

Reinhardt, Tobias

Orginially from Oldesloe.

Mintmaster, warden, and leaseholder.

From 21 May 1615 to 1617 warden at the mint Boizenburg for an annual salary of 50 Reichstalers. There Reinhardt for the first time collaborated with Caspar Rotermund, leaseholder of the Boizenburger mint.

From 1617 until c. 5 May 1618 warden in Schönburg for the bishop of Ratzeburg.

From 5 May 1618 until Pentecost 1620 mintmaster in Reinsfeld for Duke Johann of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg. There Reinhard again worked with Rotermund, who just had leased the mint Reinfeld of the duke for 750 Reichstalers per year. The anaual salary of Reinhardt was 400 Talers. On the 6 January 1622 Reinhard leased the Reinfeld mint for an annual fee of 700 Reichstalers. He had also to pay the salary of the warden Johann Lilienthal. How long Reinhardt was the lease-holder there is not clear, but the latest possible date is 1625, as then another mintmaster signed a contract with the duke to be mintmaster in Reinfeld.

Reinhards signs with a monogram of his initials TR.

Lit.: Chr. Lange's Sammlung schleswig-holsteinischer Münzen und Medaillen II (1912) pp. 322-323; M. Kunzel, Das Münzwesen Mecklenburgs von 1492 bis 1872. Münzgeschichte und Geprägekatalog. Berliner Numismatische Forschungen Neue Folge 2 (1994) pp. 73-75.


Leaseholder Info, Mintmaster (MM Mod) Info, Warden Info





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