Search result

Type for person and corporation: Authority

Allgemeine Vorschussbank (Wien) [15024]
Birmingham Workhouse [11015]
Leeds Workhouse [11222]
Bank of England [11297]
Bank of Ireland [11294]
Bewick Main Colliery [11192]
Bristol Commercial Token Company [11228]
Bunn & Johnson [11209]
Carless & Co [11236]
Carmarthen Bank [14062]
Charles & George Stanton [11234]
Christopher & Jennett [11293]
David Latouche Esquire & Sons (Dublin) [14063]
David Morris & Sons [11264]
Dorchester Bank [11210]
Company Ralph Heaton & Sons (Birmingham Mint) [8108]
Authority, Producer
Flintshire Bank [11020]
Monneron Brothers [14435]
George and Robert Ferns [11302]
Griffith & Gough [11194]
Hancock, Wakefield & Co [11233]
J. Millson & T. Preston [11042]
J. Niblock & R. S. Latham [11039]
J. Younge & J. Deakin [11047]
Authority, Producer
Japanese Red Cross (Nippon Sekijūjisha) [12741]
John Blythe & Co. [11261]
Lord & Marshall [11211]
Marlborough Old Bank (Marlborough & Wiltshire Bank) [11200]
Muskett & Son [11252]
Nantwich Bank [11221]
Niblock & Hunter [11040]
Österreichische Hypothekar-Credit und Vorschuss-Bank (Wien) [15026]
Overseers of the Poor Sheffield [11198]
Robert Tripp & Co. [11206]
Sacro Monte della Pietà di Roma [14064]
Saunders & Butt [11225]
Shaftesbury Bank [11205]
Soke and City of Peterborough Bank [11019]
T. & R. Davidson [14434]
Thomas & Phillips [11306]
Thomas & William Read [11214]
Wainwright & Co [11235]
Whalley & Co. [11338]
Whitby Association [11038]
Wiener Hausgenossen [8922]
William & George Pearse [11246]
William Lintott & Sons [11296]
William Lomer & Son [11216]
William, Samuel & Joseph Wakeford [11269]
Willoughby & Sons [11182]
Abd al-Hamud II (1293-1327 AH/1876-1909), sultan (21.09.1842 - 10.02.1918) [207]
Authority, Sitter
Abdagases I [11359]
Authority, Sitter
Abdul Aziz (1277-1293 AH/1861-1876), sultan (08.02.1830 - 04.06.1876) [209]
Abdul Hamid I (1187-1203 AH/1773-1789), sultan (20.03.1725 - 07.04.1779) [210]
Abdulmejid I (1255-1277 AH/1839-1861), sultan (25.04.1823 - 25.06.1861) [12359]
Abgar VIII (c. AD 177-212), king of Osroene [10003]
Authority, Sitter
Abgar X (c. AD 239-242), king of Osroene [4295]
Authority, Sitter
Abu 'Amr 'Uthman (1435-1488), Hafsid ruler (1419-1488) [7769]
Abū Aḥmad al-Muktafī bi-'llāh ʿAlī (289-295 AH/902-908), caliph (875-13.08.908) [8821]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū Bakr Toġan-Šāh (567-581 AH/1172-1185), emir of Nishapur [8750]
Abū Ḏawwād Muḥammad b. Musayyib (384-385 AH/994-995), Uqaylid ruler [11316]
Abu Ǧaʿfar al-Manṣūr b. al-Faḍl al-Mustaršid ar-Rāšid bi-'llāh (529-530 AH/1135-1136), caliph (1109-06.06.1138) [8898]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū Ǧaʿfar al-Manṣūr b. Muḥammad aẓ-Ẓāhir al-Mustanṣir bi-’llāh (623-640 AH/1236-1242), caliph (1192-05.12.1242) [8901]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū Ǧaʿfar Muḥammad al-Muntaṣir bi-'llāh (247-248 AH/861-862), caliph (837-25.06.862) [8809]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū Ḥafs ʿUmar (II) ibn ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz (99-101 AH/717-720), caliph (um 682-720) [1235]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū Ḫālid Yazīd (I) ibn Muʿāwiya (60-64 AH/680-683), caliph (644-11.11.683) [8793]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū Ḫālid Yazīd (II) ibn ʿAbd al-Malik (101-105 AH/720-724), caliph (687-724) [1558]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū Ḫālid Yazīd (III) ibn al-Walīd (126 AH/744), caliph (701-25.09.744) [8798]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū Isḥāq Ibrahim I (1279-1283), Hafsid ruler [7768]
Abū Isḥāq Muḥammad al-Muhtadī bi-'llāh (255-256 AH/869-870), caliph (-21.06.870) [8818]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū l-Faḍl al-Muqtadir bi-'llāh Ǧaʿfar (295-320 AH/908-932), caliph (895-932) [8822]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū l-Manṣūr al-Faḍl al-Mustaršid bi-'llāh (512-529 AH/1118-1135), caliph (1092-29.08.1135) [8897]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū l-Muẓaffar Yūsuf b. Muḥammad al-Muqtafī l-Mustanǧid bi-'llāh (555-566 AH/1160-1170), caliph (1124-20.12.1170) [8905]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abu l-Qasim Nuh b. Mansur (365-387 AH/976-997), Samanid emir (-23.07.997) [8757]
Abū l-Walīd Hišām al-Muʾaiyad bi-llāh (366-398, 400-402 AH/976-1008, 1010-1012), caliph in Córdoba (966-19.04.1013) [4671]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū l-Walīd Hišām ibn ʿAbd al-Malik (105-125 AH/724-743), caliph (691-743) [829]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū l-ʿAbbās Aḥmad al-Mustaẓhir bi-llāh (487-512 AH/1094-1118), caliph (1078-06.08.1118) [8896]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū l-ʿAbbās Aḥmad ibn al-Mustaḍīʾ(575-622 AH/1180-1225), caliph (1158-1225) [8752]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū l-ʿAbbās al-Walīd (I) ibn ʿAbd al-Malik (86-96 AH/705-715), caliph (668-23.02.715) [556]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū l-ʿAbbās al-Walīd (II) ibn Yazīd (125-126 AH/743-744), caliph (706-17.04.744) [8797]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū Manṣūr al-ʿAzīz bi-llāh Nizār b. al-Muʿizz (365-386 AH/975-996), caliph (955-996) [1226]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū Manṣūr Fūlād Sutūn b. Muḥyī Dīn Allāh Marzubān (440-454 AH/1048-1062), Būyid ruler [10880]
Abū Muḥammad al-Ḥasan ibn al-Mustanǧid (566-575 AH/1170-1180), caliph (1142-30.03.1180) [8904]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū Naṣr Muḥammad b. an-Nāṣir (622-623 AH/1225-1226), caliph (1175-10.07.1226) [8902]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū Saʿīd Bahador (1316-1335), Ilkhan (02.06.1305 - 01.12.1335) [8754]
Abū Ṭāhir ʾIsmāʿīl al-Manṣūr bi-’llāh (334-341 AH/946-953), caliph (913-19.03.953) [13297]
Abū Tamīm Maʿadd al-Muʿizz (341-365 AH/953-975), caliph (931-975) [6425]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū Zakariyā Yaḥyā b. Ḥafṣ (1229-1249), Hafsid ruler (1203-1249) [7767]
Abū ʿAbd al-Malik Marwān (I) ibn al-Ḥakam (64-65 AH/684-685), caliph (623-07.05.685) [8795]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū ʿAbd al-Malik Marwān (II) ibn Muḥammad (127-132 AH/744-750), caliph (688-06.08.750) [8800]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān Muʿāwiya (I) ibn Abī Sufyān (41-60 AH/661-680), caliph (603-18.04.680) [1209]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad ibn Ǧaʿfar (251-255 AH/866-869), caliph (847-869) [8817]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū ʿAlī al-Manṣūr ibn al-ʿAzīz (386-411 AH/996-1021), caliph (18.08.985 - 13.02.1021) [8889]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū ʿAlī Muḥammad [8755]
Abu ᾽l-ʿAbbās Ḫusra-Fīrūz b. Rukn ad-Daula al-Ḥasan (373-384 AH/983-994), Būyid ruler [10846]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū ’l-Faḍl Ǧaʿfar b. Muḥammad (232-247 AH/847-861), caliph (822-08.12.861) [8808]
Authority, Overlord (ISL), Sitter
Abū ’l-Ḥasan ʿAlī aẓ-Ẓāhir li-ʾIʿzāz Dīn Allāh (411-427 AH/1021-1036), caliph (20.06.1005 - 13.06.1036) [8890]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū ’l-Qāsim ʿAbd Allāh (467-487 AH/1075-1094), caliph (1056-1094) [8895]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Abū ’l-ʿAbbās Aḥmad al-Muʿtamid ʿalā ’llāh (256-279 AH/870-892), caliph (um 842-15.10.892) [8819]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Achaios (-213 v. Chr.) [6857]
Authority, Sitter
Adaios [9825]
Adalbero (1045-1090), bishop of Würzburg (um 1010-0610.1090) [8425]
Authority, Sitter
Adalbero II (984-1005), bishop of Metz, 984 of Verdun (958-14.12.1005) [8196]
Authority, Sitter
Adalbero III (1047-1072), bishop of Metz (um 1010-13.11.1072) [8199]
Authority, Sitter
Adalbero IV (1097-1117), bishop of Metz [8203]
Authority, Sitter
Adalbert (983-996), bishop of Prague (um 956-23.04.997) [13335]
Adalbert I (1111-1137), archbishop of Mainz (-23.06.1137) [212]
Adalbert III of Bohemia (1168-1177/1183-1200), archbishop of Salzburg (1145-08.04.1200) [11013]
Authority, Sitter
Adam Franz Karl (1703-1732), prince of Schwarzenberg (25.09.1680 - 11.06.1732) [8332]
Authority, Sitter
Adam Friedrich of Seinsheim (1755-1779), bishop of Würzburg, duke of Franconia, from 1757 Prince-bishop (16.02.1708 - 18.02.1779) [213]
Authority, Sitter
Adam Wenceslaus (1579-1617), duke of Teschen (12.12.1574 - 13.07.1617) [4769]
Authority, Sitter
Adams, W. [11339]
Adelger II (before 1154-1190), count of Ilfeld-Hohenstein (-13.01.1190) [7754]
Adelgot (1107-1119), archbishop of Magdeburg (-12.06.1119) [214]
Authority, Sitter
Adelaide (c. 931-999), 947-950 queen of Italy, as wife of Otto I 951-973 queen and 962-973 empress (um 931-999) [215]
Authority, Sitter
Adelheid III (1152-1184), from 1161 abbess of Quedlinburg, as Adelheid IV from 1152/1153 abbess of Gandersheim (um 1130-01.05.1184) [216]
Authority, Sitter
Adelheid V. (1184-1196), abbess of Gandersheim [10614]
Authority, Sitter
Adelhog (1170-1190), bishop of Hildesheim (-20.09.1190) [217]
Authority, Sitter
Ademar von Monteil (1327-1361), bishop of Metz (um 1299-12.05.1361) [4593]
Authority, Sitter
Adnamati [218]
Adolf (1313-1344), bishop of Liège (1288-03.11.1344) [219]
Adolph (1606-1623), count of Tecklenburg (07.07.1577 - 05.11.1623) [13332]
Authority, Sitter
Adolph Frederick (1751-1771), king of Sweden (14.05.1710 - 12.02.1771) [220]
Authority, Sitter
Adolf Friedrich II (1701-1708), duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (19.10.1658 - 12.05.1708) [15125]
Authority, Sitter
Adolf Friedrich III (1708-1752), duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (07.06.1686 - 11.12.1752) [4247]
Authority, Sitter
Adolf Friedrich V (1904-1914), Grand duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (22.07.1848 - 11.06.1914) [221]
Authority, Sitter
Adolph I (-1106), count of Berg (um 1045-1106) [225]
Authority, Sitter
Adolf I (1160-1173), abbot of Werden and Helmstedt (-21.12.1173) [11012]
Authority, Sitter
Adolf I (1197-1249), count of the Mark (vor 1182-28.06.1249) [222]
Adolf I (1214-1270), count of Waldeck (-03.10.1270) [223]
Authority, Sitter
Adolf I Georg (1860-1893), prince of Schaumburg-Lippe (01.08.1817 - 08.05.1893) [14190]
Authority, Sitter
Adolf I of Nassau (1371-1390), bishop of Speyer until 1388, from 1381 archbishop of Mainz (1353-06.02.1393) [224]
Authority, Sitter
Adolf II (1328-1347), count of the Mark [10103]
Authority, Sitter
Adolf II (1394-1448), Graf, from 1417 duke of Cleves, as Adolf IV count of the Mark (02.08.1373 - 23.09.1448) [5316]
Authority, Sitter
Adolf II of the Mark (1363-1364), archbishop of Cologne (1334-07.09.1394) [226]
Authority, Sitter
Adolf II of Nassau (1461-1475), archbishop of Mainz (um 1423-06.09.1475) [227]
Authority, Sitter
Adolf III (1189-1201), count of Schauenburg (1160-03.01.1225) [228]
Adolf III (1546-1556), archbishop of Cologne, count of Schauenburg (19.01.1511 - 20.09.1556) [229]
Authority, Sitter
Adolf IV (1227-1238), count of Holstein and Stomarn (vor 1205-08.07.1261) [10191]
Authority, Sitter
Adolf IV Borcken (1667-1670), abbot of Werden and Helmstedt (1611-1670) [12672]
Authority, Sitter
Adolf V (VII) (1259-1296), count of Berg (-28./29.09.1296) [230]
Adolf VII (1408-1437), duke of Berg, from 1423 of Jülich (-14.07.1437) [10099]
Authority, Sitter
Adolf VIII (1308-1348), count of Berg (-03.04.1338) [231]
Adolf of Altena (1193-1205/1212-1216), archbishop of Cologne (um 1157-15.04.1220) [10090]
Authority, Sitter
Adolph of Nassau (1292-1298), king (1255-02.07.1298) [232]
Authority, Sitter
Adolph (1839-1905), from 1890 Grand duke of Luxembourg, until 1866 duke of Nassau (24.07.1817 - 17.11.1905) [14164]
Authority, Sitter
Adolph Friedrich I (1610-1658), duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (15.12.1588 - 27.02.1658) [233]
Authority, Sitter
Aemilius Aemilianus (um 207-253 n. Chr.) [234]
Authority, Sitter
Aeropos II (c. 399-394 BC), king of Macedon [11642]
Aethelberht (858-865/866), king of Wessex (um 835-865) [235]
Authority, Sitter
Aethelred II (841-844), king of Northumbria (- um 862) [8863]
Authority, Sitter
Aethelred II (978-1016), king of England (-23.04.1016) [589]
Authority, Sitter
Aethelstan (924-939), king of England (um 894-27.10.939) [236]
Authority, Sitter
Agathokles of Bactria [237]
Authority, Sitter
Agathokles of Syracuse (360-289 v. Chr.) [238]
Agilolf (c. 650), duke of the Lombards [10230]
Agnes (1110-1125), abbess of Quedlinburg und Gandersheim (um 1090-29.12.1125) [239]
Authority, Sitter
Agnes II of Meißen (1184-1203), abbess of Quedlinburg [240]
Authority, Sitter
Agnes of Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein (-1376) [10957]
Agostino Barbarigo (1486-1501), doge of Venice (um 1420-20.09.1501) [241]
Authority, Sitter
Agustín Iturbide (1822-1823), emperor of Mexiko (27.09.1783 - 19.07.1824) [242]
Authority, Sitter
Ahmad Shah Bahadur (1161-1167 AH/1748-1754), Mughal emperor (23.12.1725 - 01.01.1775) [6919]
Ainorix [243]
Aistulf (749-756) [244]
Ajax, son of Teukros [245]
Authority, Sitter
Akbar II (1221-1253 AH/1806-1837), Mughal emperor (22.04.1760 - 28.09.1837) [6944]
Akihito (1989-2019), era Heisei, emperor of Japan (23.12.1933-) [12043]
Authority, Sitter
Akrosas/Akrosandros [4217]
al-Amīn, Abū Mūsā Muḥammad ibn Hārūn ar-Rašīd (193-198 AH/809-813), caliph (787-813) [8804]
Authority, designated successor to the caliph, Overlord (ISL)
al-Hādī, Abū Muḥammad Mūsā ibn al-Mahdī (169-170 AH/785-786), caliph (um 766-14.09.786) [8803]
Authority, designated successor to the caliph, Overlord (ISL)
al-Ḥaǧǧāǧ ibn Yūsuf [3013]
Authority, Governor (ISL)
al-Ḥakam (I) ibn Hišām (180-206 AH/796-822), emir of Cordoba (771-822) [12695]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
al-Ḥasan b. al-Qāsim (304-316 AH/917-928), Zaydid ruler (877-928) [13841]
al-Mahdī, Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn al-Manṣūr (158-169 AH/775-785), caliph (um 743-04.08.785) [8802]
Authority, designated successor to the caliph, Overlord (ISL)
al-Malik al-Ašraf Qānṣūh (II) al-Ġūrī (906-922 AH/1501-1516), sultan of the Burji-Mamlūks (um 1441-24.08.1516) [12129]
al-Malik al-Ašraf Saif ad-Dīn Qāyit-Bāy (872-901 AH/1468-1496), sultan of the Burji-Mamlūks (um 1416-07.08.1496) [12128]
al-Malik an-Nāṣir Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn ("Saladin“) Yūsuf b. Ayyūb (1171-1193), Ayyūbid ruler (um 1137-1193) [7241]
Authority, Overlord (ISL), Sitter
al-Malik ar-Raḥīm Abū Naṣr Ḫusra-Fīrūz b. Muḥyī Dīn Allāh Marzubān (440-447 AH/1048-1055), Būyid ruler (-1058/1059) [10876]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
al-Malik aṣ-Ṣāliḥ Nūr ad-Dīn Ismāʿīl b. Maḥmūd (569-577 AH/1174-1181), Zengid ruler (1163-04.12.1181) [12131]
al-Malik aẓ-Ẓāhir Rukn ad-Dīn Baibars (658-676 AH/1260-1277), sultan of Egypt and Syria (um 1223-1277) [8995]
al-Manṣūr, Abū Ǧaʿfar ʿAbd Allāh ibn Muḥammad (136-158 AH/754-775), caliph (714-07.10.775) [211]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
al-Maʾmūn al-Qāsim bin Ḥammūd (408-414 AH/1018-1021, 1023), emir of the Hammudids of Malaga, caliph in Córdoba (-1035) [4672]
al-Maʾmūn, Abū l-ʿAbbās ʿAbd Allāh ibn Hārūn ar-Rašīd (198-218 AH/813-833), caliph (um 786-09.08.833) [8805]
Authority, designated successor to the caliph, Overlord (ISL)
al-Mu'tadid bi-'llah Ahmad ibn Talha (279-289 AH/892-902), caliph (-05.04.902) [8820]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
al-Muhallab ibn Abī Ṣufra (um 632-702) [12720]
Authority, Governor (ISL)
al-Muqtafī li-ʾamri ’llāh (530-555 AH/1136-1160), caliph (09.04.1096 - 12.03.1160) [8906]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
al-Mustakfī bi-᾽llāh, Abu ᾽l-Qāsim ʿAbdallāh b. al-Muktafī (333-334 AH/944-946), caliph (-949) [11151]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
al-Mustaʿīn bi-ʾllāh Aḥmad (248-251 AH/ 862-866), caliph (836-17.10.866) [8810]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
al-Mustaʿṣim bi-'llāh (640-656 AH/1242-1258), caliph (1212-20.02.1258) [8899]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
al-Muṭīʿ li-᾽llāh, Abu ᾽l-Qāsim al-Faḍl b. al-Muqtadir (334-363 AH/946-974), caliph (vor 946-974) [8891]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
al-Muttaqī li-᾽llāh, Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhīm b. al-Muqtadir (329-333 AH/940-944), caliph (-968) [8825]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
al-Muʿtaṣim, Abū Isḥāq Muḥammad ibn Hārūn ar-Rašīd (218-227 AH/833-842), caliph (794-05.01.842) [8806]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
al-Qādir bi-᾽llāh, Abu ᾽l-ʿAbbās Aḥmad b. Isḥāq (381-422 AH/991-1031), caliph (941-29.11.1031) [8893]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
al-Qāhir bi-᾽llāh, Abū Manṣūr Muḥammad b. al-Muʿtaḍid (320-322 AH/932-934), caliph (899-18.10.950) [8823]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
al-Qāʾim bi-Amr Allāh, Abū Ǧaʿfar ʿAbdallāh b. al-Qādir (422-467 AH/1031-1075), caliph (1001-02.04.1075) [8894]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
al-Wāṯiq, Abū Ǧaʿfar Hārūn ibn Muḥammad (227-232 AH/842-847), caliph (816-10.08.847) [8807]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Alamgir II (1167-1172 AH/1754-1759), Mughal emperor (16.06.1699 - 29.11.1759) [6938]
Alawich (1000-1001), bishop of Strasbourg [11497]
Authority, Sitter
Albero of Montreuil (1132-1152), archbishop of Trier (um 1080-18.01.1152) [8436]
Authority, Sitter
Albert (1873-1902), king of Saxony (23.04.1828 - 19.06.1902) [12844]
Authority, Sitter
Albert I (1909-1934), king of the Belgians (08.04.1875 - 17.02.1934) [5169]
Authority, Sitter
Albert I of Goer (1255-1258), abbot of Helmstedt [10662]
Authority, Sitter
Albert II (1993-2013), king of the Belgians (06.06.1934-) [246]
Authority, Sitter
Albert II (2005-), prince of Monaco (14.03.1958-) [2904]
Authority, Sitter
Albert of Bavaria (1389-1404), count of Hainaut (25.07.1336 - 16.12.1404) [248]
Albert of Rethel (1191-1194), provost [249]
Albert (1464-1500), duke of Saxony, elector (31.07.1443 - 12.09.1500) [250]
Authority, Sitter
Albert (1513-1545), administrator of Halberstadt, archbishop of Magdeburg and Mainz, cardinal, margrave of Brandenburg from 1499 (28.06.1490 - 24.09.1545) [251]
Authority, Sitter
Albrecht (1641-1644), duke of Saxe-Eisenach (27.07.1599 - 20.12.1644) [11567]
Authority, Sitter
Albrecht (1680-1699), duke of Saxe-Gotha (24.05.1648 - 06.08.1699) [14452]
Authority, Sitter
Albert Achilles (1464-1486), as Albrecht I margrave of Ansbach and Kulmbach, from 1470 as Albrecht III elector of Brandenburg (09.11.1414 - 11.03.1486) [252]
Authority, Sitter
Albert the Bear (1123-1170), from 1134 markgrave of the Nordmark (-18.11.1170) [253]
Authority, Sitter
Albrecht Friedrich (1617-1641), count of Barby and Mühlingen (28.02.1597 - 07.12.1641) [4433]
Authority, Sitter
Albrecht Georg (1552-1587), count of Stolberg (02.03.1516 - 04.07.1587) [9002]
Authority, Sitter
Albrecht Günther (1612-1634), count of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt (08.08.1582 - 20.01.1634) [13115]
Authority, Sitter
Albrecht I (1252-1279), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, from 1269 prince of Brunswick (1236-15.08.1279) [8990]
Authority, Sitter
Albert I of Käfernburg (1205-1232), archbishop of Magdeburg (um 1170-15.10.1232) [254]
Authority, Sitter
Albert II (1205-1220), margrave of Brandenburg (ca. 1177-25.02.1220) [255]
Albrecht II (1258-1304), count of Gorizia (1240-1304) [256]
Albrecht II (1260-1298), duke of Saxony (um 1250-25.08.1298) [8965]
Authority, Sitter
Albrecht II (1279-1318), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, ab 1292 prince of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (-22.09.1318) [8992]
Authority, Sitter
Albert II (1288-1292), landgrave of Thuringia, margrave of Meißen (um 1240-13.11.1314) [9502]
Authority, Sitter
Albrecht II (1330-1358), duke of Austria (12.12.1298 - 20.07.1358) [257]
Albert II (1404-1439), from 1438 king of the Germans and of Bohemia, king of Hungary from 1437, as Albrecht V from (1404) 1411 duke of Austria (16.08.1397 - 27.10.1439) [4761]
Authority, Sitter
Albert II (1634-1667), margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach (18.09.1620 - 22.10.1667) [9806]
Authority, Sitter
Albert II Alcibiades (1527-1554), margrave of Brandenburg-Kulmbach (28.03.1522 - 08.01.1557) [259]
Authority, Sitter
Albert III (1365-1395), duke of Austria [260]
Albrecht III (1440/1464-1485), prince of Brunswick-Grubenhagen (01.11.1419 - 15.08.1485) [10499]
Authority, Sitter
Albrecht III (died 1214), count of Wernigerode (-1214) [8954]
Authority, Sitter
Albert III of Brandenburg (1284-1300), lord of Stargard and Lychen (ca. 1250-1300) [10899]
Authority, Sitter
Albert IV (1395-1404), duke of Austria (1377-1404) [12605]
Authority, Sitter
Albrecht IV (1505-1508), duke of Bavaria, from 1465 duke of Bavaria-Munich (15.12.1547 - 18.03.1508) [5216]
Authority, Sitter
Albrecht V (1424-1475), duke of Anhalt (ca. 1421-1475) [262]
Albrecht V (1550-1579), duke of Bavaria (29.02.1528 - 24.10.1579) [263]
Authority, Sitter
Albert VI (1458-1463), archduke of Austria (18.12.1418 - 02.12.1463) [12606]
Authority, Sitter
Albrecht VII (1480-1560), count of Mansfeld (18.06.1480 - 04.03.1560) [264]
Albrecht VII (1503-1547), duke of Mecklenburg-Güstrow (25.07.1486 - 07.01.1547) [265]
Albert VII of Austria (1599-1621), duke of Burgundy, Spanish governor of the Netherlands (13.11.1559 - 15.07.1621) [247]
Authority, Sitter
Albert of Anhalt (1304-1324), bishop of Halberstadt (-14.09.1324) [10683]
Authority, Sitter
Albert of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1510-1568), 1510-1525 master of the Teutonic order, from 1525 duke of Prussia (17.05.1490 - 20.03.1568) [267]
Authority, Sitter
Albert of Mecklenburg (1364-1412), 1364-1389 king of Sweden, from 1384 duke of Mecklenburg (1338-01.03.1412) [268]
Albert of Austria (1298-1308), king, from 1282 as Albrecht I duke of Austria and Styria (1255-01.05.1308) [266]
Authority, Sitter
Albrecht of Wallenstein (1625-1634), duke of Friedland, from 1629 duke of Mecklenburg (24.09.1583 - 25.02.1634) [269]
Authority, Sitter
Albrecht Wolff, count of Mansfeld-Artern (-1626) [11697]
