Person |
Name |
Lucius Mindius Pollio |
Proconsul (anthypatos) in the province of Pontus et Bithynia during the reign of Claudius in AD 41-43. His name is attested on coins issued in the name of the Bithynian Koinon: RPC I nos. 2031 (Nicaea), 2065-2072 (Nicomedia) (c. AD 42); G. R. Stumpf, Numismatische Studien zur Chronologie der römischen Statthalter in Kleinasien (1991) p. 146-150 nos. 213-220 (AD 41/42 resp. 42/43). Lit.: W. Leschhorn, Lexikon der Aufschriften auf griechischen Münzen II (2009) p. 689 s. v. Mindios; p. 763 with note 1 s. v. Pollion (AD 41-43). |
Types |
Anthypatos , Proconsul |
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created |
10.05.2024 |