597]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Burhraed [1598]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Chagnomiris [3596]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Charecaucius [3602]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Charegisilus [3534]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Chuldericus [3579]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Ciolhard [1607]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Cuthberht [8239]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Dacoaldus [3515]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Daiemond (Dægmund) [1612]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Datuccio, Nerio di [4668]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Dedo [3603]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Deorsige [1617]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Dodo [3580]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Domigisilo/Domigisilus [3620]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Domnechillo/Domnechillus [3655]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Domnitto (Dominus) [3569]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Droctebadus? [3564]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Dunbertus [3629]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Durand [1621]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Eadwine [1622]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Ealhstan [1623]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Eccho [1626]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Edstan [9619]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Edulfus [3612]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Elafius [3553]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Eligius (um 589-659) [3238]
Mintmaster (MM Me), Sitter
Enfield, David von [4814]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Eoba [1633]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Eodulfus [3621]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Fasdolf [9008]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Fati/Fanti [3578]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Filaharius [3218]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Florus [3568]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Flusthard, Dietrich [12238]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Fridri/Fridricus [3636]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Gandolioni [3287]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Garoaldo/Garoaldus [3587]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Gatz, Peter [4938]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Gaudelinus [3560]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Gilebert [8269]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Giseleno [3581]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Godleof [1683]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Godo- [3634]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Godobrandus [1684]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Got [1686]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Gottfried? [11150]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Gratus [3572]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Griffin [7468]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Grimoaldus [3594]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Grimwald [8246]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Hadeleie (Hadelie), Robert von [4806]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Hagelsheimer, Friedrich [11168]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Hildebodus [3535]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Hringwulf [1713]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Hroza [1714]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Hug, Hans [4948]
Mintmaster (MM Me), Warden
Iaco [3529]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Iludramnom [3635]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Isaac [8268]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Iule [4575]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Jakob [1718]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Jechiel (Yechiel bar Shmuel) [8212]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Johann [1726]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Johannes [3491]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Landegisilus [3597]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Landoaldus [3573]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Lanfram [7465]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Launomundus [3524]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Laurentius [3651]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Lefwine [1753]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Leobolenus [3613]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Leodoaldo [3607]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Leodulfos [3562]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Leofing/Lifing [1754]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Leofric [1755]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Leofthegn [8864]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Leofwine [10145]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Leudegisolus [3554]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Leudulfus [3608]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Liabing (Leofing) [1756]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Liephart, Valentin (-1473) [12614]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Luda [9620]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Lulla [1789]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Madelinus [3248]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Magnoberto/Magnobertus? [3637]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Mancrent [1794]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Manileobo [3237]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Marcellus [3541]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Marcovaldo [3532]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Maretimus/Maretumus [1809]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Martinus [3245]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Martinus [4549]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Maurentius [3618]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Maurinus [3097]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Mauritius/Mauricio [3544]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Maximinus [3652]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Menachem [1817]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Merefin, Petrus [4805]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Nachtrabe, Friedrich (-1486) [4947]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Naudeciselo/Naudegiselo [3626]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Nother [8242]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Odalricus [9999]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Oio [1836]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Optatus [3563]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Orivio/Orivius [3542]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Ortolf [11149]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Osferth [8546]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Oshere [8238]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Oswig [9621]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Oswold [10148]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Otoneus [3551]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Pecca/Peccane [3521]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Protadius [3658]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Proviturus [3605]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Puccolino/Puccolinus [3631]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Radoaldo [3270]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Ragnulfus [3571]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Raugio, Banco di [4666]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Raul [7466]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Reberto/Rebertus [1873]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Regnald (Ragnald or Reinald) [1874]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Regtheres (Hreitharr) [1875]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Ricard [7463]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Ricard [7469]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Rignoald [4024]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Rigoaldus [3274]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Robert of Bedford (1218-1223), bishop of Lismore [4816]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Rodbert [7464]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Rosolus [3552]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Sadigisilo/Sadigisilus [3526]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Saewine [1884]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Sapaudus [3650]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Savelo [3378]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Scherff von Rees, Stephan [4951]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Schrauff (Schrauf, Schraupp), Hans [4954]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Schucheler, Heinrich [12247]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Senoaldus [3550]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Sesoaldus [3984]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Sicchramno/Sicchramnus [3606]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Sigemaer [1915]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Sigimundus [3518]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Spectatus [3505]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Spileman [1916]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Stefanus [3223]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Stefanus [8243]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Stege, Konrad vom [4956]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Strozza, Lapo della [4665]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Sumarlithr [1926]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Suno [3246]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Swetric [12139]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Swyrling (Sperling) [4255]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Teganone [3250]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Teodenus [3649]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Teschler, Nikolaus (um 1410-1485) [12615]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Teudulfo/Teudulfus [3622]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Theodoaldo [12246]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Theodolenus [6621]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Theudelenus [3244]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Theudomaro [3584]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Thurstan [10149]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Tierna, Jans von [12245]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Tirwald [8240]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Twica [1940]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Udd [4565]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Unicter/Vnicter [3625]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Ursino/Ursinus [3630]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Uvo [3254]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Vendemius [3249]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Venrode, Thomas von [4958]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Viliomodus [3528]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Vincemalus [3624]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Vinivio/Vinivius? [3644]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Vinulfus [3586]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Viothmund (Withmund) [1943]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Vivatus [3540]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Vvalfechramno/Walfechramno [3576]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Vvandeleno/Wandeleno [3514]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Vvintrio/Wintrio [3255]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Walter [4812]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Wieland, Hans [12616]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Wilhelm [1948]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Willelm [8267]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Willem De [7467]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Winide [1949]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Winkler, Hans [11239]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Winterbach, Vois I. von der (-1421) [11240]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Winterbach, Vois II von der (-nach 1464) [11241]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Wulfaer [1954]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Wulfgeat [1955]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Wulfgeat [9618]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Wulfram/Vlferamno [3450]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Wulfsige [8547]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Wulfwine [1956]
Mintmaster (MM Me)
Wulstan [10147]
Mintmaster (MM Me)