Alexander (1489-1514), count of Veldenz, duke of Palatinate-Zweibrücken (26.11.1462 - 21.10.1514) [270]
Alexander (1501-1506), king of Poland, from 1492 Grand duke of Lithuania (05.08.1461 - 19.08.1506) [4829]
Authority, Sitter
Alexander (912-913) (870-913) [271]
Authority, Sitter
Alessandro de’ Medici (1532-1537), duke (22.07.1510 - 06.01.1537) [272]
Authority, Sitter
Alessandro Farnese (1586-1592), duke of Parma and Piacenza (27.08.1545 - 03.12.1592) [273]
Authority, Sitter
Alexander I (1801-1825), emperor of Russia (23.12.1777 - 01.12.1825) [2755]
Authority, Sitter
Alexander I (1879-1886), prince of Bulgaria (05.04.1857 - 17.11.1893) [274]
Authority, Sitter
Alexander II (1855-1881), emperor of Russia (29.04.1818 - 13.03.1881) [3041]
Authority, Sitter
Alexander III (1249-1286), king of Scotland (04.09.1241 - 19.03.1286) [4811]
Authority, Sitter
Alexander III (1881-1894), emperor of Russia (10.03.1845 - 01.11.1894) [275]
Authority, Sitter
Alexander Jannaeus (104-76 BC) (um 126-76 v. Chr.) [4544]
Alexander VI (1492-1503), pope (01.01.1431 - 18.08.1503) [277]
Authority, Sitter
Alexander VII (1655-1667), pope (13.02.1599 - 22.05.1667) [278]
Authority, Sitter
Alexander VIII (1689-1691), pope (22.04.1610 - 01.02.1691) [279]
Authority, Sitter
Alexandros I (343/342-331), king of Epirus (-331 v. Chr.) [13109]
Alexandros I (498-454 BC), king of Macedon [280]
Authority, Sitter
Alexandros I Balas (-145 v. Chr.) [281]
Authority, Sitter
Alexandros II (c. 370-368 BC), king of Macedon [11645]
Alexandros II Zabinas (-122 v. Chr.) [4492]
Authority, Sitter
Alexandros III (336-323 BC), king of Macdon (356-323 v. Chr.) [2756]
Authority, Sitter
Alexandros IV (323-310 v. Chr.) [4226]
Alexandrus of Pherae (-358 v. Chr.) [4233]
Authority, Sitter
Alexei Mikhailovich (1645-1676), emperor of Russia (19.03.1629 - 29.01.1676) [283]
Authority, Sitter
Alexius I Comnenus (1081-1118) (1057-15.08.1118) [284]
Authority, Sitter
Alexius I Comnenus (1204-1222), emperor of Trebizond (1182-01.02.1222) [7048]
Authority, Sitter
Alexius II Comnenus (1180-1183) (10.09.1167-1183) [6991]
Authority, Sitter
Alexius II Comnenus (1297-1330), emperor of Trebizond (1282-03.05.1330) [7054]
Authority, Sitter
Alexius III Comnenus (1195-1203) (ca. 1160-1211) [285]
Authority, Sitter
Alexius III Comnenus (1349-1390), emperor of Trebizond (1338-20.03.1390) [7062]
Authority, Sitter
Alexius IV Angelus (1203-1204) (1182-28.01.1204) [6992]
Authority, Sitter
Alexius IV Comnenus (1417-1429), emperor of Trebizond (1382-1429) [7064]
Authority, Sitter
Alexius V Ducas (1204) (um 1160-1204) [6993]
Authority, Sitter
Alfonso II (1211-1223), king of Portugal (23.04.1185 - 25.03.1223) [288]
Alfonso II (1494-1495), king of Naples (04.11.1448 - 18.12.1495) [289]
Authority, Sitter
Alfonso V (1438-1481), king of Portugal (15.01.1432 - 28.08.1481) [291]
Alfonso V of Aragon (1416-1458), king of Aragón and Sardinia, from 1442 king of Naples, as Alfonos I king of Naples and Sicily (1396-27.06.1458) [2480]
Authority, Sitter
Alfonso VIII (1158-1214), king of Castile (11.11.1155 - 05.10.1214) [292]
Authority, Sitter
Alphonse of Poitiers (1241-1271), count of Poitou, from 1249 of Provence (11.11.1220 - 21.08.1271) [9625]
Authority, Sitter
Alfonso X (1252-1284), king of Castile and León (23.11.1221 - 04.02.1284) [293]
Authority, Sitter
Alfred (1893-1900), duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (06.08.1844 - 30.07.1900) [294]
Authority, Sitter
Alfred of Wessex (871-899) (um 848-26.10.899) [295]
Authority, Sitter
Alla Amidas/Armeha [13008]
Authority, Sitter
Allectus (-296 n. Chr.) [296]
Authority, Sitter
Alof de Vignacourt (1601-1622), Grand master of the order of St. John of Jerusalem (1547-14.09.1622) [297]
Authority, Sitter
Alvise Contarini (1676-1684), doge of Venice (24.10.1601 - 14.01.1684) [9748]
Authority, Sitter
Alvise Mocenigo I (1570-1577), doge of Venice (26.10.1507 - 04.06.1577) [9766]
Authority, Sitter
Alvise Mocenigo II (1700-1709), doge of Venice (03.01.1628 - 06.05.1709) [9744]
Authority, Sitter
Alvise Mocenigo III (1722-1732), doge of Venice (29.08.1662 - 21.05.1732) [9742]
Authority, Sitter
Alvise Mocenigo IV (1763-1778), doge of Venice (19.05.1701 - 31.12.1778) [298]
Authority, Sitter
Alvise Pisani (1735-1741), doge of Venice (01.01.1664 - 17.06.1741) [9740]
Authority, Sitter
Alwig X of Sulz (1618-1628), landgrave of Klettgau (13.12.1586 - 09.03.1632) [13495]
Authority, Sitter
Alyattes II (c. 610-560 BC) [299]
Amadokos II [4169]
Amalric I (1163-1174), king of Jerusalem (1136-11.07.1174) [300]
Amalric of Tyre (1284-1310), prince of Tyrus until 1291, from 1306 gubernator (um 1272-05.06.1310) [301]
Amanullah Khan (1919-1929), emir, from 1926 king of Afghanistan (01.06.1892 - 25.04.1960) [10551]
Authority, previous Owner
Amastris (-284 v. Chr.) [11853]
Amdan Bayyin (c. AD 50-150) [10314]
Authority, Sitter
Amyntas (36-25 BC), king of Galatia [11364]
Authority, Sitter
Amyntas II (c. 393 BC), king of Macedon (-um 393 v. Chr.) [11643]
Amyntas III (393-370 BC), king of Macedon [302]
An (AD 106-125), emperor of China (94-125 n. Chr.) [8840]
Anastasius I (491-518) (um 430-518) [303]
Authority, Sitter
Anastasius II Artemius (713-715) (-01.06.719) [6994]
Authority, Sitter
Andragoras (-238 v. Chr.) [4231]
Authority, Sitter
Andrea Contarini (1368-1382), doge of Venice (um 1300-05.06.1382) [9785]
Authority, Sitter
Andrea Dandolo (1343-1354), doge of Venice (30.04.1306 - 07.09.1354) [304]
Authority, Sitter
Andrea Gritti (1523-1538), doge of Venice (17.04.1455 - 28.12.1538) [9648]
Authority, Sitter
Andrea Vendramin (1476-1478), doge of Venice (um 1393-06.05.1478) [9778]
Authority, Sitter
Andrew I (1047-1060), king of Hungary (1015-1060) [4843]
Andrew II (1205-1235), king of Hungary and Croatia (um 1185-21.06.1235) [13276]
Authority, Sitter
Andrew III (1290-1301), king of Hungary and Croatia (um 1265-14.01.1301) [4834]
Authority, Sitter
Andreas Jerin (1585-1596), prince of Neiße, bishop of Breslau (1540-05.11.1596) [305]
Authority, Sitter
Andreas of Gundelfingen (1303-1313), bishop of Würzburg [11102]
Authority, Sitter
Andronicus I (1222-1235), emperor of Trebizond [7049]
Authority, Sitter
Andronicus I Comnenus (1183-1185) (1122-12.09.1185) [306]
Authority, Sitter
Andronicus II (1263-1266), emperor of Trebizond (um 1240-1266) [7051]
Authority, Sitter
Andronicus II Palaeologus (1282-1328) (-1332) [7040]
Authority, Sitter
Andronicus III Comnenus (1330-1332), emperor of Trebizond [7055]
Authority, Sitter
Andronicus III Palaeologus (1328-1341) (25.03.1297 - 15.06.1341) [7042]
Authority, Sitter
Andronicus IV Palaeologus (1376-1379) (11.04.1348 - 28.06.1385) [7046]
Authority, Sitter
Ang Duong (1841-1845/1848-1860), king of Cambodia (12.06.1796 - 19.10.1860) [9541]
Angilberga (855-875), empress (ca. 835-901) [3187]
Olaf Guthfrithsson (939-941), Viking king in Northumbria [307]
Anne (1488-1491/1498-1514), duchess of Brittany, 1491-1498/1499-1514 queen of France (25.01.1477 - 09.01.1514) [308]
Authority, Sitter
Anna (1730-1740), empress of Russia (07.02.1693 - 28.10.1740) [309]
Authority, Sitter
Anne I (1702-1714), queen of Great Britain (16.02.1665 - 12.08.1714) [310]
Authority, Sitter
Anna Amalia (1756-1775), duchess and from 1759 regent of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (24.10.1739 - 10.04.1807) [3001]
Authority, Sitter
Anna Comnena (1341-1342), empress of Trebizond [7059]
Authority, Sitter
Anna Dorothea (1684-1704), abbess of Quedlinburg (12.11.1657 - 24.06.1704) [311]
Authority, Sitter
Anna Salome of Salm-Reifferscheid (1646-1689), abbes of Essen (04.10.1622 - 15.10.1688) [312]
Authority, Sitter
Anna Sophia of Palatinate-Birkenfeld (1645-1680), abbess of Quedlinburg (02.04.1619 - 01.09.1680) [313]
Authority, Sitter
Anno (1056-1075), archbishop of Cologne (um 1010-04.12.1075) [314]
Authority, Sitter
Anselm Francis Count of Ingelheim (1679-1695), archbishop of Mainz (16.09.1634 - 30.03.1695) [315]
Authority, Sitter
Anselm Casimir Wambold of Umstadt (1629-1647), archbishop of Mainz (30.11.1582 - 09.10.1647) [316]
Authority, Sitter
Anselm Sonius (1757-1774), abbot of Werden and Helmstedt (ca. 1708-1774) [12674]
Authority, Sitter
Anshelm (1088-1101), abbot von Lorsch [317]
Anthemius (-472) [318]
Authority, Sitter
Antialkidas of Bactria [319]
Authority, Sitter
Antigonos Doson (263-221 v. Chr.) [4219]
Antigonos Gonatas (um 319-239 v. Chr.) [320]
Authority, Sitter
Antigonos Mattatias (40-37 BC) [4507]
Antimachos I of Bactria [321]
Authority, Sitter
Antimachos II of Bactria [322]
Authority, Sitter
Antiochos Hierax (-227 v. Chr.) [323]
Authority, Sitter
Antiochos I Soter (324-261 v. Chr.) [324]
Authority, Sitter
Antiochos I of Commagene [4221]
Authority, Sitter
Antiochos II Theos (286-246 v. Chr.) [325]
Authority, Sitter
Antiochos III (242-187 v. Chr.) [326]
Authority, Sitter
Antiochos IV (-164 v. Chr.) [327]
Authority, Sitter
Antiochos IV (AD 38-72), king of Commagene [4223]
Authority, Sitter
Antiochos IX Philopator (-96 v. Chr.) [328]
Authority, Sitter
Antiochos V Eupator (-162 v. Chr.) [329]
Authority, Sitter
Antiochos VI Dionysos (ca. 148-142 v. Chr.) [2912]
Authority, Sitter
Antiochos VII Sidetes (-129 v. Chr.) [330]
Authority, Sitter
Antiochos VIII Grypos (-96 v. Chr.) [331]
Authority, Sitter
Antiochos X Eusebes Philopator (-83 v. Chr.) [6853]
Authority, Sitter
Antiochos XI Epiphanes Philadelphos (-92 v. Chr.) [332]
Authority, Sitter
Antiochos XII Epiphanes Philopator Kallinikos (-84 v. Chr.) [6854]
Authority, Sitter
Antiochos XIII Philadelphos (85-64 v. Chr.) [6855]
Authority, Sitter
Antiochos, son of Seleukos IV (-170 v. Chr.) [12593]
Authority, Sitter
Anton (1827-1836), king of Saxony (27.12.1755 - 06.06.1836) [333]
Authority, Sitter
Anton Günther (1603-1667), count of Oldenburg, from 1647 of Delmenhorst (10.11.1583 - 19.06.1667) [334]
Authority, Sitter
Anton Heinrich (1594-1638), count of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen (07.10.1571 - 10.08.1638) [13123]
Authority, Sitter
Antoine II (1508-1544), duke of Lorraine (04.06.1489 - 14.06.1544) [335]
Authority, Sitter
Anton III (1686-1728), count of Montfort-Tettnang (26.11.1670 - 12.12.1733) [12025]
Authority, Sitter
Anton Theodor von Colloredo (1777-1811), archbishop of Olomuc (17.07.1729 - 12.09.1811) [14454]
Authority, Sitter
Anton Ulrich (1704-1714), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (04.10.1633 - 27.03.1714) [5166]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Antoninus Pius (86-161 n. Chr.) [336]
Authority, Sitter
Antonio Grimani (1521-1523), doge of Venice (1434-07.05.1523) [9774]
Authority, Sitter
Antonio Priuli (1618-1623), doge of Venice (10.05.1548 - 12.08.1623) [7446]
Authority, Sitter
Antonio Venier (1382-1400), doge of Venice (-23.11.1400) [4675]
Authority, Sitter
Anund Jacob (1022-1050), king of Sweden [4573]
Authority, Sitter
Aphilas [7730]
Authority, Sitter
Apollodotos I of Bactria [337]
Apollodotos II of Bactria [338]
Authority, Sitter
ar-Rāḍī bi-᾽llāh, Abu ᾽l-ʿAbbās Aḥmad b. al-Muqtadir (322-329 AH/934-940), caliph (909-13.12.940) [8824]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
ar-Rašīd, Abū Ǧaʿfar Hārūn ibn al-Mahdī (170-193 AH/786-809), caliph (um 763-809) [758]
Authority, designated successor to the caliph, Overlord (ISL)
Arbinas/Erbbina (c. 390-380 BC), dynast in Lycia [7638]
Arcadius (um 377-408 n. Chr.) [339]
Authority, Sitter
Archebios of Bactria [340]
Authority, Sitter
Archelaos I (413-399 BC), king of Macedon [7904]
Archelaos Philopator (-17 n. Chr.) [4232]
Authority, Sitter
Archepolis [341]
Ardashir I (224-240) [342]
Authority, Sitter
Ardashir II [11454]
Authority, Sitter
Ardashir III (628-630) (621-630) [12791]
Authority, Sitter
Areos I (309-265 BC), king of Sparta [9814]
Authority, Sitter
Aretas II (103-96 BC), king of the Nabataeans [11890]
Authority, Sitter
Aretas III (87-62 BC), king of the Nabataeans [4979]
Authority, Sitter
Aretas IV (c. 9 BC-AD 40), king of the Nabataeans [8208]
Authority, Sitter
Ariarathes III (-220 v. Chr.) [14331]
Authority, Sitter
Ariarathes IV Eusebes (-163 v. Chr.) [343]
Authority, Sitter
Ariarathes IX Eusebes Philopator [8713]
Authority, Sitter
Ariarathes V Eusebes Philopator [8525]
Authority, Sitter
Ariarathes VI Epiphanes Philopator (-116 v. Chr.) [8710]
Authority, Sitter
Ariarathes VII Philometor (-100 v. Chr.) [8711]
Authority, Sitter
Ariarathes VIII Eusebes Epiphanes [8712]
Authority, Sitter
Ariarathes X Eusebes Philadelphos [9586]
Authority, Sitter
Aribert II (702-713), king of the Lombards [344]
Authority, Sitter
Arichis II (758-787), duke of Benevento (um 734-26.08.787) [345]
Authority, Sitter
Ariobarzanes I Philorhomaios [8336]
Authority, Sitter
Ariobarzanes II Philpator (ermordet 51 v. Chr.) [11530]
Authority, Sitter
Ariobarzanes III Eusebes Philorhomaios (-42 v. Chr.) [11529]
Authority, Sitter
Aristoboulos I (104-103 BC) [11289]
Aristoboulos II (67-64 BC) (um 100-49 v. Chr.) [11287]
Aristonikos (Eumenes III) (-129 v. Chr.) [11811]
Arnold I (1044-1065), bishop of Worms [3865]
Authority, Sitter
Arnold I (1137-1151), archbishop of Cologne (um 1100-03.04.1151) [7602]
Authority, Sitter
Arnold III (1364-1384), lord of Randerath [10104]
Authority, Sitter
Arnold of Berg-Altena (1173-1190), bishop of Osnabrück [9018]
Authority, Sitter
Arnold of Egmond (1423-1465, 1471-1473), duke of Guelders (14.07.1410 - 23.02.1473) [4858]
Authority, Sitter
Arnold of Selenhofen (1153-1160), archbishop of Mainz [12192]
Authority, Sitter
Arnulf (907-937), duke of Bavaria [346]
Arnulf (996-1023), bishop of Halberstadt [347]
Authority, Sitter
Arnulf of Carinthia (887-899) (um 850-08.12.899) [348]
Authority, Sitter
Arsakes I (c. 247-211 BC) (- 211 v. Chr.) [8958]
Authority, Sitter
Arsakes II (c. 211-185 BC) [8959]
Authority, Sitter
Arsakes XVI (77-66 BC) [8961]
Authority, Sitter
Artabanos I (127-123 BC) [4287]
Authority, Sitter
Artabanos II (AD 10-38) [4288]
Authority, Sitter
Artabanos III (AD 80-81) [4289]
Authority, Sitter
Artabanos IV (AD 216-224) [4290]
Authority, Sitter
Artabasdos (741-743) [7000]
Authority, Sitter
Artaxerxes I (465-424 BC) [11455]
Authority, Sitter
Artaxerxes II (404-359/358 BC) (ca. 453-359/358 v. Chr.) [10220]
Authority, Sitter
Artaxerxes III (358-338 BC) [11456]
Authority, Sitter
Artaxias III of Armenia (-35 n. Chr.) [349]
Authority, Sitter
Artumpari, dynast in Lycia [350]
Aruwatijesi, dynast in Lycia [7643]
as-Saffāḥ, Abū l-ʿAbbās ʿAbd Allāh ibn Muḥammad (132-136 AH/749-754), caliph (722-10.06.754) [8801]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Asandros [4183]
Archon, Authority, Sitter
Asandros [11854]
Aspavarma [14072]
Authority, Sitter
Aspourgos (-39 n. Chr.) [9519]
Authority, Sitter
aṭ-Ṭāʾiʿ li-᾽llāh, Abu ᾽l-Faḍl ʿAbd al-Karīm b. al-Muṭīʿ (363-381 AH/974-991), caliph (-1003) [8756]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Athalaric (526-534) (um 516/518 - 02.10.534) [351]
Authority, Sitter
Atta [352]
Attalos I (269-197 v. Chr.) [353]
Attalos II Philadelphos (220-138 v. Chr.) [6961]
Attalos III Philometor Euergetes (171-133 v. Chr.) [6962]
Attambelos I (c. 47-24 BC) [14574]
Authority, Sitter
Attambelos III (c. AD 37/38-44/45) [14073]
Authority, Sitter
Attambelos IV (AD 54/55-64/65) [6474]
Authority, Sitter
Audoleon (c. 315-285 BC), king of Paeonia [354]
August (1553-1586), elector of Saxony (31.07.1526 - 11.02.1586) [355]
Authority, Sitter
August (1611-1653), prince of Anhalt-Plötzkau (14.07.1575 - 22.08.1653) [4227]
Authority, Sitter
August (1619-1656), duke of Saxe-Lauenburg (17.02.1577 - 18.01.1656) [12626]
Authority, Sitter
August Friedrich of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf (1666-1705), bishop of Lübeck (06.05.1646 - 02.10.1705) [14285]
Authority, Sitter
August I (1610-1636), Administrator of Ratzeburg, from 1633 also prince of Lüneburg (19.11.1568 - 01.10.1636) [12957]
Authority, Sitter
August II (1635-1666), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (10.04.1579 - 17.09.1666) [8761]
Authority, Sitter
Augustus II (Frederick Augustus I the Strong, elector of Saxony (1694-1732)), from 1697 king of Polandn Polen (12.05.1670 - 01.02.1733) [356]
Authority, Sitter
Augustus III (1733-1763), king of Poland, as Friederick Augustus II elector of Saxony (17.10.1696 - 05.10.1763) [357]
Authority, Sitter
August Ludwig (1728-1755), prince of Anhalt-Köthen (09.06.1697 - 06.08.1755) [358]
Authority, Sitter
August of Limburg-Stirum (1770-1797), bishop of Speyer (16.03.1721 - 26.02.1797) [14182]
Authority, Sitter
August Wilhelm (1714-1731), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (08.03.1632 - 23.03.1731) [8760]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Aulus Vitellius (12/15-69 n. Chr.) [1490]
Authority, Sitter
Aurelianus (ca. 214-275 n. Chr.) [359]
Authority, Sitter
Aurelius Iulianus (-285 n. Chr.) [360]
Authority, Sitter
Aureolus (-268 n. Chr.) [8742]
Authority, Sitter
Autophradates (c. 390-330 BC), satrap in Lydia [12036]
Authority, Sitter
Autophradates/Vadfradad II (c. 140 BC), subparthian king in Persis [7250]
Authority, Sitter
Avitus (um 385-457 n. Chr.) [361]
Authority, Sitter
Avitus II (676-691), bishop of Clermont-Ferrand [6862]
Azbaal (c. 450-425 BC), king of Citium and Idalium [11457]
Authority, Sitter
Azelin (1044-1054), bishop of Hildesheim (-08.03.1054) [10617]
Authority, Sitter
Azes I [11361]
Authority, Sitter
Azes II [11362]
Authority, Sitter
Azilises I of Bactria [362]
Authority, Sitter
Azim-ush-Shan (1124 AH/1712), Mughal emperor (15.12.1664 - 15.12.1712) [6876]
Baduila/Totila (541-552) [364]
Authority, Sitter
Bahāʾ ad-Daula Abū Naṣr Ḫusra-Fīrūz b. ʿAḍud ad-Daula Fanā-Ḫusra (379-403 AH/989-1012), Būyid ruler (971-22.12.1012) [10870]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Baiju [12951]
Balakros (post 333 BC), satrap in Cilicia [11458]
Balbinus (-238 n. Chr.) [365]
Authority, Sitter
Balduin I (1098-1118), count of Edessa until 1100, from 1100 king of Jerusalem (-02.04.1118) [11756]
Authority, Sitter
Balduin II (1100-1131), count of Edessa until 1118, from 1118 king of Jerusalen (-21.08.1131) [366]
Authority, Sitter
Balduin III (1143-1163), king of Jerusalem (-1162) [367]
Balduin VII (1111-1119), count of Flanders (1093-17.07.1119) [14019]
Authority, Sitter
Balduin of Luxembourg (1307-1354), archbishop of Trier (um 1285-21.01.1354) [7842]
Authority, Sitter
Ballaios [368]
Authority, Sitter
Balthasar (1381-1406), landgrave of Thuringia (21.12.1336 - 18.05.1406) [369]
Balthasar (1477-1507), duke of Mecklenburg (1451-16.03.1507) [3373]
Authority, Sitter
Balthasar II (-1521), count of Schwarzburg (1453-18.06.1525) [12215]
Authority, Sitter
Balthasar of Promnitz (1539-1562), prince of Neisse, bishop of Breslau (1488-20.01.1562) [370]
Authority, Sitter
Barber, James [11046]
Barnim I (1226-1278), duke of Pomerania (um 1210-13.11.1278) [10224]
Authority, Sitter
Barnim IX (1523/1531-1569), until 1531 duke of Pomerania, then of Pomerania-Stettin (01.12.1501 - 02.11.1573) [7748]
Barnim VII (1425-1451), duke of Pomerania-Wolgast (um 1405-1451) [13661]
Authority, Sitter
Bartolomeo Gradenigo (1339-1342), doge of Venice (-28.12.1342) [9791]
Authority, Sitter
Basiliscus (-476 n. Chr.) [371]
Authority, Sitter
Basilius Comnenus (1332-1340), emperor of Trebizond [7057]
Authority, Sitter
Basilius I (867-886) (um 812-886) [372]
Authority, Sitter
Basilius II Bulgaroctonus (976-1025) (958-15.12.1025) [373]
Authority, Sitter
Bastin, William (-um 30.11.1818) [11017]
Bayezid II (886-918 AH/1481-1512), Sultan (03.12.1447 - 26.05.1512) [13780]
Authority, Sitter
Ba`lshallim I [374]
Beatrix (1156-1184), empress (um 1140-15.11.1184) [375]
Authority, Sitter
Beatrix (1980-2013), queen of the Netherlands (31.01.1938-) [376]
Authority, Sitter
Beatrix II (1138-1160), abbess of Heerse, from 1138 of Quedlinburg (-02.04.1160) [377]
Authority, Sitter
Béla I (1060-1063), king of Hungary (um 1015-1063) [13286]
Authority, Sitter
Béla II (1131-1141), kung of Hungary, as Béla I king of Croatia (um 1110-13.02.1141) [4841]
Béla III (1172-1196), king of Hungary, as Béla II king of Croatia (um 1148-24.04.1196) [4842]
Béla IV (1235-1270), king of Hungary, as Béla III king of Croatia (1206-03.05.1270) [4832]
Authority, Sitter
Benedict of Geismar (1728-1757), abbot of Werden and Helmstedt (20.12.1680 - 29.08.1757) [12673]
Authority, Sitter
Benedict XIII (1724-1730), pope (02.02.1649 - 21.02.1730) [11277]
Authority, Sitter
Benedict XIV (1740-1758), pope (31.03.1675 - 03.05.1758) [10760]
Authority, Sitter
Benedict XV (1914-1922), pope (21.11.1854 - 22.01.1922) [4891]
Authority, Sitter
Benedict XVI (2005-2013), pope (16.04.1927 - 31.12.2022) [2379]
Authority, Sitter
Berengar I (888-889, 896-901, 905-924), king of Italy, from 915 emperor (um 840-07.04.924) [4569]
Bergaios [4215]
Bernabo Visconti (1354-1385), lord of Milan (um 1323-19.12.1385) [378]
Bernhard (1170-1212), count, from 1180 duke of Saxony (1140-09.02.1212) [379]
Authority, Sitter
Bernhard (1202-1256), duke of Carinthia (-04.01.1256) [380]
Bernhard I (1381-1434), duke of Brunswick (1358-11.06.1434) [381]
Bernhard I (1680-1706), duke of Saxe-Meiningen (10.09.1649 - 27.04.1706) [382]
Bernhard I (973-1011), duke of Saxony (um 950-09.02.1011) [383]
Authority, Sitter
Bernhard II (1011-1059), duke of Saxony (nach 990-29.06.1059) [10155]
Authority, Sitter
Bernhard II (1301-1326), duke of Schweidnitz-Jauer (um 1288-06.05.1326) [8944]
Authority, Sitter
Bernhard II (1803-1866), duke of Saxe-Meiningen (17.12.1800 - 03.12.1882) [14229]
Authority, Sitter
Bernhard II (c. 1190-1198), count of Ratzeburg [10209]
Authority, Sitter
Bernhard I of Ibbenbüren (1188-1203), bishop of Paderborn (-23.05.1203) [9012]
Authority, Sitter
Bernhard III (1229-1265), lord of Lippe (um 1194-1265) [384]
Bernhard III of Clees (1514-1539), bishop of Trent (11.03.1485 - 30.07.1539) [385]
Authority, Sitter
Bernhard III of Oesede (1204-1223), bishop of Paderborn (-28.03.1223) [10129]
Authority, Sitter
Bernhard IV zur Lippe (1228-1247), bishop of Paderborn (-14.04.1247) [10130]
Authority, Sitter
Bernhard V zur Lippe (1321-1341), bishop of Paderborn (1277-1341) [10154]
Authority, Sitter
Bernhard VII (1429-1511), lord of Lippe (04.12.1428 - 02.04.1511) [9569]
Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar (1633-1639), duke of Franconia (16.08.1604 - 18.07.1639) [11569]
