Person GND


Romunde, Johann von (04.12.1574-)

Born in Deventer on 4 December 1574. Descended on his mother's side from the Dutch mintmaster family Wintgens.

Father of the mintmasters Gerrit and Dirk von Romunde, both working as mintmasters for the city of Emden.

Von Romunde married the widow of the former Countly East Frisian mintmaster at Emden, Jacob Stalpert, who was also from the Wintgens family, on 3 August 1617.

From 1617 to early 1623 mintmaster in Emden. Afterwards mintmaster of the city of Zwolle, the exact term of office Kappelhoff does not mention.

Von romunde signs with a zain hook turned to the right, Kappelhoff identifies the ray crown appearing on the East Frisian mint of Romunde above the coat of arms as his personal sign, too.

Lit.: A. Kappelhoff, Die Münzen Ostfrieslands (1982) pp. 221-223.


Mintmaster (MM Mod) Info


