Person |
Name |
Sieburg, Georg (- gefallen 1916 in der Bukowina) |
German sculptor, medalist, painter, and artisan. Lit.: Thieme - Becker XXX p. 594; M. Heidemann, Medaillenkunst in Deutschland von 1895 bis 1914. Die Kunstmedaille in Deutschland 8 (1998) p. 511. Deutsche Verlustliste no. 1123 of 26 Aug. 1916 page 4370 names Unteroffizier Georg Sieburg of Stuttgart-Berg of RIR [Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment] 201, 5th Kompanie, as missing in action. There no other individual of this name listed in the German Verlustliste (execpt a lightly wounded G. S.) [K. Dahmen]. |
Types |
Medalist |
Wikidata |
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created |
10.05.2024 |