Authority, Sitter
Berno (1190-1194), bishop of Hildesheim (-28.10.1194) [10620]
Authority, Sitter
Bernold (1027-1054), bishop of Utrecht (-19.07.1054) [386]
Bernward (1130-1153), bishop of Hildesheim (-20.07.1153) [15069]
Authority, Sitter
Bernward (993-1022), bishop of Hildesheim (-20.11.1022) [387]
Authority, Sitter
Berta (c. 1160-1180), abbess of Nordhausen [8862]
Authority, Sitter
Berthold (1218-1251), count of Andechs-Meran, bishop of Kalocsa, patriarch of Aquileia (um 1180-23.05.1251) [390]
Authority, Sitter
Berthold (996-1018), bishop of Toul [8261]
Authority, Sitter
Berthold I (1154-1161), bishop of Naumburg (-06.05.1161) [391]
Authority, Sitter
Berthold I of Henneberg (1267-1274), bishop of Würzburg (-29.09.1312) [11104]
Authority, Sitter
Berthold II (1186-1206), bishop of Naumburg (-01.09.1219) [7929]
Authority, Sitter
Berthold II of Sternberg (1271/1275-1287), bishop of Würzburg (-13.11.1287) [10903]
Authority, Sitter
Berthold IV (c. 1172-1204), count of Andechs, duke of Merania (-12.08.1204) [12235]
Authority, Sitter
Berthold of Henneberg (1485-1504), archbishop of Mainz (-21.12.1504) [389]
Authority, Sitter
Bertram (1178-1212), 1178-1179 bishop of Bremen and Hamburg, from 1180 of Metz (-06.04.1212) [10052]
Authority, Sitter
Bertuccio Valier (1656-1658), doge of Venice (01.07.1596 - 29.03.1658) [9752]
Authority, Sitter
Best, William B. [11025]
Biagota [11546]
Authority, Sitter
Biatec [393]
Birkinshaw, Thomas [11257]
Bohemond II of Warsberg (1354-1362), archbishop of Trier (1290-10.02.1367) [395]
Authority, Sitter
Bohemond III (1163-1201), prince of Antioch (1144-1201) [394]
Authority, Sitter
Bohemond IV (1201-12016, from 1219), prince of Antioch, as Bohemond I from 1189 count of Tripoli (-1233) [12047]
Authority, Sitter
Bohemond V (1233-1251), prince of Antioch, as Bohemond II count of Tripoli (1200-1252) [12184]
Authority, Sitter
Bohemond VI (1251-1275), prince of Antioch, as Bohemond III count of Tripoli [396]
Bohemond VII (1275-1287), prince of Antioch (1261-19.10.1287) [397]
Bogislaw II (1187-1220), duke of Pomerania (um 1177-23.01.1220) [10222]
Authority, Sitter
Bogislaw IX (1418-1446), duke of Pomerania-Wolgast-Stolp (um 1407/1410-07.12.1446) [8136]
Bogislaw X (1474-1523), duke of Pomerania (1454-05.10.1523) [398]
Bogislaw XIII (1603-1606), duke of Pomerania (09.08.1544 - 07.03.1606) [399]
Authority, Sitter
Bogislaw XIV (1620-1637), from 1625 duke of Pomerania, from 1617 duke of Pomerania-Stettin (31.03.1580 - 10.03.1637) [7416]
Authority, Sitter
Boleslaw I (935-967), prince of Bohemia (um 915-967 (972)) [11542]
Authority, Sitter
Boleslaw II (967-999), duke of Bohemia [400]
Boleslaw III (1296-1352), duke of Wrocław until 1311, of Liegnitz and Brzeg until 1342, then of Brzeg (23.09.1291 - 21.04.1352) [12948]
Bolesław Chrobry (992-1025), duke of Poland, 1025 king, 1003-1004 as B. IV duke of Bohemia (965/967-17.06.1025) [6489]
Authority, Sitter
Bolesław II the Bold (1058-1080), duke of Poland, from 1076 king of Poland (1042-22.03.1081) [4581]
Authority, Sitter
Bolesław III Wrymouth (1102-1138), from 1107 sole duke of Poland (20.08.1085 - 28.10.1138) [401]
Authority, Sitter
Bolesław IV the Curly (1138-1173), from 1146 duke of Poland (um 1120-05.01.1173) [8786]
Authority, Sitter
Bolesław V (1243-1279), king of Poland (21.06.1226 - 07.12.1279) [4825]
Authority, Sitter
Bolko II (1326-1368), duke of Schweidnitz-Jauer (1308-28.07.1368) [4754]
Authority, Sitter
Bona of Savoy (1476-1481) (10.08.1449 - 23.11.1503) [2999]
Authority, Sitter
Bonaparte, Elisa (03.01.1777 - 17.08.1820) [558]
Boniface IX (1389-1404), pope (1350-01.10.1404) [2535]
Authority, Sitter
Borso d'Este (1450-1471), margrave of Ferrara, duke of Modena (24.08.1413 - 20.08.1471) [4101]
Authority, Sitter
Boso of Vienne (879-887) (-11.01.887) [402]
Bowhay, John [11023]
Boxer, John [11258]
Bretislaw I (1034-1055), duke of Bohemia and Moravia [403]
Bretislaw II (1092-1100), duke of Bohemia (-22.12.1100) [404]
Authority, Sitter
Brun III (1050-1057), count of Frisia (-26.06.1057) [10067]
Authority, Sitter
Bruno (1006-1029), bishop of Augsburg [10901]
Authority, Sitter
Bruno (1034-1045), bishop of Würzburg (um 1005-27.05.1045) [10107]
Authority, Sitter
Bruno (1153-1161), bishop of Hildesheim (-18.10.1161) [10618]
Authority, Sitter
Bruno (953-965), archbishop of Cologne [405]
Authority, Sitter
Bruno II of Berg (1131-1137), archbishop of Cologne (um 1100-29.05.1137) [8934]
Authority, Sitter
Bruno II, count of Mansfeld, lord of Bornstedt (17.11.1545 - 14.04.1615) [7450]
Authority, Sitter
Bruno III (1615-1644), count of Mansfeld-Bornstedt (13.09.1576 - 06.09.1644) [11691]
Bruno of Bretten and Laufen (1102-1124), archbishop of Trier (-25.04.1124) [406]
Authority, Sitter
Bruno of Isenberg (1250-1258), bishop of Osnabrück (- 20.12.1258) [10126]
Authority, Sitter
Bryan, Edward [11041]
Buran (629-631) [407]
Authority, Sitter
Burchard (1168-1176), abbot of Fulda [408]
Authority, Sitter
Burchard I (1036-1059), bishop of Halberstadt (18.10.1000 - 18.10.1059) [10671]
Authority, Sitter
Burchard I (1200-1229), count of Mansfeld (-13.12.1229) [8784]
Burchard II (1142-1174), count of Falkenstein [409]
Burchard II (c. 1194-1226), count of Scharzfeld and Lauterberg (-1126) [10612]
Authority, Sitter
Burchard III (954-973), duke of Swabia [410]
Burkhard I of Woldenberg (1232-1235), archbishop of Magdeburg (-08.02.1235) [411]
Authority, Sitter
Busu [10627]
Butt, Edward [11336]
Butt, Fra(ncis) [11337]
Buyantu Khan (1311-1320), Great Khan of the Mongols, as Renzong emperor of China (1285-01.03.1320) [8920]
Caecilia (um 1140-1160), abbess of Nordhausen [423]
Caesare d'Este (1597-1628), duke of Modena and Reggio (08.10.1552 - 11.12.1628) [7944]
Authority, Sitter
Caligula (Gaius Caesar Germanicus) (12-41 n. Chr.) [414]
Authority, Sitter
Callixtus III (1455-1458), pope (31.12.1378 - 06.08.1458) [9980]
Authority, Sitter
Calvert, 2nd Baron Baltimore Cecil (1605-30.11.1675) [8559]
Authority, Sitter
Caracalla (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus) (04.04.188 - 08.04.217 n. Chr.) [415]
Archiereus, Authority, Magistrate (Ant), Sitter
Carausius (-293 n. Chr.) [416]
Authority, Sitter
Carinus (um 250-285 n. Chr.) [417]
Authority, Sitter
Carl Alexander (1853-1901), Grand duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (24.06.1818 - 05.01.1901) [12854]
Authority, Sitter
Carl Wilhelm Friedrich (1723-1757), margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach (12.05.1712 - 03.08.1757) [420]
Authority, Sitter
Carl XVI Gustav (1973-), king of Sweden (30.04.1946-) [9004]
Authority, Sitter
Carlo Borromeo (1560-1584), archbishop of Milan (02.10.1538 - 03.11.1584) [2020]
Authority, Sitter
Carlo Contarini (1655-1656), doge of Venice (05.07.1580 - 01.05.1656) [9754]
Authority, Sitter
Carlo Malatesta (1385-1429), lord of Rimini, from 1417 of Cesena (1368-13.09.1429) [5413]
Carlo Ruzzini (1732-1735), doge of Venice (11.11.1653 - 05.01.1735) [9741]
Authority, Sitter
Cartwright, John [11201]
Cartwright, Thomas [11295]
Carus (um 223-283 n. Chr.) [421]
Authority, Sitter
Cattle, Robert [11045]
Ceolnoth (833-870), archbishop of Canterbury [424]
Charge, Benjamin [11043]
Charibert II (629-631) (-08.04.632) [425]
Authority, Sitter
Charles III (2022-), king of the United Kingdom (14.11.1948-) [2769]
Authority, Sitter
Charles Johnson Brooke (1868-1917), Rajah of Sarawak (Borneo) (03.01.1829 - 07.05.1917) [12398]
Authority, Sitter
Charles-Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (1848-1870), 1848-1852 president of France, 1852-1870 as Napoleon III emperor of the French (20.04.1808 - 09.01.1873) [426]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Charlotte (1919-1964), Grand duchess of Luxembourg (23.01.1896 - 09.07.1985) [427]
Authority, Sitter
Chen Youliang (1360-1363), emperor of China (1320-1363) [14613]
Chenghua (1464-1487), emperor of China (09.12.1447 - 09.09.1487) [8885]
Childebert adoptivus (656-662) [3239]
Authority, Sitter
Childebert I (511-558) [428]
Authority, Sitter
Childebert III (694-711) [429]
Authority, Sitter
Childeric II (662-675) [430]
Authority, Sitter
Chindaswinth (642-653) [431]
Authority, Sitter
Ching, Thomas [11247]
Chintila (636-639) [432]
Authority, Sitter
Clovis II (639-657) [433]
Authority, Sitter
Chlothar I (511-561) [434]
Authority, Sitter
Chlothar II (584-629) [435]
Authority, Sitter
Chong (AD 144-145), emperor of China (143-145 n. Chr.) [8843]
Chongzhen (1627-1644), emperor of China (06.02.1611 - 25.04.1644) [7657]
Christian (1165-1183), archbishop of Mainz (um 1130-1183) [436]
Authority, Sitter
Christian (1588-1637), count of Waldeck-Wildungen (1585-1637) [437]
Christian (1603-1655), margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth (30.01.1581 - 30.05.1655) [3216]
Authority, Sitter
Christian (1611-1633), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, 1599-1625 administrator of the Bishopric Minden (09.11.1566 - 08.11.1633) [438]
Authority, Sitter
Christian (1639-1672), duke of Brieg, from 1653 of Wohlau and Ohlau, from 1664 of Liegnitz (1618-28.02.1672) [4457]
Authority, Sitter
Christian (1663-1698), duke of Schleswig-Holstein (1627-1698) [439]
Christian (1712-1736), duke of Saxe-Weissenfels (05.03.1682 - 28.06.1736) [14191]
Authority, Sitter
Christian August (1738-1784), count of Solms-Laubach (1714-1784) [440]
Authority, Sitter
Christian Ernst (1655-1712), margrave of Ansbach-Bayreuth (27.07.1644 - 10.05.1712) [441]
Authority, Sitter
Christian Ernst (1729-1745), duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (18.08.1683 - 04.09.1745) [14270]
Authority, Sitter
Christian Friedrich (1632-1666), count of Mansfeld (1615-1666) [442]
Authority, Sitter
Christian Friedrich Karl Alexander (1757-1791), margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach (24.02.1736 - 05.01.1806) [443]
Authority, Sitter
Christian Günther I (1599-1642), count of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen (11.05.1578 - 25.11.1642) [13125]
Authority, Sitter
Christian I (1448-1481), king of Denmark (1426-21.05.1481) [444]
Authority, Sitter
Christian I (1586-1591), elector of Saxony (29.10.1560 - 25.09.1591) [445]
Authority, Sitter
Christian I (1606-1630), prince of Anhalt-Bernburg (11.05.1568 - 17.04.1630) [4230]
Authority, Sitter
Christian II (1513-1523), king of Denmark, Sweden and Norway (01.07.1481 - 25.01.1559) [446]
Authority, Sitter
Christian II (1591-1611), elector of Sachsen (23.09.1583 - 23.06.1611) [447]
Authority, Sitter
Christian III (1534-1559), king of Denmark and Norway (12.08.1503 - 01.01.1559) [8637]
Authority, Sitter
Christian IV (1588-1648), king of Denmark and Norway, duke of Holstein and Schleswig (12.04.1577 - 28.02.1648) [448]
Authority, Sitter
Christian IX (1863-1906), king of Denmark (08.04.1818 - 29.01.1906) [14453]
Authority, Sitter
Christian Ludwig (1641-1665), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (25.02.1622 - 15.03.1665) [449]
Authority, Sitter
Christian Ludwig (1762-1791), count of Wied-Runkel (1732-1791) [450]
Authority, Sitter
Christian Ludwig I (1658-1692), duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (01.12.1623 - 21.06.1693) [14184]
Authority, Sitter
Christian Ludwig II (1728-1756), duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (15.11.1683 - 30.05.1756) [14185]
Authority, Sitter
Christian Ulrich I (1669-1704), duke of Württemberg-Bernstadt, from 1697 duke of Württemberg-Oels (09.04.1652 - 05.04.1704) [2887]
Authority, Sitter
Christian VI (1730-1746), king of Denmark and Norway (10.12.1699 - 06.08.1746) [13966]
Authority, Sitter
Christian VII (1766-1808), king of Denmark and Norway (29.01.1749 - 13.03.1808) [13965]
Authority, Sitter
Christian VIII (1839-1848), king of Denmark, 1814 king of Norway (18.09.1786 - 20.01.1848) [451]
Authority, Sitter
Christian of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1626), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, 1616-1624 administrator of the bishopric Halberstadt (20.09.1599 - 16.06.1626) [452]
Authority, Sitter
Christian Wilhelm (1608-1631), margrave of Brandenburg, archbishop from 1598, from 1614 administrator of the archbishoric Magdeburg, 1624 administrator of the Halberstadt bishopric (28.08.1587 - 01.01.1665) [453]
Authority, Sitter
Christian X (1912-1947), king of Denmark (26.09.1870 - 20.04.1947) [14607]
Authority, Sitter
Christiane Charlotte of Württemberg-Winnental (1709-1729), princess and from 1723 regent of Ansbach (28.08.1694 - 25.12.1729) [3034]
Authority, Sitter
Christina (1632-1654), queen of Sweden, 1648-1654 duchess of Bremen and Verden (17.12.1626 - 19.04.1689) [454]
Authority, previous Owner, Sitter
Christine Charlotte of Württemberg (1662-1690), princess of East Frisia, from 1665 regentin (21.10.1645 - 16.05.1699) [455]
Authority, Sitter
Christoph II (1618-1638), count of Stolberg (1567-1638) [14214]
Authority, Sitter
Christoph (1550-1568), duke of Württemberg (12.05.1515 - 28.12.1568) [14526]
Christoph (1574-1581), count of Stolberg (10.01.1524 - 08.08.1581) [9003]
Authority, Sitter
Christopher Báthory (1576-1581), prince of Transylvania (1530-27.05.1581) [456]
Authority, Sitter
Christoph Francis of Buseck (1795-1802), bishop of Bamberg (28.12.1724 - 28.09.1805) [457]
Authority, Sitter
Christoph I (1475-1515), margrave of Baden (13.11.1453 - 19.03.1527) [4857]
Authority, Sitter
Christoph Ludwig (1669-1704), count of Stolberg-Wernigerode (18.06.1634 - 07.4.1704) [459]
Authority, Sitter
Christoph Ludwig II (1739-1761), count of Stolberg-Stolberg (14.03.1703 - 20.08.1761) [460]
Authority, Sitter
Christopher of Bavaria (1440-1448), king of Denmark, Sweden and Norway (26.02.1418 - 05.01.1448) [461]
Christoph of Bellinghausen (1678-1696), abbot of Corvey (1640-1696) [462]
Christoph of Brunswick (1511-1558), 1511-1514 administrator, then archbishop of Bremen (1487-22.01.1558) [463]
Authority, Sitter
Christopherus Lecapenus (-931) [2993]
Authority, Sitter
Claudius (10 v.-54 n. Chr.) [464]
Authority, Sitter
Claudius Gothicus (um 214-270 n. Chr.) [465]
Authority, Sitter
Clemens August, duke of Bavaia (16.08.1700 - 06.02.1761) [466]
Authority, Sitter
Clement IX (1667-1669), pope (28.01.1600 - 09.12.1669) [467]
Authority, Sitter
Clement VI (1342-1352), pope (um 1290-06.12.1352) [468]
Authority, Sitter
Clement VII (1378-1394), (anti-)pope (1342-1394) [469]
Clement VII (1523-1534), pope (1478-1534) [470]
Authority, Sitter
Clement VIII (1592-1605), pope (1536-1605) [471]
Authority, Sitter
Clement X (1670-1676), pope (13.07.1590 - 22.07.1676) [472]
Authority, Sitter
Clement XI (1700-1721), pope (1649-1721) [473]
Authority, Sitter
Clement XII (1730-1740), pope (07.04.1652 - 06.02.1740) [7098]
Authority, Governor of the Castel Sant'Angelo, Sitter
Clement XIII (1758-1769), pope (07.03.1693 - 02.02.1769) [11278]
Authority, Sitter
Clement XIV (1769-1774), pope (31.10.1705 - 22.09.1774) [10759]
Authority, Sitter
Clementia of Burgundy (1093-1119), countess of Flanders (ca. 1078-1133) [14020]
Clodius Albinus (um 147-19.02.197 n. Chr.) [474]
Authority, Sitter
Coenwulf (796-821), king of Mercia [478]
Authority, Sitter
Commodus (31.08.161 - 31.12.192 n. Chr.) [479]
Authority, Sitter
Comper, Henry [11044]
Conrad Probus (1279-1296), bishop of Toul (-1303) [10053]
Authority, Sitter
Constans (320-350 n. Chr.) [480]
Authority, Sitter
Constans (II) [6908]
Authority, Sitter
Constans II (641-668) (07.11.630 - 15.09.668) [481]
Authority, Sitter
Constantinus I (um 270/288-22.05.337 n. Chr.) [482]
Authority, Sitter
Constantinus II (317-340 n. Chr.) [483]
Authority, Sitter
Constantinus III (-411 n. Chr.) [484]
Authority, Sitter
Constantinus III (Heraclius Constantinus) (641) (03.05.612-641) [2964]
Authority, Sitter
Constantinus IV (668-685) (um 650--685) [485]
Authority, Sitter
Constantinus IX (1042-1055) (um 1100-11.01.1055) [486]
Authority, Sitter
Constantinus V (741-775) (718-14.09.775) [487]
Authority, Sitter
Constantinus VI (780-797) (um 771-797) [488]
Authority, Sitter
Constantinus VII Porphyrogenitus (913-959) (905-09.11.959) [489]
Authority, Sitter
Constantinus VIII (1025-1028) (um 960-11.11.1028) [490]
Authority, Sitter
Constantinus X Ducas (1059-1067) (1006-1067) [491]
Authority, Sitter
Constantinus XI Palaeologus (1448-1453) (1404-29.05.1453) [7047]
Authority, Sitter
Constantius I (ca. 250-25.07.306 n. Chr.) [492]
Authority, Sitter
Constantius II (07.08.317 - 03.11.361 n. Chr.) [493]
Authority, Sitter
Constantius III (-02.11.421) [6901]
Authority, Sitter
Constance of Aragón (1199-1222), until 1204 queen of Hungary, from 1212 queen of the Germans (-23.06.1222) [3619]
Authority, Sitter
Cook, Isaac [11217]
Copo [494]
Cosimo I Medici (1537-1574), duke, from 1569 Grand duke of Tuscany (12.06.1519 - 21.04.1574) [495]
Authority, Sitter
Cosimo II Medici (1609-1620), Grand duke of Tuscany (12.05.1590 - 28.02.1621) [496]
Authority, Sitter
Cosimo III Medici (1670-1723), Grand duke of Tuscany (14.08.1642 - 31.10.1723) [497]
Authority, Sitter
Costanzo Sforza (1473-1483), lord of Pesaro (05.04.1447 - 19.07.1483) [7397]
Authority, Sitter
Cristoforo Moro (1462-1471), doge of Venice (1390-10.11.1471) [9780]
Authority, Sitter
Cromwell, Oliver (25.04.1599 - 03.09.1658) [1234]
Authority, Sitter
Culverhouse, Charles [11265]
Cunincpert (680-701) [498]
Authority, Sitter
Cunobeline (-um 40 n. Chr.) [499]
Dagobert I (613/631-639) [501]
Authority, Sitter
Daizong (762-779), emperor of China (09.01.727 - 10.06.779) [8857]
Dally, Thomas [11227]
Damian Hartard von der Leyen (1675-1678), archbishop and elector of Mainz (12.03.1624 - 06.12.1678) [502]
Daoguang (1820-1850), emperor of China (16.09.1782 - 25.02.1850) [7658]
Darius I (522-486 BC) (549-486 v. Chr.) [11749]
Authority, Sitter
Darius I (c. 85-65 BC) [10317]
Authority, Sitter
Darius II (423-404 BC) [10219]
Authority, Sitter
Datamas [503]
David (1592-1628), count of Mansfeld-Schraplau (12.07.1573 - 26.03.1628) [11698]
David Comnenus (1458-1461), emperor of Trebizond (-1463) [7066]
Authority, Sitter
David II (1329-1371), king of Scotland (05.03.1324 - 22.02.1371) [4813]
Authority, Sitter
David IV (1089-1125), king of Georgia [504]
David of Burgundy (1455-1496), bishop of Utrecht [505]
Ddenevele, dynast in Lycia [506]
Authority, Sitter
Deiotaros (64-40 BC), king of Galatia [14378]
Authority, Sitter
Demetrios I Soter (-150 v. Chr.) [508]
Authority, Sitter
Demetrios I of Bactria [507]
Authority, Sitter
Demetrios II Theos Nikator Philadelphos (um 160-125 v. Chr.) [509]
Authority, Sitter
Demetrios III Theos Philopator Soter (-88 v. Chr.) [6858]
Authority, Sitter
Demetrius Poliorcetes (ca. 336-283 v. Chr.) [4218]
Authority, Sitter
Demetrius Angelus Ducas (-1247?) [14888]
Authority, Sitter
Dieudonné of Gozo (1346-1353), Grand master of the order of St. John of Jerusalem [510]
Authority, Sitter
Desiderius (756-774), king of the Lombards [511]
Dezong (779-805), emperor of China (27.05.742 - 25.02.805) [8858]
Didius Iulianus (133-193 n. Chr.) [513]
Authority, Sitter
Diepold (1172-1190), bishop of Passau (um 1140-03.11.1190) [14370]
Authority, Sitter
Diether von Isenburg (1459-1461, 1475-1482), archbishop of Mainz (1412-07.05.1482) [15165]
Authority, Sitter
Dietmar II (1025-1041), archbishop of Salzburg (-28.07.1041) [514]
Authority, Sitter
Dietmar of Stockhausen (1206-1216), abbot in Corvey [8956]
Authority, Sitter
Theoderic (1046-1089), bishop of Verdun (-28.04.1089) [7978]
Theodoric (1070-1115), duke of Upper Lorraine (-30.12.1115) [515]
Dietrich (1127-1140), abbot of Formbach [12236]
Authority, Sitter
Dietrich (1158-1185), margrave of the Ostmark/Lusatia (1142-09.02.1185) [516]
Dietrich (1198-1221), margrave of Meißen, from 1210 of Lusatia (1161-18.02.1221) [10884]
Authority, Sitter
Theoderic (965-984), bishop of Metz (-07.09.984) [8190]
Authority, Sitter
Dietrich I (1186-1210), bishop of Lübeck [10208]
Authority, Sitter
Dietrich I (c. 984-1026), count of Bar, duke of Upper Lorraine (um 965-1027) [517]
Authority, Sitter
Dietrich I of Bronckhort-Batenburg (1429-1451), lord Batenburg and Anholt (-27.11.1451) [14259]
Theoderic II (1006-1047), bishop of Metz (-30.04.1047) [7977]
Authority, Sitter
Dietrich II (1056-1085), count of Katlenburg (-21.01.1085) [3016]
Authority, Reeve, Sitter
Theoderic II of Ahr (1197-1212), bishop of Utrecht (-05.12.1212) [10065]
Authority, Sitter
Dietrich II of Meißen (1243-1272), bishop of Naumburg (um 1190-22.09.1272) [7930]
Authority, Sitter
Dietrich III (1085-1106), vogt of Goslar [518]
Authority, Reeve
Dietrich III (1088-1106), count of Katlenburg (-12.08.1106) [519]
Authority, Sitter
Dietrich III of Isenberg (1218-1226), bishop of Münster [10115]
Authority, Sitter
Dietrich Schenk of Erbach (1434-1459), archbishop of Mainz (1390-06.05.1459) [5038]
Authority, Sitter
Dietrich V (1401-1412), count of Limburg (1387-16.01.1444) [10092]
Authority, Sitter
Dietrich V of Boppard (1359-1384), until 1365 bishop of Worms, then Metz (um 1330-18.01.1384) [4594]
Authority, Sitter
Dietrich VII (1260-1275), count of Cleves (um 1226-1270) [10100]
Authority, Sitter
Dietrich von Fürstenberg (1585-1618), bishop of Paderborn (07.10.1546 - 04.12.1618) [14333]
Authority, honored person (no portrait)
Dietrich of Hoorn-Perwez (1343-1380), lord of Hoorn [5412]
Dietrich of Krosigk (1180-1193), bishop of Halberstadt [10676]
Authority, Sitter
Dietrich of Moers (1414-1463), archbishop of Cologne (um 1385-14.02.1463) [520]
Authority, Sitter
Dmitry I (false Dmitry) (1605-1606), emperor of Russia (1580-17.05.1606) [10827]
Authority, Sitter
Diocletianus (um 245-313 n. Chr.) [521]
Authority, Sitter
Diodotos (Tryphon) (-138 v. Chr.) [523]
Authority, Sitter
Diodotos I of Bactria [5158]
Authority, Sitter
Diodotos II of Bactria [5153]
Authority, Sitter
Dinis I (1279-1325), king of Portugal (09.10.1261 - 07.01.1325) [524]
Dionysios (337/336-305 BC), tyrant of Herakleia Pontike (ca. 360-305 v. Chr.) [3725]
Ḍiyāʾ ad-Daula Abū Ṭāhir Fīrūz-Šāh b. ʿAḍud ad-Daula Fanā-Ḫusra (372-376 AH/983-986), Būyid ruler [10872]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Domenico II Contarini (1659-1675), doge of Venice (28.01.1585 - 26.01.1675) [9750]
Authority, Sitter
Domitianus (51-96 n. Chr.) [525]
Authority, Sitter
Domitianus (II) [7853]
Authority, Sitter
Domitius Alexander (-310 n. Chr.) [526]
