Person |
Name |
Neuss, Johann Jakob (01.10.1770 - 24.12.1847) |
City medalist in Augsburg (no salary) from 1791 to 1806. Around 1820 Neuss established a company of his own, which issued a number of medals. These medals were usually struck in Stuttgart or Munich. A medal on the accession of Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria in 1835 was made by him or August Neuss. Likewise a medal on the amnesty at the coronation of Emperor Ferdinand I as King of Lombardo-Venetia in Milan in 1838. Johann Jakob the Younger also made a medal on the first imperial shooting event in Bregenz in 1847. Lit.: H. Seling, Die Augsburger Gold- und Silberschmiede 1529-1868 (2007) p. 690; A. Mayr, Kaiser Ferdinand I. (1793-1875) und die Medaille. Die Medaillenproduktion am Hauptmünzamt in Wien zwischen 1835 und 1848 in kunsthistorischem und historischem Kontext, unpubl. phil. Diss. Vienna (2020) p. 423. |
Types |
Medal Puplisher , Medalist |
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created |
10.05.2024 |