

Rotermund, Caspar

Leaseholder in Franzburg in Pommerania from 1608 to 1614 (169-1615 according to Olding), and in Boizenburg and Gnoien from 1614 to 1618. 

Leaseholder of the Reinfeld mint from 1 December 1618 to March 1619.

Rotermund signs with his initials CR.

Leaseholder of the mint of Franzburg from 1608 to 1614. After quarrels with duke Philipp Julius of Pommern-Wolgast Rotermund quit his work in Franzburg and took with him his capital of 20,000 Reichtalers. Shortly afterwards he became leaseholder of the mints of Gnoien and Boizenburg, which belonged to duke Johann Albrecht II of Mecklenburg-Güstrow. As Gnoien is located closly nearby Franzburg, and Rotermund‘s poaching of the local mintmaster, Kunzel states, that Rotermund did a carefully planed attack on the Franzburg mint. He insisted on a massive minting of small coins, which were to be delivered only to him. In case of a inspection of one of the mints, he gave orderst hat there were always to be some example of good coins, which could be shown to the investigator to proove a legal coining. After a report the brother of his employer, Duke Adolph Friedrich of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, supported by Rotermund‘s former employer Philipp Julius, a process against Rotermund began. Although several legal opinions were stating of his fault, there was no court decision until 1626. This final decision of the process unfortunately is not known, though.

Lit.: M. Olding (ed.), Die Münzen der pommerschen Herzöge (2016) p. 126; M. Kunzel, Das Münzwesen Mecklenburgs von 1492 bis 1872. Münzgeschichte und Geprägekatalog. Berliner Numismatische Forschungen Neue Folge 2 (1994) pp. 71-76.


Leaseholder Info





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