Authority, Sitter
Domitius Domitianus (-297 n. Chr.) [527]
Authority, Sitter
Dorinus Gattilusio (1428-1455), lord of Lesbos (um 1395-30.06.1455) [528]
Dorothea Sibylla of Brandenburg (1610-1625), duchess of Brieg (19.10.1590 - 09.03.1625) [529]
Authority, Sitter
Dorothea Sophia (1618-1645), abbess of Quedlinburg (19.12.1587 - 10.02.1645) [530]
Authority, Sitter
Dorothea of Saxony (1610-1617), abbess of Quedlinburg (07.01.1591 - 17.11.1617) [531]
Authority, Sitter
Dubnovellaunus [11627]
Eadberht (738-758), king of Northumbria (-768) [532]
Eadmund (939-946), king of England (um 922-946) [534]
Authority, Sitter
Eadred (946-955), king of England (um 924-955) [535]
Authority, Sitter
Eadwig (955-959), king of England [536]
Authority, Sitter
Eanred (810-841, 825-854), king of Northumbria [537]
Ebana [13004]
Authority, Sitter
Eberhard (1045-1079), bishop of Naumburg (-05.05.1079) [10857]
Authority, Sitter
Eberhard (1047-1066), archbishop of Trier (-15.04.1066) [538]
Authority, Sitter
Eberhard I (1147-1164), archbishop of Salzburg (um 1085-22.06.1164) [12237]
Authority, Sitter
Eberhard I (1277-1308), count of the Mark (-04.07.1308) [10101]
Authority, Sitter
Eberhard II (1200-1246), archbishop of Salzburg, 1196-1200 bishop of Brixen (um 1170-01.12.1246) [8610]
Authority, Sitter
Eberhard II (c. 1172-1202), count of Sayn [12019]
Authority, Sitter
Eberhard III (1392-1417), count of Württemberg (-16.05.1417) [4633]
Eberhard III (1631-1674), duke of Württemberg (16.12.1614 - 02.07.1674) [14623]
Authority, Sitter
Eberhard Ludwig (1677-1733), duke of Württemberg (18.09.1676 - 31.10.1733) [14626]
Authority, Sitter
Eberhard V (1457-1496), count, from 1495 as Eberhard I duke of Württemberg (11.12.1445 - 25.02.1496) [4639]
Authority, Sitter
Eberhard XII (1539-1564), count of Erbach (1511-1564) [12563]
Authority, Sitter
Eberhardt I, lord of Eppstein (um 1337-1391) [10956]
Authority, Sitter
Ebroin (-681) [2946]
Ecgberht II (765-780), king of Kent [4564]
Edgar (959-975), king of England (943-08.07.975) [539]
Authority, Sitter
Edo Wimken II (1468-1511) (1454-19.04.1511) [540]
Authority, Sitter
Odoardo Farnese (1622-1646), duke of Parma and Piacenza (28.04.1612 - 11.09.1646) [541]
Authority, Sitter
Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), king of England (um 1004-05.01.1066) [542]
Authority, Sitter
Edward I (1272-1307), king of England (1239-07.07.1307) [543]
Authority, Sitter
Edward II (1307-1327), king of England (25.04.1284 - 21.09.1327) [13092]
Authority, Sitter
Edward III (1327-1377), king of England, 1327-1365 and 1372-1377 duke of Aquitaine (13.11.1312 - 21.06.1377) [544]
Authority, Sitter
Edward IV (1461-1470, 1471-1483), king of England (28.04.1442 - 09.04.1483) [545]
Authority, Sitter
Edward Prince of Wales (1362-1372), duke of Aquitaine (15.06.1330 - 08.06.1376) [546]
Authority, Sitter
Edward VI (1547-1553), king of England (12.10.1537 - 06.07.1553) [547]
Authority, Sitter
Edward VII (1901-1910), king of the United Kingdom, emperor of India (09.11.1841 - 06.05.1910) [548]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Edzard I (1491-1528), count of East Frisia (1462-14.02.1528) [549]
Egica (687-702) [551]
Egilbert of Ortenburg (1079-1101), archbishop of Trier (um 1040-1101) [552]
Authority, Sitter
Egno of Eppan (1240-1273), until 1250 bishop of Brixen, from 1250 bishop of Trent [8933]
Authority, Sitter
Eric II (1280-1299), king of Norway (1268-1299) [553]
Authority, Sitter
Ecbert I (1067-1068), margrave of Meißen (um 1036-11.01.1068) [10066]
Authority, Sitter
Ecbert II (1068-1090), margrave of Meißen and count of Frisia [554]
Authority, Sitter
Ecbert of Andechs-Meranien (1203-1237), bishop of Bamberg (nach 1173-05.06.1237) [8932]
Authority, Sitter
Ekkehard I (985-1002), margrave of Meißen [555]
Elagabalus (um 203-222 n. Chr.) [557]
Authority, Sitter
Elger III (1190-1219), count of Ilfeld-Hohnstein [7755]
Elisabeth (Isabella Clara Eugenia) (1599-1633), Spanish governor of the Netherlands (12.08.1566 - 01.12.1633) [3185]
Authority, Sitter
Elisabeth countess of Nassau-Hadamar (1370-1412), abbess of Essen (-30.12.1412) [10106]
Authority, Sitter
Elizabeth I (1741-1762), empress of Russia (29.12.1709 - 05.01.1762) [559]
Authority, Sitter
Elisabeth Lucretia (1625-1653), duchess of Teschen (01.06.1599 - 19.05.1653) [4771]
Authority, Sitter
Elizabeth I (1558-1603), queen of England (07.09.1533 - 24.03.1603) [560]
Authority, Sitter
Elizabeth II (1952-2022), queen of the United Kingdom (21.04.1926 - 08.09.2022) [561]
Authority, Sitter
Ella Asbeha/Kaleb [13007]
Authority, Sitter
Ellis, William [11232]
Emanuele Philiberto (1553-1580), duke of Savoy (08.07.1528 - 30.08.1580) [562]
Authority, Sitter
Embricho (1127-1146), bishop of Würzburg (-10.11.1146) [11189]
Authority, Sitter
Emehard (1089-1105), bishop of Würzburg (-27.02.1105) [11185]
Authority, Sitter
Emma, wife of duke Boleslaw II (967-999) (-1006) [563]
Authority, Sitter
Emmanuel de Rohan (1775-1797), Grand master of the order of St. John of Jerusalem (18.04.1725 - 14.07.1797) [618]
Authority, Sitter
Manuel Pinto da Fonseca (1741-1773), Grand master of the order of St. John of Jerusalem (24.05.1681 - 23.01.1773) [564]
Authority, Sitter
Emeric (1196-1204), king of Hungary and Croatia (1174-30.11.1204) [13278]
Authority, Sitter
Imre II, count of Eszterházy-Galántha, archbishop of Gran/Esztergom (1725-1745) (08.11.1663 - 06.12.1745) [565]
Authority, Sitter
Endubis [13273]
Engelbert (1216-1225), archbishop of Cologne (-07.11.1225) [566]
Authority, Sitter
Engelbert I of Isenberg (1224-1226/1239-1250), bishop of Osnabrück [10125]
Authority, Sitter
Engelbert II (1299-1328), count of Arenberg, from 1308 of the Mark (-18.07.1328) [10102]
Authority, Sitter
Engelbert II of Falkenburg (1261-1274), archbishop of Cologne (um 1220-20.10.1274) [7760]
Authority, Sitter
Engelbert III of the Mark (1345-1368), from 1364 archbishop of Cologne, until 1364 bishop of Liège (1304-25.08.1368) [7758]
Authority, Sitter
Engelhard (1206-1242), bishop of Naumburg (-04.04.1242) [7928]
Authority, Sitter
Engilric (c. 1167), abbot of Saalfeld [3178]
Enno III (1599-1625), count of East Frisia (1563-1625) [567]
Enrico Dandolo (1192-1205), doge of Venice (um 1107-01.06.1205) [568]
Authority, Sitter
Eon/Noë [13003]
Authority, Sitter
Epasnactus [569]
Epaticcus [11619]
Eppillus [11618]
Eppo (1090-1105), anti-bishop [570]
Ercole d'Este (1471-1505), duke of Ferrara, Modena and Reggio (26.10.1431 - 15.06.1515) [4102]
Authority, Sitter
Eric I (1495-1540), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, prince of Calenberg-Göttingen (16.02.1470 - 30.07.1540) [9030]
Authority, Sitter
Eric II (1545-1584), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, prince of Calenberg-Göttingen (10.08.1528 - 17.11.1584) [9031]
Authority, Sitter
Eric II of Brunswick-Grubenhagen (1508-1532), bishop of Paderborn and Osnabrück, 1532 of Münster (1478-14.05.1532) [5235]
Authority, Sitter
Eric II of Saxe-Lauenburg (1502-1522), 1502-1503 bishop of Hildesheim, from 1508 of Münster (1472-20.10.1522) [9015]
Authority, Sitter
Eric of Brandenburg (1283-1295), archbishop of Magdeburg (um 1245-21.12.1295) [572]
Authority, Sitter
Eric of Pomerania (1396-1439), king of Denmark, Sweden and Norway (um 1382-1459) [573]
Authority, Sitter
Eric XIV (1560-1569), king of Sweden (13.12.1533 - 26.02.1577) [574]
Authority, Sitter
Eric Valkendorf (1510-1522), archbishop of Trondheim (1465-28.11.1523) [5227]
Erkanbald (965-991), bishop of Strasbourg (um 937-991) [571]
Authority, Sitter
Erlung (1105-1121), bishop of Würzburg [11188]
Authority, Sitter
Ernst (1397-1438), duke of Bavaria-Munich (1373-02.07.1438) [4630]
Authority, Sitter
Ernst (1618-1622), count of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Virneburg (25.03.1599 - 16.04.1622) [14248]
Authority, Sitter
Ernst (1672-1710), count of Stolberg-Wernigerode (25.03.1650 - 09.11.1710) [575]
Ernst August (1679-1698), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, from 1692 elector, bishop of Osnabrück from 1662 (20.11.1629 - 23.01.1698) [576]
Authority, Sitter
Ernst August (1837-1851), king of Hanover (05.06.1771 - 18.11.1851) [577]
Authority, Sitter
Ernst August (1913-1918), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (17.11.1887 - 30.01.1953) [578]
Authority, Sitter
Ernst August II Konstantin (1748-1758), duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (02.06.1737 - 28.05.1758) [14268]
Authority, Sitter
Ernst the Iron (1406-1424), duke of Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and of Austria (1377-10.06.1424) [12607]
Authority, Sitter
Ernst Friedrich (1764-1800), duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (08.03.1724 - 26.08.1800) [11378]
Authority, Sitter
Ernst Friedrich II (1724-1745), duke of Saxe-Hildburghausen (17.12.1707 - 13.08.1745) [14265]
Authority, Sitter
Ernst Friedrich III (1745-1780), duke of Saxe-Hildburghausen (10.06.1727 - 23.09.1780) [14266]
Authority, Sitter
Ernst Duke of Bavaria (1540-1554), administrator of Salzburg and Passau (13.06.1500 - 07.12.1560) [579]
Authority, Sitter
Ernst Duke of Bavaria (1583-1612), archbishop of Cologne (17.12.1554 - 17.02.1612) [580]
Authority, Sitter
Ernst I (1640-1675), duke of Saxe-Gotha (25.12.1601 - 26.03.1675) [581]
Authority, Sitter
Ernst I (1806-1844), duke of Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld until 1826, then of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (02.01.1784 - 29.01.1844) [14272]
Authority, Sitter
Ernst I (1853-1908), duke of Saxe-Altenburg (16.09.1826 - 07.02.1908) [582]
Authority, Sitter
Ernest II (1844-1893), duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (21.06.1818 - 22.08.1893) [12853]
Authority, Sitter
Ernst III (1601-1622), count of Holstein-Schauenburg and Sternberg, lord of Gehmen, prince (24.09.1569 - 17.01.1622) [583]
Ernst Ludwig (1678-1739), landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt (15.12.1667 - 12.09.1739) [584]
Ernst Ludwig (1706-1724), duke of Saxe-Meiningen (07.10.1672 - 24.11.1724) [585]
Ernst Ludwig (1892-1918), Grand duke of Hesse (25.11.1868 - 09.10.1937) [586]
Authority, Sitter
Ernst V (1508-1552), count of Hohnstein [587]
Authority, Sitter
Ervic (680-687) [588]
Estorre Visconti (1407-1413), lord of Monza (1346-07.01.1413) [8226]
Authority, Sitter
Euagoras I (411-374/373 BC), king of Salamis (um 435-373 v. Chr.) [8323]
Euagoras II (c. 361-351 BC), king of Cyprus, later satrap in Sidon [8324]
Eudocia (1067) (1021-1096) [590]
Authority, Sitter
Euelthon (c. 560-520 BC), king of Salamis [8326]
Eugene IV (1431-1447), pope (1383-23.02.1447) [591]
Authority, Sitter
Eugenius (-06.09.394 n. Chr.) [6890]
Authority, Sitter
Eukratides I [592]
Authority, Sitter
Eukratides II [12583]
Authority, Sitter
Eumenes I (-241 v. Chr.) [593]
Eumenes II [594]
Authority, Sitter
Eupolemos [9564]
Euthydemos I of Bactria [595]
Authority, Sitter
Euthydemos II of Bactria [596]
Authority, Sitter
Evans, Joshua [11021]
Everhard of Diest (1275-1301), bishop of Münster (-05.04.1301) [10119]
Authority, Sitter
Ezanas [13002]
Authority, Sitter
Fabrizio del Carretto (1513-1521), Grand master of the order of St. John of Jerusalem (1455-10.01.1521) [4822]
Authority, Sitter
Faḫr ad-Daula Abu ᾽l-Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Rukn ad-Daula al-Ḥasan (359-387 AH/970-998), Būyid ruler (952-998) [10844]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Faḫr Dīn Allāh Abū Kālīǧār Fanā-Ḫusrau b. Maǧd ad-Daula Rustam (432-439 AH/1040-1048), Būyid ruler [10878]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Fangqian (c. AD 130), king of Khotan [14367]
Fariarix [599]
Farrukhsiyar (1124-1131 AH/1713-1719), Mughal emperor (11.01.1683 - 28.02.1719) [6560]
Federico da Montefeltro (1474-1482), duke of Urbino (07.06.1422 - 10.09.1482) [2515]
Authority, Sitter
Felix Baciocchi (1805-1814), prince of Lucca and Piombo (18.05.1762 - 27.05.1841) [3772]
Authority, Sitter
Ferdinand (1848-1866), landgrave of Hesse-Homburg (26.04.1783 - 24.03.1866) [14180]
Authority, Sitter
Ferdinando Gonzaga (1612-1626), duke of Mantua (26.04.1587 - 29.10.1626) [600]
Authority, Sitter
Ferdinand Albrecht II (1735), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (29.05.1680 - 13.09.1735) [8763]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Ferdinando I (1367-1383), king of Portugal (31.10.1345 - 22.10.1383) [602]
Ferdinando I (1412-1416), king of Aragon (27.11.1380 - 02.04.1416) [603]
Ferdinand I (1458-1494), king of Naples (02.06.1424 - 25.01.1494) [604]
Authority, Sitter
Ferdinand I (1521-1564), archduke, from 1531 king and from 1558 emperor (10.03.1503 - 25.07.1564) [605]
Authority, Sitter
Ferdinand I (1816-1825), king of Sicily and Jerusalem (12.01.1751 - 04.01.1825) [606]
Authority, Sitter
Ferdinand I (1835-1848), emperor of Austria, king of Hungary (19.04.1793 - 29.06.1875) [607]
Authority, Sitter
Ferdinand I of Bavaria (1612-1650), archbishop of Cologne, bishop of Münster, Hildesheim, Liège, from 1618 Paderborn (06.10.1577 - 13.09.1650) [608]
Authority, Sitter
Ferdinando II (1474-1516), from 1479 king of Aragon, 1474-1504, from 1506 as Ferdinand V king of Castile and León (10.03.1452 - 23.01.1516) [609]
Authority, Sitter
Ferdinand II (1564-1595), archduke of Austria and regent of Tyrol (14.06.1529 - 24.01.1595) [7447]
Authority, Sitter
Ferdinand II (1617-1637), from 1619 emperor, from 1617 king of Bohemia, from 1618 king of Hungary and archduke of Austria (09.07.1578 - 15.02.1637) [610]
Authority, Sitter
Ferdinand III (1637-1657), emperor (13.07.1608 - 02.04.1657) [611]
Authority, Sitter
Ferdinando IV (1295-1312), king of Castile and León (06.12.1285 - 07.09.1312) [8936]
Authority, Sitter
Ferdinand IV (1653-1654), king of the Germans (08.09.1633 - 09.07.1654) [9035]
Authority, Sitter
Ferdinand Charles (1646-1662), archduke of Austria, regent of Tyrol (17.05.1628 - 30.12.1662) [9664]
Authority, Sitter
Fernando VI (1746-1759), king of Spain (23.09.1713 - 10.08.1759) [612]
Authority, Sitter
Fernando VII (1808, 1814-1833), king of Spain (14.10.1784 - 29.09.1833) [613]
Authority, Sitter
Ferdinand of Erwitte (1670-1705), abbot of Werden and Helmstedt (25.12.1628 - 17.04.1706) [11562]
Ferdinand of Austria (1790-1824), 1803-1805 duke of Salzburg, 1806-1814 Grand duke of Würzburg and 1790-1801, 1814-1824 of Tuscany, 1803-1806 Elector (06.05.1769 - 18.06.1824) [614]
Authority, Sitter
Ferdinando Carlo of Gonzaga-Nevers (1665-1708), duke of Mantua and Montferrat (31.08.1652 - 05.07.1708) [10766]
Authority, Sitter
Ferdinando de’ Medici (1587-1609), Grand duke of Tuscany (30.07.1549 - 03.02.1609) [15241]
Authority, Sitter
Ferrante III Gonzaga (1632-1678), duke of Guastalla (04.04.1618 - 11.01.1678) [10765]
Authority, Sitter
Ferris, James [11215]
Filippo Maria Visconti (1412-1447), duke of Milan (23.09.1392 - 13.08.1447) [2473]
Authority, Sitter
Fillingham, William [11273]
Fisher, Richard [11272]
Flavius Victor (-388) [4637]
Authority, Sitter
Floris of Wewelinghofen (1364-1393), from 1379 bishop of Utrecht, 1364-1379 bishop of Münster (-04.04.1393) [615]
Authority, Sitter
Florianus (-276 n. Chr.) [616]
Authority, Sitter
Floris I (1049-1061), count of Holland (um 1020-18.06.1061) [10056]
Authority, Sitter
Floris IV (1222-1234), count of Holland (24.06.1210 - 13.07.1234) [10055]
Authority, Sitter
Floris V (1266-1296), count of Holland (1254-27.06.1296) [617]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco Contarini (1623-1624), doge of Venice (28.11.1556 - 06.12.1624) [9759]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco Corner (1656), doge of Venice (06.03.1575 - 05.06.1656) [9753]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco Dandolo (1329-1339), doge of Venice [4254]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco Donato (1545-1553), doge of Venice (um 1468-23.05.1553) [9772]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco Erizzo (1631-1646), doge of Venice (18.02.1566 - 03.01.1646) [9757]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco Foscari (1423-1457), doge of Venice (19.06.1373 - 01.11.1457) [9657]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco I (1574-1587), Grand duke of Tuscany (25.03.1541 - 19.10.1587) [15119]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco I d'Este (1629-1658), duke of Modena and Reggio (06.09.1610 - 14.10.1658) [7945]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco I da Carrara (29.09.1325 - 06.10.1393) [619]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco I de’ Medici (1574-1587), Grand duke of Tuscany (25.03.1541 - 19.10.1587) [15243]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco II da Carrara (19.05.1359 - 16.01.1406) [620]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco II Gattilusio (1384-1403), lord of Lesbos (um 1370-26.10.1403) [12357]
Francesco II Gonzaga (1484-1519), margrave of Mantua (10.08.1466 - 29.03.1519) [623]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco II Sforza (1521-1535), duke of Milan (04.02.1495 - 24.10.1535) [9650]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco III d'Este (1737-1780), duke of Modena and Reggio (02.07.1698 - 22.02.1780) [7949]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco Loredan (1752-1762), doge of Venice (09.02.1685 - 19.05.1762) [9738]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco Molin (1645-1655), doge of Venice (21.04.1575 - 27.02.1655) [9755]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco Morosini (1688-1694), doge of Venice (26.02.1618 - 06.01.1694) [9746]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco Sforza (1450-1466), duke of Milan (23.07.1401 - 06.03.1466) [2479]
Authority, Sitter
Francesco Venier (1554-1556), doge of Venice (1489-02.06.1556) [9770]
Authority, Sitter
Francis, Richard [11230]
Francis (2013-), pope (17.12.1936-) [6471]
Authority, Sitter
Francis I (1515-1547), king of France (12.09.1494 - 31.03.1547) [624]
Authority, Sitter
Francis II (1559-1560), king of France (19.01.1544 - 05.12.1560) [629]
Authority, Sitter
Francis (1792-1835), 1792-1806 as Franz II emperor, from 1806 as Franz I emperor of Austria (12.02.1768 - 02.03.1835) [622]
Authority, Sitter
Franz Anton Prince of Harrach zu Rorau (1709-1727), archbishop of Salzburg (02.10.1665 - 18.07.1727) [14444]
Authority, Sitter
Franz Ernst (1652-1675), count of Schlick (1623-16.08.1675) [14112]
Authority, Sitter
Franz Eusebius of Trautson (1663-1728), count of Falkenstein (30.01.1642 - 30.06.1728) [8236]
Authority, Sitter
Francis Count of Waldeck (1532-1553), bishop of Münster, Osnabrück, administrator of Minden (um 1491-15.07.1553) [626]
Authority, Sitter
Franz Heinrich (1740-1766), count of Schlick (28.02.1696 - 09.01.1766) [14109]
Authority, Sitter
Francis I (1618-1620), duke of Pomerania, bishop of Cammin (Kamień Pomorski) 1602-1620 (24.03.1577 - 27.11.1620) [7874]
Authority, Sitter
Francis I (1745-1765), emperor, 1729-1737 as Franz III duke of Lorraine, from 1737 as Franz II greatduke of Tuscany (08.12.1708 - 18.08.1765) [627]
Authority, Sitter
François II (1458-1488), duke of Brittany (23.06.1435 - 09.09.1488) [628]
Authority, Sitter
Franz II (1581-1619), duke of Saxe-Lauenburg (10.08.1547 - 02.07.1619) [12625]
Authority, Sitter
Francis Joseph I (1772-1781), prince of Liechtenstein (19.11.1726 - 18.08.1781) [14163]
Authority, Sitter
Francis Joseph I (1848-1916), emperor of Austria, king of Bohemia and Hungary (18.08.1830 - 21.11.1916) [631]
Authority, Sitter
Francis Joseph Wenzel (1675-1740), count of Schlick (19.01.1656 - 30.11.1740) [14111]
Authority, Sitter
Francis Josias (1745-1764), duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (25.09.1697 - 16.09.1764) [632]
Authority, Sitter
Franz Ludwig of Erthal (1779-1795), bishop of Würzburg and Bamberg (16.09.1730 - 14.02.1795) [633]
Authority, Sitter
Francis Louis of Palatinate-Neuburg (1683-1732), Erzbischof von Trier 1716-1729, then of Mainz, bishop of Breslau, from 1694 of Worms (24.07.1664 - 18.04.1732) [7692]
Authority, Sitter
Francis of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1539-1549), prince of Gifhorn (23.11.1508 - 23.11.1549) [10964]
Authority, Sitter
Franz Xaver (1763-1768), administrator of the electorate of Saxony (25.08.1730 - 21.06.1806) [1556]
Authority, Sitter
Franziska Christine of Palatinate-Sulzbach (1726-1776), abbess of Essen and Thorn (16.05.1696 - 16.07.1776) [635]
Authority, Sitter
Frederick II (1559-1588), king of Denmark and Norway (01.07.1534 - 04.04.1588) [667]
Authority, Sitter
Frederick III (1648-1670), king of Denmark and Norway (18.03.1609 - 09.02.1670) [642]
Authority, Sitter
Frederick IV (1699-1730), king of Denmark and Norway (21.10.1671 - 12.10.1730) [4861]
Authority, Sitter
Frederick IX (1947-1972), king of Denmark (11.03.1899 - 14.01.1972) [11784]
Authority, Sitter
Frederick V (1746-1766), king of Denmark and Norway (31.03.1723 - 14.01.1766) [687]
Authority, Sitter
Frederick VII (1848-1863), king of Denmark (06.10.1808 - 15.11.1863) [13804]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich (1374-1400), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (um 1357-05.06.1400) [9037]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich (1602-1625), duke of Saxe-Altenburg (12.02.1599 - 24.10.1625) [9689]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich (1605-1622), duke of Saxe-Weimar (01.03.1596 - 29.08.1622) [11566]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich (1636-1648), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (28.08.1574 - 10.12.1648) [637]
Authority, Sitter
Frederick (1720-1751), king of Sweden, from 1730 landgrave of Hessia (27.04.1676 - 05.04.1751) [636]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Friedrich (1780-1834), duke of Saxe-Hildburghausen until 1826, then of Saxe-Altenburg (29.04.1763 - 29.09.1834) [14267]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich (1856-1907), Grand duke of Baden (09.09.1826 - 28.09.1907) [638]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich (1893-1918), prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont (20.01.1865 - 26.05.1946) [639]
Authority, Sitter
Federico Gonzaga (1478-1484), margrave of Mantua (25.06.1441 - 14.07.1484) [2522]
Authority, Sitter
Federico II Gonzaga (1519-1540), margrave, from 1530 duke of Mantua (17.05.1500 - 28.06.1540) [641]
Authority, Sitter
Federico Landi (1590-1627), margarve of Bardi [640]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Adolf (1697-1718), count of Lippe-Detmold (02.09.1667 - 18.07.1718) [643]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Alexander (1737-1791), 1737-1784 count of Wied-Neuwied, from 1784 prince of Wied (18.11.1706 - 07.08.1791) [644]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich August (1747-1793), prince of Anhalt-Zerbst (08.08.1734 - 03.03.1793) [4338]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich August (1803-1816), prince, from 1806 duke of Nassau (23.04.1738 - 24.03.1816) [645]
Friedrich August II (1836-1854), king of Saxony (18.05.1797 - 09.08.1854) [2051]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich August III (1763-1827), elector, from 1806 as Friedrich August I king of Saxony (23.12.1750 - 05.05.1827) [648]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich August III (1904-1918), king of Saxony (25.05.1865 - 18.02.1932) [649]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich August of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1792-1805), duke of Oels (29.10.1740 - 08.10.1805) [11377]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Botho (1739-1768), count of Stolberg-Roßla (13.05.1714 - 08.03.1768) [3833]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Casimir (1641-1685), count of Hanau-Lichtenberg, and from 1642 also of Hanau-Münzenberg (04.08.1623 - 30.03.1685) [13647]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Christian (1763), elector of Saxony (05.09.1722 - 17.12.1763) [14186]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Christian (1763-1769), margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth (17.07.1708 - 20.01.1769) [650]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Christoph (1567-1631), count of Mansfeld-Hedersleben (04.02.1564 - 06.04.1631) [11699]
Friedrich Emich (c.1179-1211), count of Leiningen [12322]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Eugen (1795-1797), duke of Württemberg (21.01.1732 - 23.12.1797) [651]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Franz I (1785-1837), duke of Mecklenburg, from 1815 Grand duke (10.12.1756 - 01.02.1837) [652]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Franz II (1842-1883), Grand duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (28.02.1823 - 15.04.1883) [12856]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Franz IV (1897-1918), Grand duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (09.04.1882 - 17.11.1945) [653]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Günther (1807-1867), prince of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt (06.11.1793 - 28.06.1867) [14450]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Heinrich (1625-1647), count of Nassau (29.01.1584 - 14.03.1647) [654]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich I (1100-1131), archbishop of Cologne [655]
Authority, Sitter
Frederick I (1415-1440), margrave of Brandenburg, elector, as Friedrich VI from 1397 burgrave of Nuremberg (21.09.1371 - 20.09.1440) [656]
Authority, Sitter
Frederick I (1481-1533), duke of Holstein and Schleswig, since 1523 king of Denmark, since 1524 of Norway (07.10.1471 - 10.04.1533) [657]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich I (1493-1529), lord of Diepholz [10165]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich I (1593-1608), duke of Württemberg (19.08.1557 - 29.01.1608) [658]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich I (1675-1691), duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (15.07.1646 - 02.08.1691) [659]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich I (1797-1816), as Friedrich II duke of Württemberg, 1803-1806 elector, from 1806 as Friedrich I king of Württemberg (06.11.1754 - 30.10.1816) [670]
Authority, Sitter
Frederick I Barbarossa (1152-1190), king, from 1155 emperor (um 1122-10.06.1190) [660]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich I the Victorious (1451-1476), count palatine of the Rhine (01.08.1425 - 12.12.1476) [8984]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich I of Wettin (1142-1152), archbishop of Magdeburg (-15.01.1152) [661]
Authority, Sitter
Frederick II (1197-1250), king of Sicily, from 1212 king of the Germans, from 1220 emperor (26.12.1194 - 13.12.1250) [662]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich II (1230-1246), duke of Austria and Styria (25.04.1211 - 15.06.1246) [8997]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich II (1270-1284), archbishop of Salzburg (-07.04.1284) [14605]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich II (1323-1349), margrave of Meißen and landgrave of Thuringia (30.11.1310 - 18.11.1349) [663]
Friedrich II (1428-1464), elector of Saxony, margrave of Meißen, landgrave of Thuringia (22.08.1412 - 07.09.1464) [664]
Friedrich II (1434-1457/1472-1478), prince of Lüneburg (1418-19.03.1478) [10206]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich II (1440-1470), margrave and elector of Brandenburg (19.11.1413 - 10.02.1471) [665]
Friedrich II (1488-1547), duke of Liegnitz and Brieg (12.02.1480 - 17.12.1547) [666]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich II (1680-1708), landgrave of Hesse-Homburg (30.03.1633 - 24.01.1708) [8214]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich II (1691-1732), duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (07.08.1676 - 23.03.1732) [673]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich II (1740-1786), king in, from 1772 of Prussia (24.01.1712 - 17.08.1786) [668]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich II (1760-1785), landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (14.08.1720 - 31.10.1785) [669]
Authority, previous Owner, Sitter
Friedrich II (1904-1918), duke of Anhalt (19.08.1856 - 21.04.1918) [4892]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich II (1907-1918), Grand duke of Baden (09.07.1857 - 09.08.1928) [9588]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich II (died 1216), count of Beichlingen (um 1165-1216) [8980]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich I the Wise (1544-1556), count palatine of the Rhine (09.12.1482 - 26.02.1556) [671]
Authority, Sitter
Frederick II of Blankenheim (1393-1423), bishop of Strasbourg and Utrecht (1355-1423) [672]
Friedrich II of Kirchberg (1209-1236), bishop of Halberstadt [10678]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich II of Sommerschenburg (1120-1162), count palatine of Saxony (um 1100-19.05.1162) [11207]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich III (1349-1381), margrave of Meißen and landgrave of Thuringia (14.12.1332 - 21.05.1381) [674]
Friedrich III (1417-1448), lord of Moers (um 1377-11.07.1448) [675]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich III (1439-1493), archduke of Austria as F. V. from 1440 king, 1452 emperor (21.09.1414 - 19.08.1493) [676]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich III (1486-1525), elector of Saxony (17.01.1463 - 05.05.1525) [677]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich III (1616-1659), duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf (22.12.1597 - 10.08.1659) [12727]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich III (1625-1634), margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach (01.05.1616 - 06.09.1634) [678]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich III (1732-1772), duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (24.04.1699 - 10.03.1772) [14269]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich III (1735-1763), margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth (10.05.1711 - 26.02.1763) [679]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich III (1888), king of Prussia, German emperor (18.10.1831 - 15.06.1888) [680]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich III the Fair (1308-1330), duke of Austria, as F. I duke of Styria, 1314-1330 anti-king (1289-30.01.1330) [4642]
Authority, Sitter
Frederick III of Aragon (1296-1337), king of Sicily (um 1272-25.06.1337) [681]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich III/I (1688-1713), elector of Brandenburg, from 1701 king in Prussia (11.07.1657 - 25.02.1713) [682]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich IV (1381-1428), margrave of Meißen and landgrave of Thuringia, from 1423 Friedrich I elector of Saxony (11.04.1370 - 04.01.1428) [683]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich I von Wied (1562-1567), archbishop of Cologne (um 1518-23.12.1568) [14661]
Friedrich Karl (1677-1698), duke of Württemberg-Winnental (12.09.1652 - 20.12.1698) [14627]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Karl Joseph von Erthal (1744-1802), archbishop of Mainz (03.01.1719 - 25.07.1802) [15028]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Ludwig (1618-1657), count of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Virneburg (15.03.1598-1657) [14247]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Ulrich (1613-1634), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (05.04.1591 - 11.08.1634) [684]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich V (1361-1397), burgrave of Nuremberg (1332-21.01.1398) [685]
Friedrich V (1486-1536), margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach, from 1495 of Kulmbach (08.05.1460 - 04.04.1536) [8943]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich V (1610-1623), Elector palatine of the Rhine, as Friedrich I 1619-1620 king of Bohemia (26.08.1596 - 29.11.1632) [686]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich of Saarwerden (1371-1414), archbishop of Cologne (1348-09.04.1414) [688]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Wilhelm (1573-1602), duke of Saxe-Weimar (25.04.1562 - 17.07.1602) [14461]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Wilhelm (1640-1688), elector of Brandenburg (16.02.1620 - 09.05.1688) [689]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Wilhelm (1692-1713), duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (28.03.1675 - 31.07.1713) [690]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Wilhelm (1788-1816), prince of Nassau-Weilburg (25.10.1768 - 09.01.1816) [14451]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Wilhelm (1860-1904), Grand duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (17.10.1819 - 30.05.1904) [691]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Wilhelm the Black Duke (1806-1815), duke of Brunswick (09.10.1771 - 16.06.1815) [696]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Wilhelm I (1713-1740), king in Prussia (14.08.1688 - 31.05.1740) [692]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Friedrich Wilhelm I (1847-1866), elector of Hesse-Kassel (20.08.1802 - 06.01.1875) [14181]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Wilhelm II (1639-1669), duke of Saxe-Altenburg (12.02.1603 - 22.04.1669) [2064]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Wilhelm II (1786-1797), king of Prussia (25.09.1744 - 16.11.1797) [693]
Authority, Sitter
Friedrich Wilhelm III (1797-1840), king of Prussia (03.08.1770 - 07.06.1840) [694]
Authority, previous Owner, Sitter
Friedrich Wilhelm IV (1840-1861), king of Prussia (15.10.1795 - 02.01.1861) [695]
Authority, Sitter
Fugger, Wilhelm (10.01.1585 - 06.04.1659) [12148]
Fulk (1131-1143), king of Jerusalem, as Fulk V 1109-1129 count of Anjou (1092-13.11.1143) [8271]
Authority, Sitter
Fu’ad I. (1917-1936), until 1922 sultan, then king of Egypt and Sudan (26.03.1868 - 28.04.1936) [11738]
Authority, Sitter
Gabriel Báthory (1608-1613), prince of Transylvania (15.08.1589 - 27.10.1613) [9671]
Authority, Sitter
Gabriel Bethlen (1613-1629), prince of Transylvania (um 1580-15.11.1629) [697]
Authority, Sitter
Gabriel of Eyb (1496-1535), bishop of Eichstätt (29.09.1455 - 01.12.1535) [5233]
Gaius Iulius Caesar (Octavianus), from 27 BC Augustus (23.09.63 v. - 19.08.14 n. Chr.) [413]
Authority, Consul, Imperator (Roman Republic), Sitter, Triumvir RPC
Ǧalāl ad-Daula Abū Ṭāhir Fīrūz-Ḫusra b. Bahāʾ ad-Daula Ḫusra-Fīrūz (403-435 AH/1012-1044), Būyid ruler (um 993-1044) [10877]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Galba (3 v.-69 n. Chr.) [698]
Authority, Sitter
Galeazzo II Visconti (1354-1378), lord of Milan (-04.08.1378) [699]
Authority, Sitter
Galeazzo Maria Sforza (1466-1476), duke of Milan (24.01.1444 - 26.12.1476) [700]
Authority, Sitter
Galeotto Roberto Malatesta (1429-1432), lord of Rimini (1411-1432) [5475]
Authority, Sitter
Galerius Maximianus (um 250-311 n. Chr.) [701]
Authority, Sitter
Gallienus (um 213-268 n. Chr.) [702]
Authority, Sitter
Gamerses [703]
Authority, Sitter
Gaozong (1127-1162), emperor of China (12.06.1106 - 09.11.1187) [14340]
Gaozong (649-683), emperor of China (628-683) [7664]
Gaozu (618-626), emperor of China (566-26.06.635) [8852]
Gardolf of Harbke (1193-1201), bishop of Halberstadt [10677]
Authority, Sitter
Gebhard I of Plain (1222-1232), bishop of Passau (1170-11.10.1232) [14080]
Authority, Sitter
Gebhard II Truchsess of Waldburg (1577-1583), archbishop of Cologne (10.11.1547 - 31.05.1601) [704]
Authority, Sitter
Gebhard VI (1240-1297), lord of Querfurt [705]
Authority, Sitter
Gebhard of Henneberg (1150-1159), bishop of Würzburg, bishop elect 1121-1127 (um 1100-17.03.1159) [11191]
Authority, Sitter
Gelimer (530-533), king of the Vandals [706]
Authority, Sitter
Gengshi (AD 23-25), emperor of China [8834]
Genthios [707]
Georg (1500-1539), duke of Saxony (27.08.1471 - 17.04.1539) [3050]
Authority, Sitter
Georg (1515-1543), margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach (04.03.1484 - 27.12.1543) [3225]
Authority, Sitter
Georg (1636-1641), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (17.02.1582 - 02.04.1641) [708]
Authority, Sitter
Georg (1816-1860), Grand duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (12.08.1779 - 06.09.1860) [12857]
Authority, Sitter
George (1902-1904), king of Saxony (08.08.1832 - 15.10.1904) [14462]
Authority, Sitter
Georg Albrecht (1605-1647), count of Erbach (16.12.1597 - 25.11.1647) [12526]
Georg Albrecht II (1648-1717), count von Erbach (26.02.1648 - 23.07.1717) [12527]
Georg Ernst (1559-1583), count of Henneberg-Schleusingen (27.05.1511 - 27.12.1583) [10665]
Authority, Sitter
Georg Friedrich (1543-1603), margrave of Ansbach, from 1557 of Ansbach and Kulmbach, from 1543 duke of Jägerndorf, from 1577 duke of Prussia (05.04.1539 - 25.04.1603) [709]
Authority, Sitter
Georg Friedrich (1610-1645), count of Hohenlohe-Weickersheim (05.09.1569 - 07.07.1645) [14206]
Authority, Sitter
Georg Friedrich II (1615-1635), count of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst (16.05.1596 - 20.09.1635) [14211]
Authority, Sitter
Georg Friedrich Karl (1726-1735), margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth (19.06.1688 - 17.05.1735) [710]
Georg Friedrich of Kirchberg (1715-1749), burgrave, lord of Farnroda (1683-1749) [711]
Authority, Sitter
Georg Gustav (1592-1634), count of Palatinate-Veldenz (06.02.1564 - 03.06.1634) [13844]
Authority, Sitter
Georg I (1523-1531), duke of Pomerania (11.04.1493 - 10.05.1531) [7749]
George I (1714-1727), King of Great Britain, as Georg Ludwig from 1698 Elector of Brunswick-Lüneburg (07.06.1660 - 22.06.1727) [712]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
George I (1863-1913), king of Greece (24.12.1845 - 18.03.1913) [713]
Authority, Sitter
Georg II (1539-1569), count of Erbach (18.01.1506 - 27.08.1569) [12562]
Authority, Sitter
George II (1727-1760), king of Great Britain, Elector of Brunswick-Lüneburg (09.11.1683 - 25.10.1760) [714]
Authority, Sitter
Georg II (1866-1914), duke of Saxe-Meiningen (02.04.1826 - 25.06.1914) [13920]
Authority, Sitter
Georg II Heinrich (1813-1845), prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont (20.09.1789 - 15.05.1845) [715]
Authority, Sitter
Georg III (1525-1553), prince of Anhalt until 1544, of Anhalt-Plötzkau from 1544 (15.08.1507 - 17.10.1553) [4380]
Authority, Sitter
Georg III (1564/1569-1605), count of Erbach (15.07.1548 - 26.02.1605) [12565]
Authority, Sitter
Georg III (1639-1664), duke of Brieg, from 1663 of Liegnitz (04.09.1611 - 04.07.1664) [4458]
Authority, Sitter
George III (1760-1820), king of Great Britain/United Kingdom, Elector of Brunswick-Lüneburg, from 1814 king of Hanover (04.06.1738 - 29.01.1820) [716]
Authority, Sitter
Georg III of Limburg (1505-1522), bishop of Bamberg (-31.05.1522) [5213]
Authority, Sitter
George IV (1820-1830), King of the United Kingdom and Hanover (12.08.1762 - 26.06.1830) [717]
Authority, Sitter
Georg IV Fugger (1598-1643), lord of Wasserburg (02.09.1577 - 05.07.1643) [12143]
Georg Johann I (1544-1592), count of Pfalz-Veldenz (11.04.1543 - 08.04.1592) [14165]
Authority, Sitter
Georg Ludwig I (1669/1672-1693), count of Erbach (08.05.1643 - 30.04.1693) [12566]
Authority, Sitter
Georg Philipp of Schauenstein (1671-1695), Freiherr of Ehrenfels, lord of Haldenstein [12523]
Authority, Sitter
George Rakoczi I (1630-1648), prince of Transylvania (08.06.1593 - 11.10.1648) [718]
Authority, Sitter
Georg Rudolf (1602-1653), duke of Liegnitz (01.02.1595 - 24.01.1653) [719]
Authority, Sitter
Georg V (1851-1866), king of Hanover (27.05.1819 - 12.06.1878) [720]
Authority, Sitter
George V (1910-1936), king of the United Kingdom, emperor of India (03.06.1865 - 20.01.1936) [721]
Authority, Sitter
George VI (1936-1952), king of the United Kingdom, until 1947 emperor of India (14.12.1895 - 06.02.1952) [10426]
Authority, Sitter
Georg of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1554-1566), bishop of Minden, from 1556 also of Verden and archbishop of Bremen (22.11.1494 - 04.12.1566) [14506]
Authority, Sitter
Georg of Kuenburg (1586-1587), archbishop of Salzburg (1530-25.01.1587) [15050]
Authority, Sitter
Georg of Pappenheim (1548-1563), bishop of Regensburg (-10.12.1563) [8999]
Authority, Sitter
George of Podiebrad (1458-1471), king of Bohemia (06.02.1420 - 22.03.1471) [9475]
Authority, Sitter
Georg Wilhelm (1619-1640), elector of Brandenburg (13.11.1595 - 01.12.1640) [724]
Authority, Sitter
Georg Wilhelm (1648-1705), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (26.01.1624 - 28.08.1705) [725]
Authority, Sitter
Georg Wilhelm (1672-1675), duke of Liegnitz and Brieg (29.09.1660 - 21.11.1675) [4398]
Authority, Sitter
Georg Wilhelm (1712-1726), margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth (16.11.1678 - 18.12.1726) [14166]
Authority, Sitter
Georg Wilhelm (1787-1860), count, from 1807 prince of Schaumburg-Lippe (20.12.1784 - 21.11.1860) [14189]
Authority, Sitter
Georgius Comnenus (1266-1280), emperor of Trebizond [7052]
Authority, Sitter
Gepaepyris [4184]
Authority, Sitter
Gerard, William [11195]
Gerburg of Kappenberg (1126-1137), abbess of Quedlinburg [10959]
Authority, Sitter
Gergis/Kheriga (c. 440-410 BC), dynast in Lycia [7641]
Gerard (1048-1070), duke of Lorraine (um 1030-14.04.1070) [8188]
Gerhard (1430-1461), count of the Mark (um 1387-1461) [13663]
Authority, Sitter
Gerhard I (1191-1219), bishop of Osnabrück until 1215, from 1210 archbishop of Bremen (-13.08.1219) [10123]
Authority, Sitter
Gerhard I (1344-1349), reeve of Cologne and lord of Alpen [5360]
Gerhard II (1379-1400), lord of Alpen [5359]
Gerhard II of Lippe (1219-1258), archbishop of Bremen (um 1190-28.08.1258) [10177]
Authority, Sitter
Gerhard of the Mark (1261-1272), bishop of Münster (1220-11.08.1272) [10118]
Authority, Sitter
Gerhard of Grafschaft (1228-1249/1252), abbot of Helmstedt [10661]
Authority, Sitter
Gerhard of Schwarzburg (1359-1400), until 1372 bishop of Naumburg, then of Würzburg (-09.11.1400) [726]
Authority, Sitter
Gerlach of Nassau (1346-1371), archbishop of Mainz (1322-12.02.1371) [727]
Authority, Sitter
Gero of Schermbke (1160-1177), bishop of Halberstadt [10675]
Authority, Sitter
Gerolamo Priuli (1559-1567), doge of Venice (1486-04.11.1567) [9768]
Authority, Sitter
Gerold (1031-1050), abbot of Werden and Helmstedt [10658]
Authority, Sitter
Gertrud (c. 1180), abbess of Eschwege [728]
Authority, Sitter
Geta (189-211 n. Chr.) [729]
Authority, Sitter
Géza I (1074-1077), king of Hungary (um 1044-25.04.1077) [13285]
Authority, Sitter
Géza II (1141-1162), king of Hungary and Croatia (1130-31.05.1162) [13281]
Authority, Sitter
Gian Gastone de’ Medici (1723-1737), Grand duke of Tuscany (24.04.1671 - 09.07.1737) [15120]
Authority, Sitter
Gianfrancesco I Gonzaga (1407-1444), count of Mantua, from 1433 margarve (1395-25.09.1444) [2214]
Authority, Sitter
Gilpin, Gibert (1766-1827) [11303]
Giovanni Maria Visconti (1402-1412), duke of Milan (07.09.1388 - 16.05.1412) [13659]
Authority, Sitter
Giselhar (981-1004), archbishop of Magdeburg [730]
Glycerius [731]
Authority, Sitter
Godehard (1022-1038), bishop of Hildesheim (960-05.05.1138) [10616]
Authority, Sitter
Gomme, James (1766-30.06.1825) [11245]
Gondemar (609-612) [732]
Authority, Sitter
Gondophares [11360]
Authority, Sitter
Gong (617-618), emperor of China (605-619) [8851]
Gongylos (c. 400-350 BC), satrap in Mysia [10882]
Authority, Sitter
Gordianus I (um 158-238 n. Chr.) [733]
Authority, Sitter
Gordianus II (um 192-238 n. Chr.) [734]
Authority, Sitter
Gordianus III (um 225-244 n. Chr.) [735]
Authority, Sitter
Gorgion (c. 425-399 BC) [10881]
Gotarzes I (c. 91-80 BC) [10254]
Authority, Sitter
Gotarzes II (c. AD 38-51) [4291]
Authority, Sitter
Gottfried (1214-1241), count of Sigmaringen-Helfenstein (1200-02.02.1241) [8987]
Authority, Sitter
Gottfried (913), bishop of Strasbourg [11342]
Authority, Sitter
Geoffrey II of Villehardouin (1229-1246), prince of Achaea (1195-1246) [736]
Authority, Sitter
Godfrey III of Heinsberg (-1395) [14489]
Gottfried IV Schenk of Limburg (1443-1455), bishop of Würzburg (26.01.1404 - 11.04.1455) [4635]
Gottfried of Rhenen (1156-1178), Bibishop of Utrecht (-27.05.1178) [10063]
Authority, Sitter
Gotthard Kettler (1559-1587), until 1561 master of the Teutonic Order in Livonia, then duke of Courland and Semigallia (1517-17.05.1587) [9810]
Authority, Sitter
Gratianus (18.04.359 - 25.08.383 n. Chr.) [737]
Authority, Sitter
Gregory IV (827-844), pope (-25.01.844) [738]
Gregory XI (1370-1378), pope (1329-1378) [739]
Authority, Sitter
Gregory XII (1406-1415), pope (um 1335-18.10.1417) [11279]
Authority, Sitter
Gregory XIII (1572-1585), pope (07.01.1502 - 10.04.1585) [10762]
Authority, Sitter
Gregory XV (1621-1623), pope (09.01.1554 - 08.07.1623) [14664]
Authority, Sitter
Gregory XVI (1831-1846), pope (1745-1831) [740]
Authority, Sitter
Gribble, R. [11022]
Grimoald I (647-671), duke of Benevento from 651, from 662 king of the Lombards [741]
Authority, Sitter
Grimoald III (788-806), duke of Benevento [742]
Authority, Sitter
Grimoald IV (806-817), duke of Benevento [743]
Authority, Sitter
Guangde (1st century AD), king of Khotan [14366]
Guangwu (AD 25-57), emperor of China (15.01.5 v. - 29.03.57 n. Chr.) [8835]
Guangxu/Zaitian (1875-1908), emperor of China (14.08.1871 - 14.11.1908) [7676]
Guaram I (588-590) [15035]
Gubert of Salis (1722-1737), Freiherr of Salis-Haldenstein [12568]
Authority, Sitter
Guelfo della Gherardesca (1285-1302), count of Donoratico (-1295) [6457]
Guy de la Roche (1287-1308), duke of Athens (-05.10.1308) [9627]
Authority, Sitter
Guidobald Count of Thun and Hohenstein (1654-1668), archbishop of Salzburg (16.12.1616 - 01.06.1668) [744]
Authority, Sitter
Gumprecht I (1351-1379), reeve of Cologne and lord of Alpen [5411]
Gumprecht II (1418-1422), reeve in Cologen and lord of Alpen [5357]
Gumprecht III (1422-1465), reeve in Cologne and lord of Alpen [5358]
Gundobad (473-516), king of the Burgundians [745]
Authority, Sitter
Gunthamund (484-496), king of the Vandals [746]
Authority, Sitter
Günther of Henneberg (1146-1161), bishop of Speyer (-16.08.1161) [8985]
Authority, Sitter
Günther XLII (1593-1643), count of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen (07.09.1570 - 07.01.1643) [13122]
Authority, Sitter
Günther XX (XXXVI) (1471-1503), count of Schwarzburg (08.07.1439 - 30.12.1503) [12216]
Authority, Sitter
Günther XXI (1324-1349), count of Schwarzburg-Blankenburg (1304-14.06.1349) [9038]
Authority, Sitter
Gurga (1st century AD), king of Khotan [14364]
Gurgadama (1st century AD), king of Khotan [14363]
Gurgamoya (1st century AD), king of Khotan [14362]
Gustav I Wasa (1523-1560), king of Sweden (12.05.1496 - 29.09.1560) [747]
Authority, Sitter
Gustav II Adolph (1611-1632), king of Sweden (19.12.1594 - 16.11.1632) [748]
Authority, Sitter
Gustav III (1771-1792), king of Sweden (24.01.1746 - 29.03,1792) [749]
Gustav IV Adolph (1792-1809), king of Sweden (01.11.1778 - 07.02.1837) [750]
Authority, Sitter
Gustav V (1907-1950), king of Sweden (16.06.1858 - 29.10.1950) [14603]
Authority, Sitter
Gustav VI Adolph (1950-1973), king of Sweden (11.11.1882 - 15.09.1973) [14604]
Authority, Sitter
Haakon VII (1905-1957), king of Norway (03.08.1872 - 21.09.1957) [14371]
Authority, Sitter
Adrian I (772-795), pope (-25.12.795) [4566]
Authority, Sitter
Hadrianus (76-138 n. Chr.) [751]
Authority, Sitter
Hailing Wang (Wanyan Liang) (1150-1161), emperor of China (24.02.1122 - 15.12.1161) [7659]
Haimo (c. 988-1024), bishop of Verdun (-30.04.1024) [8291]
Authority, Sitter
Hajo Harlda (1433-1441), chief of Jever [4598]
Hannibalianus (-337 n. Chr.) [4540]
Authority, Sitter
Hans Eitel Diede zum Fürstenstein (1671-1685), burgrave of Friedberg (16.10.1624 - 12.02.1685) [12531]
Authority, Sitter
Harthacnut (1035-1042), king of Denmark, 1035-1037/1040-1042 king of England (um 1018-08.06.1042) [754]
Authority, Sitter
Harding [11263]
Harold I (1035-1040), king of England (um 1016-1040) [752]
Authority, Sitter
Harold II (1066), king of England (1022-14.10.1066) [753]
Authority, Sitter
Hartbert (1199-1216), bishop of Hildesheim [755]
Authority, Sitter
Hartmann III (c. 1203), lord in Lobdeburg [8946]
Authority, Sitter
Hartmann of Dillingen (1248-1286), bishop of Augsburg [14192]
Authority, Sitter
Hartwig (991-1023), archbishop of Salzburg (-05.12.1023) [15049]
Authority, Sitter
Hartwig I of Lierheim (1167-1184), bishop of Augsburg (-24./25.01.1184) [9503]
Authority, Sitter
Hartwig II of Utlede (1184-1207), archbishop of Bremen (-03.11.1207) [10175]
Authority, Sitter
Hartwig of Sponheim (1079-1102), archbishop of Magdeburg (-17.06.1102) [756]
Authority, Sitter
Harwood, Robert [11218]
Hassān ibn an-Nuʿmān (-705) [3012]
Authority, Governor (ISL)
He (AD 88-106), emperor of China (79-13.02.106 n. Chr.) [8838]
Hebryzelmis [4205]
Hedley, Isaquey [11202]
Hedwig of Saxony (1458-1511), abbess of Quedlinburg (31.10.1445 - 13.06.1511) [759]
Heimo (1022-1026), bishop of Constance (-18.03.1026) [8285]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich (1184-1192), count of Gardelegen [8963]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich (1221-1288), margrave of Meißen and Lusatia (um 1215-15.02.1288) [10885]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich (1253-1290), 1253-1255 duke of Bavaria and count palatine of the Rhine, from 1255 duke of Lower Bavaria (19.11.1235 - 03.02.1290) [15239]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich (1302-1319), bishop of Breslau (-23.09.1319) [4830]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich (1417-1466), duke of Mecklenburg-Stargard [14880]
Heinrich (1538-1572), count of Stolberg (02.01.1509 - 12.11.1572) [9001]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich (1612-1650), count of Schlick, Field marshall (1580-05.01.1650) [14108]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich (1800-1817), prince of Reuss (16.02.1747 - 29.01.1817) [14271]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich (998-1026), count of Luxembourg and 1004-1009/1017-1026 duke of Bavaria (um 960-27.02.1026) [15236]
Authority, Sitter
Henry II (1547-1559), king of France (31.03.1519 - 10.07.1559) [779]
Authority, Sitter
Henry III (1574-1589), king of France (19.09.1551 - 02.08.1589) [761]
Authority, Sitter
Henry IV (1589-1610), king of France (13.12.1553 - 14.05.1610) [762]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich the Pious (1539-1541), duke of Saxony (16.03.1473 - 18.08.1541) [14795]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich the Good (976-1016), count of Stade (-02.10.1016) [760]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich the Lion (1142-1180), duke of Saxony, from 1156 duke of Bavaria (1129-06.08.1195) [764]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich the Proud (1137-1139), duke of Saxony (-20.10.1039) [765]
Heinrich I (1045-1060), count palatine of Lorraine (-29.07.1060) [10050]
Authority, Sitter
Henry I (1100-1135), king of England (um 1068-01.12.1135) [766]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich I (1142-1153), archbishop of Mainz (um 1080-1153) [767]
Authority, Sitter
Henri I (1151-1181), count of Champagne (1126-16.03.1181) [773]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich I (1190-vor 1214), count of Waldeck-Schwalenberg (-1214) [769]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich I (1247-1308), landgrave of Hesse (24.06.1244 - 21.12.1308) [4817]
Heinrich I (1291-1322), prince of Brunswick-Grubenhagen (1267-07.09.1322) [8993]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich I (1312-1346), duke of Schweidnitz-Jauer (um 1294-15.05.1346) [8945]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich I (1503-1514), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, prince of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (24.06.1463 - 23.06.1514) [9032]
Authority, Sitter
Henri I (1573-1595), duke of Orléans-Longueville, prince of Neufchâtel (1568-08.04.1595) [8382]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich I (1629-1681), lord of Obergreiz (03.05.1627 - 08.03.1681) [14150]
Authority, Sitter
Henry I (1811-1820), king of Haiti (06.10.1767 - 08.10.1820) [770]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich I (912-936), king from 919, from 912 duke of Saxony (um 876-02.07.936) [771]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich I (948-955), Duke of Bavaria (um 919-01.11.955) [772]
Heinrich I of Assel (1084-1107), from 1002 archbishop of Magdeburg, 1084-1090 bishop of Paderborn (-15.04.1107) [768]
Authority, Sitter
Henry I of Lorraine (1127-1165), bishop of Toul [8260]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich I of Rusteberg (1246-1257), bishop of Hildesheim (um 1200-1257) [10622]
Authority, Sitter
Henry I of Wildenburg (1288-1310), abbot of Werden and Helmstedt [10663]
Authority, Sitter
Henry II (1002-1024), king, from 1004 king of Italy, from 1014 emperoraiser (973-13.07.1024) [774]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich II (1140-1177), until 1141 count palatine of the Rhine, 1143-1156 duke of Bavaria, from 1156 of Austria (1107-13.01.1177) [9858]
Authority, Sitter
Henry II (1154-1189), king of England (05.03.1133 - 06.07.1189) [775]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich II (1180-1193), bishop of Chur [4640]
Henry II (1181-1197), count of Champagne, from 1192 as Henry I king of Jerusalem (29.07.1166 - 10.09.1197) [776]
Authority, Sitter
Henri II (1235-1248), duke of Brabant (1207-01.02.1248) [10060]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich II. (1235-1290), count of Hoya (-25.01.1290) [10159]
Authority, Sitter
Henry II (1285-1324), king of Cyprus, until 1291 king of Jerusalem (1271-1324) [777]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich II (1305-1344), count of Waldeck (-01.05.1348) [778]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich II (1514-1568), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, prince of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (10.11.1489 - 11.06.1568) [9900]
Authority, Sitter
Henri II (1595-1663), duke of Orléans-Longueville, prince of Neuchâtel (06.04.1595 - 11.05.1663) [8383]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich II. (1608-1639), lord of Burgk (1575-1639) [14092]
Heinrich II (1667-1697), lord of Untergreiz (08.01.1634 - 05.10.1697) [14149]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich II (955-976/985-995), duke of Bavaria (951-28.08.995) [8989]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich II of Moers (1425-1450), bishop of Münster (1391-02.06.1450) [10121]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich II of Stühlingen (1159-1165), bishop of Würzburg (-23.02.1165) [11190]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich II of Virneburg (1306-1332), archbishop of Cologne [780]
Authority, Sitter
Henry II of Wildenburg (1360-1382), abbot of Werden [10664]
Authority, Sitter
Henry III (1039-1056), king, from 1046 emperor (um 1017-1056) [781]
Authority, Sitter
Henry III (1216-1272), king of England (01.10.1207 - 16.11.1272) [782]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich III (1220-1223), bishop of Chur [4641]
Henri III (1248-1261), duke of Brabant (um 1231-28.02.1261) [10061]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich III (1273-1309), duke of Głogów (ca. 1251-1309) [12926]
Authority, Sitter
Henry III (1390-1406), king of Castile and León (04.10.1379 - 25.12.1406) [783]
Heinrich III (1427-1464), prince of Brunswick-Grubenhagen (1416-1464) [10497]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich III (1548-1587), duke of Münsterberg (29.04.1542 - 10.04.1587) [784]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich III (1733-1768), count of Untergreiz (26.01.1701 - 17.03.1768) [14167]
Authority, Sitter
Henry III Duden (1573-1601), abbot of Werden and Helmstedt (1521-05.04.1601) [12668]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich III of Homburg (1275-1306), abbot in Corvey [9017]
Authority, Sitter
Henry III of Kronberg (1192-1216), abbot of Fulda (um 1150-12.03.1216) [8983]
Authority, Sitter
Henry III of Marburg (1458-1483), landgrave of Upper Hesse (15.10.1440 - 13.01.1483) [785]
Henry IV (1056-1106), king, from 1084 emperor (11.11.1050 - 07.08.1106) [786]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich IV (1204-1228), margrave of Istria, count of Stein (um 1175-18.07.1228) [12239]
Authority, Sitter
Henri IV (1261-1267), duke of Brabant (um 1251-nach 1271) [10062]
Authority, Sitter
Henry IV (1454-1474), king of Castile and León (05.01.1425 - 11.12.1474) [787]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich IV (1463-1526), prince of Brunswick-Grubenhagen (1460-06.12.1526) [10498]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich IV (1616-1636), lord of Dölau (09.12.1580 - 03.01.1636) [14093]
Heinrich IV (1625-1629), lord of Obergreiz (11.03.1597 - 25.08.1629) [14094]
Henry IV Duecker (1646-1667), abbot of Werden and Helmstedt (ca. 1597-1646) [12671]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich IV of Heßberg (1202-1207), bishop of Würzburg (-13.07.1207) [11166]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich Julius (1566-1613), bishop of Halberstadt, from 1589 duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, 1582-1585 bishop of Minden (15.10.1564 - 20.07.1613) [788]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich LXII (1818-1854) (31.05.1785 - 19.06.1854) [789]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich Postumus (1595-1635), lord of Gera, Lobenstein and Ober-Kranichfeld (10.06.1572 - 03.12.1635) [790]
Heinrich Raspe II, Graf (um 1130-um 1157) [11298]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich Raspe III, count (um 1155-18.07.1180) [11299]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich Raspe IV (1227-1247), landgrave of Thuringia, anti-king (1204-16.02.1247) [9027]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich Reffle of Richtenberg (1470-1477), master of the Teutonic order (um 1415-1477) [10274]
Authority, Sitter
Henry V (1106-1125), king, from 1111 emperor (1086-23.05.1125) [791]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich V (1144-1161), duke of Carinthia (-12.10.1161) [792]
Henry V (1247-1281), count of Luxembourg (1216-24.12.1281) [10054]
Authority, Sitter
Henry V (1417-1422), king of England (16.09.1386 - 31.08.1422) [793]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich V (1503-1552), duke of Mecklenburg (03.05.1479 - 06.02.1552) [794]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich V (1625-1667), lord of Untergreiz (04.12.1602 - 07.03.1667) [14095]
Henry V of Aschenbroich (1616-1620), abbot of Corvey (ca. 1594-1625) [11742]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich V of Brunswick (1195-1227), until 1211 count palatine of the Rhine, until 1227 duke of Saxony (um 1173-28.04.1227) [795]
Authority, Sitter
Henry VI (1169-1197), king, from 1191 emperor, from 1194 king of Sicily (1165-28.09.1197) [796]
Authority, Sitter
Henry VI (1422-1461/1470-1471), king of England and 1422-1453 of France (06.12.1421 - 21.05.1471) [797]
Authority, Sitter
Henry VII (1308-1313), king, from 1312 emperor, from 1288 count of Luxembourg (-24.08.1313) [798]
Authority, Sitter
Henry VII (1485-1509), king of England (28.01.1457 - 21.04.1509) [799]
Authority, Sitter
Henry VIII (1509-1547), king of England (28.06.1491 - 28.01.1547) [800]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich VIII of Bibra (1759-1788), bishop and abbot of Fulda (22.08.1711 - 25.09.1788) [12113]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich Volrad (1618-1641), count of Stolberg (13.07.1590 - 04.10.1641) [14213]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich of Berg, 1169-1171 bishop of Passau and 1191-1197 of Würzburg (-14.04.1197) [10902]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich of Carinthia (1307-1335), until 1310 king of Bohemia, from 1310 as Heinrich VI duke of Carinthia and Carniola, duke of Tyrol (um 1265-02.04.1335) [12608]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich of Schwarzburg (1466-1496), bishop of Münster, from 1463 archbishop of Bremen (13.11.1440 - 24.12.1496) [802]
Authority, Sitter
Henry Wenceslaus (1617-1639), duke of Bernstadt (07.10.1592 - 21.08.1639) [803]
Heinrich XII of Schleiz (1744-1784) (1716-1784) [804]
Heinrich XVI (1393-1450), duke of Bavaria-Landshut (1386-30.07.1450) [4632]
Heinrich XXII (1859-1902), prince of Reuss (28.03.1846 - 19.04.1902) [12855]
Authority, Sitter
Heinrich XXXI (1493-1526), count of Schwarzburg (1473-1526) [805]
Authority, Sitter
Hekatomnos [806]
Heliokles I of Bactria [807]
Authority, Sitter
Heliokles II of Bactria [808]
Authority, Sitter
Hélion de Villeneuve (1319-1346), Grand master of the order of St. John of Jerusalem (um 1270-1346) [809]
Authority, Sitter
Henning Scharfenberg (1424-1448), archbishop of Riga [810]
Authority, Sitter
Henri (2000-), Grand duke of Luxembourg (16.04.1955-) [763]
Authority, Sitter
Henri de La Tour d’Auvergne (1591-1623), duke of Bouillon (28.09.1555 - 25.03.1623) [10751]
Authority, Sitter
Heraclius (610-641) (um 575-641) [811]
Authority, Sitter
Heraclonas (641) (626-641) [2991]
Authority, Sitter
Herbert I (1015-1036), count of Maine [4561]
Heribert I (1183-1199), abbot of Helmstedt [812]
Authority, Sitter
Heribert II (1198-1225), abbot of Helmstedt [10660]
Authority, Sitter
Hermaios of Bactria [814]
Authority, Sitter
Hermann (1059-1086), count of Billung (-31.05.1086) [10166]
Authority, Sitter
Hermann (1073-1090), bishop of Metz (-04.05.1090) [8200]
Authority, Sitter
Hermann (1162-1170), bishop of Hildesheim [10619]
Authority, Sitter
Hermann I (1190-1217), landgrave of Thuringia and Hesse (ca. 1155-25.04.1217) [816]
Authority, Sitter
Hermann I (1245-1290), count of Henneberg (1224-18.12.1290) [8982]
Authority, Sitter
Hermann I (926-949), duke of Swabia (-10.12.949) [12397]
Hermann I (c. 1341-1388), lord of Wildenburg [818]
Hermann I of Lobdeburg (1225-1254), bishop of Würzburg (-02.03.1254) [11101]
Authority, Sitter
Hermann I of Winzenburg (1109-1122), count of Reinhausen-Winzenburg, from 1111 landgrave of Thuringia (um 1083-1127/1138) [817]
Authority, Sitter
Hermann II (1036-1056), archbishop of Cologne (um 995-11.02.1056) [10089]
Authority, Sitter
Hermann II (1195-1229), lord of Lippe (1175-25.12.1229) [10143]
Authority, Sitter
Hermann II the Scholar (1376-1413), landgrave of Hesse (1341-10.06.1413) [815]
Hermann III of Hochstaden (1089-1099), archbishop of Cologne (um 1055-21.11.1099) [7601]
Authority, Sitter
Hermann of Blankenburg (1206-1303), bishop of Halberstadt [10682]
Authority, Sitter
Hermann of Calvelage-Ravensberg (1020-1051) [10163]
Authority, Sitter
Hermann of Hesse (1480-1508), archbishop of Cologne, from 1498 also bishop of Paderborn (um 1450-19.10.1508) [7603]
Authority, Sitter
Hermann of Salm (1081-1088), anti-king (um 1035-28.09.1088) [819]
Authority, Sitter
Hermann of Wied (1515-1547), archbishop of Cologne (14.01.1477 - 15.08.1552) [2087]
Authority, Sitter
Hermann Werner (1683-1704), Freiherr of Wolff-Metternich zur Gracht, bishop of Paderborn (16.08.1625 - 21.05.1704) [820]
Authority, Sitter
Herodes Agrippa I (AD 37-44) (10 v.-44 n. Chr.) [9997]
Authority, Sitter
Herodes Agrippa II (AD 50-93) (27-92/93 n. Chr.) [9998]
Authority, Sitter
Herodes Antipas (4 BC-AD 39) (um 20 v.-39 n. Chr.) [4509]
Authority, Sitter
Herodes Archelaos (4 BC-AD 6) (21 v.-18 n. Chr.) [4506]
Herodes I (um 73-4 v. Chr.) [821]
Herodes Philippos (4 BC-AD 34) [4512]
Authority, Sitter
Herodes of Chalcis (um 12 v.-48 n. Chr.) [8307]
Authority, Sitter
Hethum I.(1226-1269), king of Little Armenia (-um 1270) [11491]
Authority, Sitter
Hethum II (1289-1293, 1295-1296, 1299-1305), king of Little Armenia (1266-1307) [12055]
Authority, Sitter
Hidrieos [822]
Hieron II ( (269-216 BC), king of Syracuse (um 306-215 v. Chr.) [823]
Authority, Sitter
Hieronymos (215-214 BC), king of Syracuse [824]
Authority, Sitter
Hieronymus Count Colloredo-Wallsee (1772-1803), archbishop of Salzburg (31.05-1732 - 20.05.1812) [825]
Authority, Sitter
Jérôme-Napoléon Bonaparte (1807-1813), king of Westphalia (15.11.1784 - 25.06.1860) [826]
Authority, Sitter
Hiketas (c. 289-278 BC), tyrant of Syracuse [7242]
Hildebold of Wunstorf (1258-1273), archbishop of Bremen (-11.10.1273) [9011]
Authority, Sitter
Hilderic (523-530), king of the Vandals (-533) [827]
Authority, Sitter
Hippostratos of Bactria [828]
Authority, Sitter
Hišām (I) ibn ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān (172-180 AH/788-796), emir of Cordoba (757-796) [12694]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Hồ Quý Ly (1400-1401), emperor of Vietnam (ca. 1336-1407) [13483]
Holland, John [11259]
Hóngwǔ (1368-1398), emperor of China (21.09.1328 - 24.06.1398) [7662]
Hongxi (1424-1425), emperor of China (13.08.1378 - 29.05.1425) [8888]
Hongzhi (1487-1505), emperor of China (30.07.1470 - 08.06.1505) [8884]
Honoré II Grimaldi (1604-1662), lord, from 1633 prince of Monaco (24.12.1597 - 10.01.1662) [830]
Authority, Sitter
Honorius (384-423 n. Chr.) [831]
Authority, Sitter
Huan (AD 146-168), emperor of China (132-25.01.168 n. Chr.) [8845]
Hugh I (1205-1218), king of Cyprus (1195-10.01.1218) [832]
Authority, Sitter
Hugh III (1162-1192), duke of Burgundy (um 1148-25.08.1192) [8940]
Authority, Sitter
Hugo III of Burgundy (1085-1100), archbishop of Besançon [4563]
Hugh IV (1334-1359), king of Cyprus (1294-10.10.1359) [12058]
Authority, Sitter
Hugh Preutaeus (1614-1646), abbot of Werden and Helmstedt (1584-1646) [12670]
Authority, Sitter
Hugo of Hohenlandenberg (1496-1529), bishop of Constance (1457-07.01.1532) [9892]
Authority, Sitter
Hugo of Montfort (1232-1242), abbot of Weingarten [8986]
Authority, Sitter
Huizong (1100-1126), emperor of China (02.11.1082 - 04.06.1135) [7665]
Humbert (1028-1051), abbot of Echternach [8437]
Authority, Sitter
Humfried (1023-1051), archbishop of Magdeburg (-28.02.1051) [11300]
Authority, Sitter
Huneric (477-484), king of the Vandals [833]
Hunt, Henry (06.11.1773 - 15.02.1835) [11016]
Hunton, Joseph (um 1770-08.12.1828) [11260]
Ḥusām ad-Daula Abu ’l-Qāsim b. ʿIzz ad-Daula Baḫtiyār (-389 AH/999), Būyid ruler [11657]
Hussein Kamel (1914-1917), sultan of Egypt, king of Sudan (21.11.1853 - 09.11.1917) [11739]
Authority, Sitter
Huvishka [834]
Authority, Sitter
Khuzayma ibn Khāzim al-Tamīmī (-818/819) [12742]
Authority, Governor (ISL)
Hyrkodes [5159]
Authority, Sitter
Hyspaosines (c. 140-124 BC) (ca. 209-124 v. Chr.) [14554]
Authority, Sitter
Iantumarus [835]
Ibn Muʿāwiya [11752]
Ibrāhīm ibn al-Walīd (I) (126-127AH/744), caliph (-25.01.750) [8799]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Idrīs I ibn ʿAbd Allāh (172-175 AH/789-791) [12714]
Imel Abdena (1427-1455), chief of Emden [13662]
Innocent VI (1352-1362), pope (1285/1292-1362) [838]
Authority, Sitter
Innocent VIII (1484-1492), pope (1432-25.07.1492) [10482]
Authority, Sitter
Innocent X (1644-1655), pope (06.05.1574 - 07.01.1655) [10761]
Authority, Sitter
Innocent XI (1676-1689), pope (19.05.1611 - 12.08.1689) [836]
Authority, Sitter
Innocent XII (1691-1700), pope (13.03.1615 - 27.09.1700) [837]
Authority, Sitter
Innocent XIII (1721-1724), pope (13.05.1655 - 07.03.1724) [15116]
Authority, Sitter
Ioel/Joël [13010]
Authority, Sitter
Iohannes (-425 n. Chr.) [839]
Authority, Sitter
Iotapianus (-249 n. Chr.) [840]
Authority, Sitter
Iovianus (331-364 n. Chr.) [841]
Authority, Sitter
Iovinus (-413 n. Chr.) [842]
Authority, Sitter
Irene (797-802) (752-09.08.803) [843]
Authority, Sitter
Irene Palaiologina (1340-1341), empress of Trebizond [7058]
Authority, Sitter
Rinchinbal (1332), Great Khan of the Mongols, as Ningzong emperor of China (01.05.1326 - 14.12.1332) [8913]
Irmgard of Wittgenstein (1290-1323), abbess of Herford [10142]
Authority, Sitter
Isaac Comnenus (1185-1194) (ca. 1155-1195) [7027]
Authority, Sitter
Isaac I Comnenus (1057-1059) (um 1005-1061) [844]
Authority, Sitter
Isaac II Angelus (1185-1195, 1203-1204) (1155-1204) [845]
Authority, Sitter
Isabella I (1474-1504), queen of Castile and León (22.04.1451 - 26.11.1504) [3323]
Authority, Sitter
Isabella II (1833-1868), queen of Spain (10.10.1830 - 09.04.1904) [846]
Authority, Sitter
Isḥāq bin ʿAlī bin Yūsif (541 AH/1146-1147), last ruler of the Almoravids [4682]
Iuba I (um 84-46 v. Chr.) [4360]
Authority, Sitter
Iuba II (25 BC-AD 23), king auf Mauretania (um 50 v.-23 n. Chr.) [4361]
Authority, Duumvir, Sitter
Julianus (331-363 n. Chr.) [847]
Authority, Sitter
Iulius Nepos (-480 n. Chr.) [848]
Authority, Sitter
Ivan Alexander (1331-1371), tsar of Bulgaria (-17.02.1371) [4854]
Authority, Sitter
Ivan Asen II (1218-124), tsar of Bulgaria (-24.06.1241) [14890]
Authority, Sitter
Ivan Shishman (1371-1393), tsar of Bulgaria (um 1350-03.06.1395) [14940]
Authority, Sitter
Ivan Stracimir (1356-1396), tsar of Bulgaria (in Vidin) (um 1324-1397/1398) [4866]
Authority, Sitter
Ivan VI (1740-1741), emperor of Russia (23.08.1740 - 16.07.1764) [10547]
Authority, Sitter
Iʿzāz ad-Daula Abū Kālīǧār Marzubān (um 365 AH/976), Buyid ruler [10847]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Jacqueline of Bavaria (1417-1433), countess of Hainaut (15.07.1401 - 09.10.1436) [13660]
Authority, Sitter
Jacopo Contarini (1275-1280), doge of Venice [9795]
Authority, Sitter
Jacopo Tiepolo (1229-1249), doge of Venice (-19.07.1249) [9799]
Authority, Sitter
Jaxa of Köpenick (1150-1176?), Slavic prince [850]
Authority, Sitter
Jahandar Shah (1124 AH/1712-1713), Mughal emperor (09.05.1661 - 12.02.1713) [6559]
James I (1406-1437), king of Scotland (10.12.1394 - 21.02.1437) [4751]
Authority, Sitter
James I/VI (1567-1625), as James VI king of Scotland, as James I from 1603 king England and Ireland (19.06.1566 - 27.03.1625) [851]
Authority, Sitter
James II (1437-1460), king of Scotland (16.10.1430 - 03.08.1460) [4815]
Authority, Sitter
James II (1685-1688), king of England and Ireland, as James VII king of Scotland (14.10.1633 - 16.09.1701) [852]
Authority, Sitter
James III (1460-1488), king of Scotland (10.07.1451 - 11.06.1488) [4752]
Authority, Sitter
James IV (1488-1513), king of Scotland (17.03.1473 - 09.09.1513) [4753]
Authority, Sitter
James V (1514-1542), king of Scotland (10.04.1512 - 14.12.1542) [853]
Authority, Sitter
Jakob Ernst von Liechtenstein-Kastelkorn (1745-1747), archbishop of Salzburg (14.02.1690 - 12.06.1747) [14446]
Authority, Sitter
Jacob I of Sierck (1439-1456), archbishop of Trier (um 1398-28.05.1456) [7845]
Authority, Sitter
James II (1291-1327), king of Aragon, 1285-1291 king of Sicily (10.08.1267 - 02.11.1327) [854]
Authority, Sitter
James II (1460-1473), king of Cyprus (um 1440-10.07.1473) [12021]
Authority, Sitter
Jacob II of Baden (1503-1511), archbishop of Trier (06.06.1471 - 27.04.1511) [7847]
Authority, Sitter
James III (1324-1343), king of Majorca (05.04.1315 - 25.10.1349) [855]
Jakob III of Eltz (1567-1581), archbishop of Trier (1510-04.06.1581) [2092]
Authority, Sitter
Jacob Kettler (1642-1682), duke of Courland (28.10.1610 - 01.01.1682) [2110]
Authority, Sitter
Jacobo VII Appiani (1594-1603), prince of Piombino (1581-1603) [7112]
Jakob von Liebenstein (1504-1508), archbishop of Mainz (1462-15.09.1508) [15234]
Authority, Sitter
Jacob of Salza (1520-1539), prince of Neiße, bishop of Breslau (1481-25.08.1539) [849]
Authority, Sitter
Jalal-al-din Muhammad Akbar (963-1014 AH/1556-1605), Mughal emperor (15.10.1542 - 27.10.1605) [6552]
Jardine, David [11307]
Jaromar I (1170-1218), prince of Rügen (vor 1141-1218) [10225]
Authority, Sitter
Jaroslav the Wise (1019-1054), prince of Kiev (-20.02.1054) [856]
Jerrems, William [11199]
Jiajing (1521-1567), emperor of China (16.09.1507 - 23.01.1567) [7666]
Jiaqing (1796-1820), emperor of China (13.11.1760 - 02.09.1820) [7667]
Jingtai (1449-1457), emperor of China (21.11.1428 - 14.03.1457) [8887]
Joachim (1477-1520), count of Öttingen-Flochberg (-07.07.1520) [4636]
Joachim (1536-1562), duke of Münsterberg, 1536-1542 duke of Oels, 1545-1560 as Joachim II bishop of Brandenburg (18.01.1503 - 27.12.1562) [857]
Authority, Sitter
Joachim (1546-1561), prince of Anhalt-Dessau (07.08.1509 - 06.12.1561) [4381]
Authority, Sitter
Joachim Ernst (1603-1625), margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach (22.06.1583 - 07.03.1625) [9687]
Authority, Sitter
Joachim Friedrich (1586-1602), duke of Brieg, from 1596 of Liegnitz (29.09.1550 - 25.03.1602) [858]
Authority, Sitter
Joachim Friedrich (1598-1608), elector of Brandenburg (27.01.1548 - 18.07.1608) [859]
Authority, Sitter
Joachim Friedrich (1615-1623), count of Mansfeld-Bornstedt, called of Friedeburg (19.04.1581-1623) [11692]
Joachim I (1435-1451), duke of Pomerania-Stettin (um 1424-22.09.1451) [11208]
Authority, Sitter
Joachim I (1499-1535), elector of Brandenburg (21.02.1484 - 11.07.1535) [860]
Authority, Sitter
Joachim II (1535-1571), elector of Brandenburg (13.01.1505 - 03.01.1571) [861]
Authority, Sitter
Jobst (1375-1411), margrave of Moravia, from 1388 duke of Louxemburg, 1410-1411 king of the Germans (1351-18.01.1411) [9036]
Authority, Sitter
Jodocus Edmund (1688-1702), Freiherr of Brabeck, bishop of Hildesheim (11.11.1619 - 13.02.1702) [862]
Jodocus (Jost) von Silenen (1482-1496), bishop of Sitten (um 1435-1498) [12369]
Authority, Sitter
Johann (1151-1170), bishop of Merseburg [863]
Authority, Sitter
John (1200-1213), abbot of Hersfeld [864]
Authority, Sitter
Johann (1347-1368), count of Cleves (-19.11.1368) [865]
Johann (1356-1375), lord of Moers [866]
Johann (1536-1565), duke of Münsterberg, from 1542 duke of Oels (04.11.1509 - 28.02.1565) [868]
Authority, Sitter
Johann (1564-1622), duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg (25.03.1545 - 09.10.1622) [12659]
Authority, Sitter
Johann (1854-1873), king of Saxony (12.12.1801 - 29.10.1873) [869]
Authority, Sitter
John (1481-1513), king of Denmark (05.06.1455 - 20.02.1513) [870]
Authority, Sitter
Jean (1964-2000), Grand duke of Luxembourg (05.01.1921 - 23.04.2019) [2093]
Authority, Sitter
John II (1350-1364), king of France (16.04.1319 - 08.04.1364) [907]
Authority, Sitter
John (Joao) I (1385-1433), king of Portugal (11.04.1357 - 14.08.1433) [871]
John (Joao) II (1481-1495), king of Portugal (03.05.1455 - 25.10.1495) [4674]
Authority, Sitter
John (Joao) III (1521-1557), king of Portugal (06.06.1502 - 11.06.1557) [872]
John (Joao) V (1706-1750), king of Portugal (22.10.1689 - 31.07.1750) [873]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Adam of Bicken (1601-1604), archbishop of Mainz (27.05.1564 - 11.01.1604) [874]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Adolf (1671-1704), duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Plön (08.04.1634 - 02.07.1704) [10924]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Adolf I (1670-1683), prince of Schwarzenberg (20.09.1615 - 26.05.1683) [7690]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Albrecht II (1610-1636), duke Mecklenburg-Güstrow (05.05.1590 - 23.04.1636) [12555]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Anton of Buol-Schauenstein (1742-1765), Freiherr of Ehrenfels (1710-1771) [12561]
Authority, Sitter
John Casimir (1572-1633), duke of Saxe-Coburg (12.06.1564 - 16.07.1633) [2094]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Christian (1602-1639), duke of Liegnitz and Brieg (28.08.1591 - 25.12.1639) [876]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Christoph of Brambach (1620/1624-1638), abbot of Corvey (-15.05.1638) [11743]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Christoph of Westerstetten (1612-1637), bishop of Eichstätt (06.01.1563 - 28.07.1637) [10476]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Cicero (1486-1499), margarve and elector of Brandenburg (02.08.1455 - 09.01.1499) [877]
Authority, Sitter
Johann the Steadfast (1486-1532), duke, from 1525 elector of Saxony (13.06.1468 - 16.08.1532) [3049]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Dietrich (1611-1644), count of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort (31.01.1585 - 06.03.1644) [6508]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Eberhard of Cronenberg (1577-1617), burgrave of Friedberg (1547-08.10.1617) [12529]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Ernst (1605-1626), duke of Saxe-Weimar (21.02.1594 - 04.12.1626) [878]
Authority, Sitter
John Ernest (1633-1638), duke of Saxe-Coburg-Eisenach (09.07.1566 - 23.10.1638) [879]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Ernst (1680-1729), duke of Saxe-Saalfeld (22.08.1658 - 17.12.1729) [880]
Authority, Sitter
John Ernest Count of Thun and Hohenstein (1687-1709), archbishop of Salzburg (03.07.1643 - 20.04.1709) [881]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Ernst III (1683-1707), duke of Saxe-Weimar (22.06.1664 - 10.06.1707) [13774]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Franz Schenk von Stauffenberg (1704-1740), bishop of Constance, from 1737 Augsburg, too (18.02.1658 - 12.06.1740) [14643]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Franz of Trautson (1621-1663), count of Falkenstein (1609-26.03.1663) [8235]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Friedrich (1569-1600), duke of Pomerania (27.08.1542 - 09.02.1600) [884]
Johann Friedrich (1605-1628), duke of Saxe-Weimar (19.09.1600 - 17.10.1628) [11568]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Friedrich (1608-1628), duke of Württemberg (05.05.1582 - 18.07.1628) [885]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Friedrich (1665-1679), duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (25.05.1625 - 28.12.1679) [886]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Friedrich I (1532-1547), elector of Saxony (30.06.1503 - 03.03.1554) [888]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Friedrich II (1554-1567), duke of Saxony (08.01.1529 - 09.05.1595) [889]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Friedrich of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf (1596-1634), archbishop of Bremen, from 1607 bishop of Lübeck, from 1631 of Verden (01.09.1579 - 03.09.1634) [4436]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Friedrich zu Öhringen (1676-1702), count of Hohenlohe (1617-1702) [890]
Authority, Sitter
Gian Galeazzo Maria Sforza (1476-1494), duke of Milan (20.06.1469 - 21.10.1494) [891]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Georg (1571-1598), elector of Brandenburg (11.09.1515 - 18.01.1598) [892]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Georg (1603-1618), prince of Anhalt-Dessau (09.05.1567 - 24.05.1618) [2096]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Georg (1606-1621), duke of Jägerndorf (16.12.1577 - 03.03.1624) [893]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Georg I (1611-1656), elector of Saxony (05.03.1585 - 08.10.1656) [894]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Georg II (1619-1647), count of Mansfeld-Eisleben (15.05.1593 - 19.02.1647) [11694]
Johann Georg II (1656-1680), elector of Saxony (10.06.1613 - 01.09.1680) [895]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Georg II (1660-1693), prince of Anhalt-Dessau (17.11.1627 - 07.08.1693) [8580]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Georg II Fuchs von Dornheim (1623-1633), bishop of Bamberg (23.04.1586 - 29.03.1633) [896]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Georg III (1663-1710), count of Mansfeld-Eisleben (12.07.1640 - 01.01.1710) [14183]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Georg III (1680-1691), elector of Saxony (30.06.1647 - 22.09.1691) [897]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Georg IV (1691-1694), elector of Saxony (18.10.1668 - 27.04.1694) [12725]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Georg IV., count of Mansfeld-Artern (06.06.1557 - 05.09.1615) [7451]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Gottfried I of Aschhausen (1609-1622), bishop of Bamberg and from 1617 of Würzburg (12.08.1575 - 29.12.1622) [14215]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Günther II (1599-1631), count of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen (03.05.1577 - 16.12.1631) [13124]
Authority, Sitter
John Hugo of Orsbeck (1676-1711), as John VIII archbishop of Trier, from 1675 bishop of Speyer (1634-06.01.1711) [898]
Authority, Sitter
John Hunyadi (1446-1452), regent-governor (-11.08.1456) [899]
Johann I (1190-1212), archbishop of Trier (um 1140-15.07.1212) [12037]
Authority, Sitter
Johann I (1220-1266), margrave of Brandenburg [900]
Johann I (1234-1264), lord of Mecklenburg (um 1211-01.08.1264) [10217]
Authority, Sitter
Johann I (1251-1270), count of Oldenburg (um 1204-1270) [10157]
Authority, Sitter
Johann I (1252-1277), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, from 1269 prince of Lüneburg (um 1242-13.12.1277) [10278]
Authority, Sitter
Johann I (1260-1282), duke of Saxony (1249-30.07.1285) [8964]
Authority, Sitter
Jean I (1268-1294), duke of Brabant, from 1288 of Limburg (um 1252-03.05.1294) [901]
Authority, Sitter
John I (1279-1304), count of Hainaut, from 1299 as John II count of Holland (1248-22.08.1304) [902]
Jean I (1346-1389), duke of Lorraine (1346-23.09.1390) [4590]
Authority, Sitter
Johann I (1378-1395), lord of Isenburg-Büdingen [11321]
Authority, Sitter
John I (1387-1396), king of Aragon and Majorca (27.12.1350 - 19.05.1396) [903]
Authority, Sitter
Johann I (1477-1516), count of Rietberg (um 1450-1516) [904]
John I the Blind (1310-1346), king of Bohemia, from 1313 count of Luxembourg (10.08.1296 - 26.08.1346) [933]
Authority, Sitter
Johann I of Egloffstein (1400-1411), bishop of Würzburg (-22.11.1411) [11105]
Authority, Sitter
John I of Ibelin (1197-1236), lord of Beirut (1177-1236) [12168]
Authority, Sitter
John I Vyffhusen (1343-1373), bishop of Dorpat [905]
Authority, Sitter
John II (1285-1315), count of Oldenburg [10158]
Authority, Sitter
Jean II (1294-1312), duke of Brabant and Limburg (27.09.1275 - 27.10.1312) [906]
John II (1324-1377), count of Hoya (1319-27.12.1377) [10625]
Authority, Sitter
Johann II (1392-1416), duke of Mecklenburg-Stargard [14881]
John II (1406-1454), king of Castile and León (06.03.1405 - 20.07.1454) [908]
Johann II (1407-1444), count of Wertheim [909]
Jean II (1456-1488), prince of Bourbon and Auvergne (1427-1488) [912]
John II (1458-1479), king of Aragon, as John I king of Sardinia (29.06.1398 - 19.01.1479) [4673]
Authority, Sitter
Johann II (1481-1521), duke of Cleves and count of the Mark (13.04.1458 - 15.03.1521) [910]
Authority, Sitter
Johann II (1604-1635), duke of Palatinate-Zweibrücken (26.03.1584 - 09.08.1635) [14631]
Authority, Sitter
Johann II Senn of Münsingen (1335-1365), bishop of Basels (ca. 1308-30.06.1365) [8789]
Authority, Sitter
John II Sigismund (1540-1571), king of Hungary, from 1570 prince of Transylvania (07.07.1540 - 14.03.1571) [911]
Johann II of Baden (1456-1503), archbishop of Trier (1434-09.02.1503) [7846]
Authority, Sitter
Johann II of Brandenburg (1266-1281), lord of Krossen (ca. 1237-1281) [10906]
Authority, Sitter
Johann II of Brunn (1411-1440), bishop of Würzburg (-09.01.1440) [4634]
John II of Louvain (1309-1324), lord in Herstal [10088]
Authority, Sitter
Johann II of Nassau (1397-1419), archbishop of Mainz (1360-23.09.1419) [913]
Authority, Sitter
Jean III (1312-1355), duke of Brabant and Limburg (1300-05.12.1355) [914]
Authority, Sitter
Johann III (1521-1539), duke of Jülich, Cleves and Berg (100.11.1490 - 06.02.1535) [915]
John III (1568-1592), king of Sweden (20.12.1537 - 17.11.1592) [916]
Authority, Sitter
Johann III Cirksena (1600-1625), count of Rietberg (1566-23.01.1625) [14583]
Authority, Sitter
Johann III Fugger (1598-1633), lord of zu Babenhausen until 1620, then of Boos (01.06.1583 - 28.04.1633) [12145]
Jean III Joffevry (1352-1354), bishop of Valence (-1361) [917]
Johann III Rhode (1497-1511), archbishop of Bremen (um 1445-04.12.1511) [918]
Authority, Sitter
Johann III Romka (1292-1301), bishop of Wrocław (-19.11.1301) [12927]
Authority, Sitter
Jan III Sobieski (1674-1696), king of Poland and Grand duke of Lithuania (17.08.1629 - 17.06.1696) [13729]
Authority, Sitter
Johann III of the Palatinate (1507-1538), administrator of Regensburg (07.05.1488 - 03.02.1538) [5236]
Authority, Sitter
Johann III of Grumbach (1455-1466), bishop of Würzburg (-11.04.1466) [11107]
Authority, Sitter
Johann III of Metzenhausen (1531-1540), archbishop of Trier (1492-22.07.1540) [7848]
Authority, Sitter
Jean IV (1415-1427), duke of Brabant (11.06.1403 - 17.04.1427) [14261]
Johann IV (1463-1507), duke of Saxe-Lauenburg (18.07.1439 - 15.08.1507) [10210]
Authority, Sitter
Johann IV (1487-1531), landgrave of Leuchtenberg (1470-01.09.1531) [9476]
Authority, Sitter
Johann IV (1544-1551), prince of Anhalt-Zerbst (04.09.1504 - 04.02.1551) [4383]
Authority, Sitter
John IV of Arckel (1341-1378), bishop of Utrecht until 1364, then bishop of Liège [920]
Authority, Sitter
John IV of Stecke (1438-1454), abbot of Werden and Helmstedt (ca. 1385-1454) [12667]
Authority, Sitter
John IX of Horn (1483-1506), bishop of Liège [921]
Johann Jakob Blarer von Wartensee (1621-1654), provost (um 1575-09.03.1654) [13494]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Jakob Khuen von Belasi (1560-1586), archbishop of Salzburg (1517-15.05.1586) [14443]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Kasimir (1605-1627), count of Erbach (10.08.1584 - 14.01.1627) [12525]
Johann Casimir (1618-1660), prince of Anhalt-Dessau (07.12.1596 - 15.09.1660) [4370]
Authority, Sitter
John Casimir (1648-1668), king of Poland and Grand duke of Lithuania (21.03.1609 - 16.12.1672) [922]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Leopold Donat of Trautson (1663-1728), from 1711 prince Trauston, count of Falkenstein (02.05.1659 - 18.10.1724) [8237]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Lucius I of Salis (1701-1722), Freiherr of Salis-Haldenstein (1672-1722) [12567]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Ludwig (1593-1625), count of Leiningen-Dagsburg (1579-1625) [12910]
Authority, Sitter
John (1199-1216), king of England (24.12.1167 - 19.10.1216) [923]
Authority, Sitter
Jean sans Peur (1404-1419), duke of Burgundy (28.05.1371 - 10.09.1419) [924]
Johann Philip (1603-1639), duke of Saxe-Altenburg (25.01.1597 - 01.04.1639) [9688]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Philipp Count of Schönborn (1642-1673), bishop of Würzburg, from 1647 archbishop of Mainz, from 1664 bishop of Worms (06.08.1605 - 12.02.1673) [925]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Philipp of Gebsattel (1599-1609), bishop of Bamberg (13.05.1555 - 26.06.1609) [14236]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Philipp of Lamberg (1689-1712), bishop of Regensburg (25.05.1652 - 20.10.1712) [10477]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Reinhard (1599-1625), count of Hanau-Lichtenberg (13.02.1569 - 19.11.1629) [926]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Schweikhard of Kronberg (1604-1626), archbishop of Mainz (15.07.1553 - 17.09.1626) [927]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Sigismund (1608-1620), elector and margrave of Brandenburg (08.11.1572 - 02.01.1620) [928]
Authority, Sitter
Johann V (1426-1466), count of Hoya (um 1395-10.04.1466) [10120]
Authority, Sitter
Johann V Flugi of Aspermont (1601-1627), bishop of Chur (um 1550-1627) [930]
Authority, Sitter
Jean V/VI (1399-1442), duke of Brittany (24.12.1389 - 29.08.1442) [929]
Johann VI (1621-1667), prince of Anhalt-Zerbst (24.03.1621 - 04.07.1667) [13158]
Authority, Sitter
Johann VI von der Leyen (1556-1567), archbishop of Trier (um 1510-10.02.1567) [931]
Authority, Sitter
John of Anjou (1315-1336), count of Gravina, 1322-1333 prince of Achaia, from 1333 duke of Durazzo (1294-um 1336) [13363]
Authority, Sitter
Jean d'Apremont (1217-1238), until 1224 bishop of Verdun, then of of Metz (-10.12.1238) [9009]
Authority, Sitter
John of Bavaria (1417-1425), count of Holland (1374-06.01.1425) [932]
John of Brienne (1210-1237), 1210-1212 king of Jerusalem, later regent until 1225, from 1231 Latin emperor (-23.03.1237) [934]
Authority, Sitter
Johann of Hoya (1394-1424), until 1399 bishop of Paderborn, from 1399 as Johann III bishop of Hildesheim (1355-12.05.1424) [919]
Authority, Sitter
Johann of Küstrin (1535-1571), margarve of Brandenburg (03.08.1513 - 13.01.1571) [935]
Authority, Sitter
John of Luxembourg-Ligny (1365-1373), bishop of Strasbourg, from 1371 archbishop of Mainz (um 1342-04.04.1373) [7906]
Authority, Sitter
Johann of Pernstein (1537-1548), count of Glatz (14.11.1487 - 08.09.1548) [883]
Authority, Sitter
Johann of Palatinate-Simmern (1458-1475), bishop of Münster until 1466, then archbishop of Magdeburg (um 1429-13.12.1475) [10122]
Authority, Sitter
Johann of Sitsch (1600-1608), bishop of Breslau (18.08.1552 - 25.04.1608) [937]
Authority, Sitter
Johann of Wezemael (c. 1427-1435) [938]
Johann Wilhelm (1592-1609), duke of Jülich, Cleves and Berg (29.05.1562 - 25.03.1609) [939]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Wilhelm (1602-1632), duke of Saxe-Altenburg (13.04.1600 - 02.12.1632) [9690]
Authority, Sitter
Johann Wilhelm (1678-1690), duke of Saxe-Jena (28.03.1675 - 04.11.1690) [940]
Johann Wilhelm (1690-1716), elector and count palatine of the Rhine (19.04.1658 - 08.06.1716) [941]
Authority, Sitter
John Zápolya (1526-1540), king of Hungary (02.02.1487 - 22.07.1540) [8923]
Authority, Sitter
Jean, Lord of Montjoie-le-Château (-1578) [13103]
Joan (1205-1244), countess of Flanders and Hainaut (1200-05.12.1244) [8941]
Authority, Sitter
Jeanne (1355-1406), duchess of Brabant and Limburg (24.06.1322 - 01.12.1406) [942]
Joanna I (1504-1555), queen of Castile and León, from 1516 of Aragon (06.11.1479 - 12.04.1555) [943]
Authority, Sitter
Joanna I of Anjou (1343-1382), queen of Naples (um 1326-12.05.1382) [8222]
Authority, Sitter
Giovanni Bembo (1615-1618), doge of Venice (21.08.1543 - 16.03.1618) [9761]
Authority, Sitter
John Comnenus (1118-1143) (13.09.1087 - 08.04.1143) [944]
Authority, Sitter
John Comnenus Ducas (1237-1242) (-1244) [7038]
Authority, Sitter
Giovanni Dandolo (1280-1289), doge of Venice [945]
Authority, Sitter
Giovanni Dolfin (1356-1361), doge of Venice (-12.07.1361) [9788]
Authority, Sitter
Johannes Gabalas [14893]
Authority, Sitter
Giovanni Gradenigo (1355-1356), doge of Venice (um 1279-08.08.1356) [9789]
Authority, Sitter
Johannes Hyrkanos I (134-104 BC) [4776]
Johannes Hyrkanos II (76-40 BC) (-30 v. Chr.) [11288]
John I Comnenus (1235-1238), emperor of Trebizond [7050]
Authority, Sitter
Giovanni I Corner (1625-1629), doge of Venice (1556-23.12.1629) [7445]
Authority, Sitter
John II Comnenus (1280-1284, 1285-1297), emperor of Trebizond [6480]
Authority, Sitter
Giovanni II Corner (1709-1722), doge of Venice (04.08.1647 - 12.08.1722) [9743]
Authority, Sitter
John III Comnenus (1342-1344), emperor of Trebizond (-1362) [7060]
Authority, Sitter
John III Vatatzes (1222-1254) (1193-1254) [7033]
Authority, Sitter
John IV Comnenus (1429-1448), emperor of Trebizond (1403-1459) [7065]
Authority, Sitter
John IV Lascaris (1258-1261) (1250-) [7035]
Authority, Sitter
Giovanni Mocenigo (1478-1485), doge of Venice (um 1409-14.09.1485) [9777]
Authority, Sitter
John Paul II (1978-2005), pope (18.05.1920 - 02.04.2005) [2099]
Authority, Sitter
Giovanni Pesaro (1658-1659), doge of Venice (01.09.1589 - 30.09.1659) [9751]
Authority, Sitter
Giovanni Soranzo (1312-1328), doge of Venice (1240-31.12.1328) [9792]
Authority, Sitter
John Tzimiskes (969-976) [946]
Authority, Sitter
John V Palaeologus (1341-1391) (1332-1391) [7043]
Authority, Sitter
Johannes V Thurzó of Bethelsdorf (1506-1520), bishop of Breslau (16.04.1466 - 02.08.1520) [4856]
Authority, Chamber Count, Sitter
John VI Kantakuzenos (1347-1354) (um 1295-15.06.1383) [7045]
Authority, Sitter
John VII (1390, 1399-1403) (1370-1408) [947]
Authority, Sitter
John VIII (872-882), pope (-16.12.882) [4568]
John VIII Palaeologus (1425-1448) (1392-31.10.1448) [2216]
Authority, Sitter
John XXII (1316-1334), pope (-04.12.1334) [948]
Authority, Sitter
Josef I Johann Adam (1721-1732), prince of Liechtenstein (27.05.1690 - 17.12.1732) [14161]
Authority, Sitter
Josef Wenzel (1712-1718/1748-1772), prince of Liechtenstein (09.08.1696 - 10.02.1772) [14162]
Authority, Sitter
Joseph (José) I (1750-1777), king of Portugal (06.06.1714 - 24.02.1777) [12423]
Authority, Sitter
Joseph Clemens (1688-1723), duke of Bavaria, archbishop of Cologne (05.12.1671 - 12.11.1723) [949]
Authority, Sitter
Joseph Dominikus of Lamberg (1723-1761), bishop of Passau (08.07.1680 - 30.08.1761) [950]
Authority, Sitter
Joseph I (1705-1711), emperor (26.07.1678 - 17.04.1711) [951]
Authority, Sitter
Joseph I Adam (1732-1782), prince of Schwarzenberg (15.12.1722 - 17.02.1782) [8333]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Joseph II (1765-1790), emperor (13.03.1741 - 20.02.1790) [952]
Authority, Sitter
Joseph Wilhelm Ernst (1716-1762), Imperial prince, from 1744 prince of Fürstenberg (13.04.1699 - 29.04.1762) [953]
Authority, Sitter
Juan Carlos I (1975-2014), king of Spain (05.01.1938-) [954]
Authority, Sitter
Juan Fernández de Heredia (1376-1396), Grand master of the order of St. John of Jerusalem (um 1310-1396) [12059]
Authority, Sitter
Juliana (1948-1980), queen of the Netherlands (30.04.1909 - 20.03.2004) [955]
Authority, Sitter
Julius (1568-1589), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (29.06.1528 - 03.05.1589) [956]
Authority, Sitter
Julius August of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1599-1617), Abbott of Michaelstein (09.02.1578 - 31.08.1617) [10923]
Authority, Sitter
Julius Echter of Mespelbrunn (1573-1617), bishop of Würtzburg (18.03.1545 - 13.09.1617) [957]
Authority, Sitter
Julius Ernst (1598-1636), duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, prince of Dannenberg (11.03.1571 - 26.10.1636) [13735]
Authority, Sitter
Julius Franz (1666-1689), duke of Saxe-Lauenburg (16.09.1641 - 30.09.1689) [4374]
Authority, Sitter
Julius Friedrich (1617-1635), duke of Württemberg-Weiltingen (03.06.1588 - 25.04.1635) [13452]
Authority, Sitter
Julius Heinrich (1656-1665), duke of Saxe-Lauenburg (09.04.1586 - 20.11.1665) [12916]
Authority, Sitter
Julius II (1503-1513), pope (05.12.1443 - 21.02.1513) [958]
Authority, Sitter
Julius III (1550-1555), pope (10.09.1487 - 23.03.1555) [2278]
Authority, Sitter
Julius Otto I von Schauenstein (1628-1666), Freiherr of Ehrenfels, lord of Haldenstein [12560]
Authority, Sitter
Justinianus I (527-565) (um 482-565) [959]
Authority, Sitter
Justinianus II (685-695, 705-711) (668-711) [960]
Authority, Sitter
Justinus I (518-527) (um 450-527) [961]
Authority, Sitter
Justinus II (565-578) (520-578) [962]
Authority, Sitter
Justus Günther (1617-1651), count of Barby (15.10.1598 - 19.04.1651) [4434]
Authority, Sitter
Kalākaua (1874-1891), king of Hawaiʻi (16.11.1836 - 20.01.1891) [13021]
Authority, Sitter
Kamehameha III (1815-1854), king of Hawaiʻi (17.03.1813 - 15.12.1854) [13022]
Authority, Sitter
Kamino (809-823), era Saga, emperor of Japan (07.09.786 - 15.07.842) [14257]
Kangxi (1661-1722), emperor of China (04.05.1654 - 20.12.1722) [8868]
Kanishka I [963]
Authority, Sitter
Kanites [4206]
Charles (1564-1590), archduke of Austria (03.06.1540 - 10.07.1590) [964]
Authority, Sitter
Charles (1608-1624), archduke of Austria, bishop of Breslau, from 1613 of Brixen, from 1619 master of the Teutonic order (07.08.1590-1624) [965]
Authority, Sitter
Karl (1670-1730), landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (03.08.1654 - 23.03.1730) [966]
Authority, Sitter
Karl (1831-1848), prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (20.02.1785 - 11.03.1853) [9025]
Authority, Sitter
Karl (1864-1891), king of Württemberg (06.03.1823 - 06.10.1891) [968]
Authority, Sitter
Carlo I Gonzaga (1627-1637), duke of Mantua (06.05.1580 - 22.09.1637) [14662]
Authority, Sitter
Charles (Carol) I (1866-1914), prince of king of Romania (20.04.1839 - 10.10.1914) [969]
Authority, Sitter
Karl Adam (1638-1662), count of Mansfeld [970]
Authority, Sitter
Charles Albert (1831-1849), king of Sardinia (02.10.1798 - 28.07.1849) [10793]
Authority, Sitter
Karl Alexander (1733-1737), duke of Württemberg (24.01.1684 - 12.03.1737) [14629]
Authority, Sitter
Karl August (1758-1828), duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisennach, from 1815 Grand duke (03.09.1757 - 14.06.1828) [972]
Authority, Sitter
Charlemagne (768-814), king of the Franks, from 800 emperor (748-28.01.814) [973]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Charles the Bold (1467-1477), duke of Burgundy and Luxembourg (10.11.1433 - 05.01.1477) [975]
Authority, Sitter
Karl Edzard (1734-1744), prince of East Frisia (18.06.1716 - 25.05.1744) [976]
Authority, Sitter
Charles Emmanue (1580-1630), duke of Savoy (12.01.1562 - 26.07.1630) [977]
Authority, Sitter
Charles Emmanuel III (1730-1773), king of Sardinia (27.04.1701 - 20.02.1773) [14573]
Authority, Sitter
Karl Eugen (1744-1793), duke of Württemberg (11.02.1728 - 24.10.1793) [978]
Authority, Sitter
Karl Eusebius (1627-1684), prince of Liechtenstein (11.04.1611 - 05.04.1684) [14160]
Authority, Sitter
Charles Felix (1821-1831), king of Sardinia (06.04.1765 - 27.04.1831) [10792]
Authority, Sitter
Charles Ferdinand (1625-1655), prince of Poland, bishop of Breslau, duke of Oppeln (13.10.1613 - 09.05.1655) [979]
Authority, Sitter
Karl Friedrich (1738-1811), until 1771 margrave of Baden-Durlach, then of Baden, from 1806 Grand duke of Baden, 1803-1806 elector (22.11.1728 - 10.06.1811) [980]
Karl Friedrich I (1617-1647), duke of Oels, from 1639 duke of Bernstadt (18.10.1593 - 31.05.1647) [2967]
Authority, Sitter
Karl Friedrich of Württemberg-Oels (1738-1744), duke, administrator and guardian of duke Karl Eugen (07.02.1690 - 14.12.1761) [981]
Authority, Sitter
Karl Günther (1605-1630), count of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt (06.11.1576 - 24.09.1630) [13113]
Authority, Sitter
Karl Günther (1880-1909), prince of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen (07.08.1830 - 28.03.1909) [14463]
Authority, Sitter
Charles I (1482-1490), duke of Savoy (29.03.1468 - 13.03.1490) [982]
Carl I (1498-1536), duke of Münsterberg and Oels (1476-31.05.1536) [983]
Authority, Sitter
Karl I (1608-1627), prince of Liechtenstein (1569-12.02.1627) [14159]
Authority, Sitter
Charles I (1625-1649), king of England, Scotland and Ireland (19.11.1600 - 30.01.1649) [984]
Authority, Sitter
Karl I (1735-1780), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, prince of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (01.08.1713 - 26.03.1780) [985]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Charles I (1916-1918), emperor of Austria (17.08.1887 - 01.04.1922) [8640]
Authority, Sitter
Charles I (V) (1516-1556), as Charles I king of Spain, from 1519 king of the Germans, from 1520 emperor (14.02.1500 - 21.09.1558) [986]
Authority, Sitter
Charles l of Anjou (1246-1285), count of Provence, 1266-1282 king of Sicily (1227-12.01.1285) [987]
Authority, Sitter
Carl II (1565-1617), duke of Oels (15.04.1545 - 28.01.1617) [988]
Authority, Sitter
Carl II (1576-1606), count of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (22.01.1547 - 08.04.1606) [2105]
Authority, Sitter
Charles II (1660-1685), king of England, Scotland (already 1649-51), and Ireland (29.05.1630 - 06.02.1685) [989]
Authority, Sitter
Charles II (1665-1700), king of Spain (06.11.1661 - 01.11.1700) [8878]
Authority, Sitter
Karl II (1680-1685), count palatine of the Rhine (31.03.1651 - 26.05.1685) [8699]
Authority, Sitter
Karl II (1815-1830), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (30.10.1804 - 18.08.1873) [990]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Charles II the Bald (843-877), king, from 875 emperor (13.06.823 - 06.10.877) [974]
Authority, Sitter
Charles II the Bold (1390-1431), duke of Lorraine (1364-25.01.1431) [4592]
Authority, Sitter
Charles II Joseph of Lorraine (1695-1715), from 1711 archbishop of Trier, bishop of Olomouc until 1711 and from 1698 of Osnabrück (24.11.1680 - 04.12.1715) [7689]
Authority, Sitter
Charles II of Anjou (1267-1309), count of Provence, from 1285 king of Naples (1254-06.05.1309) [991]
Authority, Sitter
Charles II of Bourbon-Parma, 1803-1807 king of Etruria, 1847-1849 duke of Parma (22.12.1799 - 16.04.1883) [10794]
Authority, Sitter
Karl II of Liechtenstein-Kastelkorn (1664-1695), bishop of Olomouc, 1682-1683 of Breslau (17.03.1623 - 23.09.1695) [7688]
Authority, Sitter
Charles III (1504-1553), duke of Savoy (10.10.1486 - 17.08.1553) [10057]
Authority, Sitter
Charles III (1759-1788), king of Spain (20.01.1716 - 14.12.1788) [992]
Authority, Sitter
Charles III the Fat (879-887), king of the Franks, from 879 king of Italy, from 881 emperor (839-13.01.888) [994]
Authority, Sitter
Charles III the Simple (898-922), king of the Franks (17.09.879 - 07.10.929) [995]
Karl III Philip (1716-1742), elector and count palatine of the Rhine (04.11.1661 - 31.12.1742) [993]
Authority, Sitter
Charles IV (1322-1328), king of France (18.06.1294 - 01.02.1328) [996]
Authority, Sitter
Charles IV (1346-1378), king of the Germans, from 1347 king of Bohemia, from 1355 emperor (14.05.1316 - 29.11.1378) [997]
Authority, Sitter
Charles IV (1788-1808), king of Spain (11.11.1748 - 20.01.1819) [998]
Authority, Sitter
Carl IX (1604-1611), king of Sweden (04.10.1550 - 30.10.1611) [14071]
Authority, Sitter
Karl Kaspar von der Leyen (1652-1676), archbishop of Trier (18.12.1618 - 01.06.1676) [999]
Authority, Sitter
Karl Ludwig (1649-1680), elector and count palatine of the Rhine (22.12.1617 - 28.08.1680) [1000]
Authority, Sitter
Karl Ludwig Ernst von Sulz (1628-1648), landgrave of Klettgau (13.09.1595 - 16.04.1648) [13496]
Authority, Sitter
Karl Ludwig Friedrich (1811-1818), Grand duke of Baden (08.06.1786 - 08.12.1818) [10243]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Karl Philipp von Greiffenclau zu Vollrads (1749-1754), bishop of Würzburg (01.12.1690 - 25.11.1754) [14264]
Authority, Sitter
Charles Robert (1308-1342), king of Hungary, from 1301 of Croatia (1288-16.07.1342) [1001]
Authority, Sitter
Karl Rudolf (1716-1742), duke of Württemberg-Neuenstadt (29.05.1667 - 17.11.1742) [14630]
Authority, Sitter
Karl Theodor (1742-1799), from 1742 as Karl IV count palatine of the Rhine and elector, from 1777 as Karl II elector of Bavaria (10.12.1724 - 16.02.1799) [1003]
Authority, Sitter
Karl Thomas (1735-1789), prince of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort (07.03.1714 - 06.06.1789) [967]
Authority, Sitter
Charles V (1364-1380), king of France (21.01.1337 - 16.09.1380) [1005]
Authority, Sitter
Charles VI (1380-1422), king of France (03.12.1368 - 21.10.1422) [1006]
Authority, Sitter
Charles VI (1711-1740), emperor (01.10.1685 - 20.10.1740) [1007]
Authority, Sitter
Charles VII (1422-1461), king of France (22.02.1403 - 22.07.1461) [1008]
Authority, Sitter
Charles VII (1742-1745), emperor, as Karl I from 1726 elector and duke of Bavaria (06.08.1697 - 20.01.1745) [1009]
Authority, Sitter
Charles VIII (1483-1498), king of France (30.06.1470 - 07.04.1498) [1010]
Authority, Sitter
Charles of Blois (1341-1364), vicomte of Limoges, from 1345 duke of Brittany (um 1319-29.09.1364) [1011]
Charles of Lorraine-Brigue (1551-1574), bishop of Metz (17.02.1524 - 26.12.1574) [1012]
Authority, Sitter
Carl Wilhelm (1667-1718), prince of Anhalt-Zerbst (16.10.1652 - 03.11.1718) [419]
Authority, Sitter
Charles William Ferdinand (1780-1806), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (09.10.1735 - 10.11.1806) [1013]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Charles X (1824-1830), king of France (09.10.1757 - 06.11.1836) [1015]
Authority, Sitter
Carl X Gustav (1654-1660), king of Sweden (08.11.1622 - 13.02.1660) [11608]
Authority, Sitter
Carl XI (1660-1697), King of Sweden (04.12.1655 - 15.04.1697) [1016]
Authority, Sitter
Carl XII (1697-1718), king of Sweden (27.06.1682 - 11.12.1718) [1017]
Authority, Sitter
Charles XIII (1809-1818), king of Sweden, as Charles II (1814-1818) king of Norway (07.10.1748 - 05.02.1818) [14495]
Authority, Sitter
Carl XIV John (1818-1844), king of Sweden (26.01.1763 - 08.03.1844) [1018]
Authority, Sitter
Carl XV (1859-1872), king of Sweden (03.05.1826 - 18.09.1872) [1019]
Authority, Sitter
Carloman (768-771), king of the Franks (-04.12.771) [1020]
Carloman II (879-884), king of the Franks (866-884) [1021]
Casimir II (1187-1219), duke of Pomerania (um 1180-1219) [10223]
Authority, Sitter
Casimir II (1281-1312), duke of Bytom and from 1286 also of Koźle (um 1256-10.03.1312) [12928]
Authority, Sitter
Casimir III (1333-1370), king of Poland (30.04.1310 - 05.11.1370) [4827]
Authority, Sitter
Casimir IV (1447-1492), king of Poland (30.11.1427 - 07.06.1492) [1022]
Authority, Sitter
Casimir V (1413-1435), duke of Pomerania-Stettin (-13.04.1435) [10271]
Authority, Sitter
Casimir of Bayreuth (1515-1527), margrave of Brandenburg-Kulmbach (27.09.1481 - 21.09.1527) [1023]
Authority, Sitter
Caspar of Logau (1560-1574), bishop of Wiener Neustadt until 1562, then of Breslau (03.08.1524 - 04.06.1574) [422]
Authority, Sitter
Kassandros (305-297 BC), king of Macedon (ca. 350-297 v. Chr.) [8527]
Katharina Belgica (1612-1626), regent of Hanau-Münzenberg (31.07.1578 - 12.04.1648) [1024]
Catherine I (1725-1727), empress of Russia (15.04.1684 - 17.05.1727) [1025]
Authority, Sitter
Catherine II (1762-1796), empress of Russia (02.05.1729 - 17.11.1796) [1026]
Authority, Sitter
Kavaros [4202]
Kawad I (488-496, 499-531) [1027]
Authority, Sitter
Kawad II (628) (-628) [12790]
Authority, Sitter
Kersibaulos [4216]
Kersobleptes [4204]
Ketriporis [4203]
Kherei (c. 410-390 BC), dynast in Lycia [7639]
Khinakha, dynast in Lycia [7644]
Khusro I (531-579) [1028]
Authority, Sitter
Khusro II (590, 591-628) [1029]
Authority, Sitter
Khusro V (631-633) (-631) [12793]
Authority, Sitter
Kiddle, Robert [11231]
Clemens Wenceslaus of Saxony (1768-1802), archbishop of Trier (28.09.1739 - 27.07.1812) [1030]
Authority, Sitter
Kleomenes III (235-222 BC) (254-219 v. Chr.) [1031]
Authority, Sitter
Cleopatra III (-101 v. Chr.) [13144]
Cleopatra Thea (um 165-121 v. Chr.) [1032]
Authority, Sitter
Cleopatra VII (69-12.08.30 v. Chr.) [1033]
Authority, Sitter
Knapp & Company [11203]
Cnut (1016-1035), king of England, from 1019 king of Denmark, since 1028 king of Norway (um 995-12.11.1035) [476]
Authority, Sitter
Cnut (c. 900-905), king of Northumbria [10144]
Authority, Sitter
Coloman the Book-Lover (1095-1116), king of Hungary, and from 1102 of Croatia (um 1065-03.02.1116) [13283]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad (1076-1099), bishop of Utrecht (-13.04.1099) [10087]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad (1123-1156), margrave of Meißen (-05.02.1157) [1034]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad (1165-1195), count palatine of the Rhine [1036]
Konrad (937-993), king of Burgundy (-19.10.993) [14212]
Authority, Sitter
Konrad (c. 1070-1092), count of Werl-Arnsberg (um 1040-1092) [13450]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad I (1056-1060), bishop of Speyer [1037]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad I (911-918), king (um 881-23.12.918) [1038]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad I of Abenberg (1106-1147), archbishop of Salzburg (um 1075-09.04.1147) [12240]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad I of Brandenburg (um 1240-1304) [10905]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad I of Gleichen (1454-1474), abbot of Werden and Helmstedt (-1478) [12683]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad I of Querfurt (1134-1142), archbishop of Magdeburg (um 1110-02.05.1142) [1039]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad I of Velber (1227-1238), bishop of Osnabrück (-30.12.1238) [10124]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad I of Wittelsbach (1161-1200), 1161-1165, from 1183 archbishop of Mainz, from 1177 of Salzburg (um 1120/1125-25.10.1200) [1035]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad II (1024-1039), king, from 1027 emperor (990-04.06.1039) [1041]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad II (1178-1192), abbot of Fulda (ca. 1140-1192) [10611]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad II (1190-1210), margarve of Landsberg/Lusatia (-06.05.1210) [1042]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad II (1221-1246), bishop of Hildesheim (-18.12.1249) [10621]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad II (1342-1401/1368-1386), count of Oldenburg [1043]
Conrad II Kloedt (Klodt) (1601-1614), abbot of Werden and Helmstedt [12669]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad II of Rietberg (1270-1297), bishop of Osnabrück (-16.04.1297) [10128]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad II of Sternberg (1266-1277), archbishop of Magdeburg (um 1225-15.01.1277) [1044]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad II of Weinsberg (1390-1396), archbishop of Mainz (um 1340-19.10.1396) [1045]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad III (1138-1152), king (1093-15.02.1152) [1046]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad III of Dhaun (1419-1434), archbishop of Mainz [1047]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad IV (1237-1254), king of the Germans, from 1238 king of Jerusalem, from 1250 of Sicily (25.04.1228 - 21.05.1254) [1048]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad IV (1291-1312), archbishop of Salzburg (-28.03.1312) [15045]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad IV of Frontenhausen (1204-1226), bishop of Regensburg (1170-09.04.1226) [14082]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad Löw von Steinfurth (1617-1632), burgrave of Friedberg [12530]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad von Babenberg (1148-1168), bishop of Passau until 1164, then archbishop of Salzburg (um 1115-28.09.1168) [12241]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad of Hochstaden (1238-1261), archbishop of Cologne (-28.09.1261) [1049]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad of Krosigk (1202-1208), bishop of Halberstadt (-1225) [1050]
Authority, Sitter
Konrad of Liebenhain (1267-1311), abbot of Pegau (-08.05.1311) [12088]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad of Querfurt (1194-1202), bishop of Hildesheim until 1199, of Würzburg from 1198 (um 1160-03.12.1202) [11167]
Authority, Sitter
Conrad of Rietberg (1482-1508), bishop of Osnabrück until 1497, then administrator, from 1497 bishop of Münster (-09.02.1508) [5234]
Authority, Sitter
Conradin (1254-1258) (25.03.1252 - 29.10.1268) [1052]
Authority, Sitter
Constantine I Tih (1257-1277), tsar of Bulgaria [14892]
Authority, Sitter
Constantine II (1964-1973), king of Greece (02.06.1940 - 10.01.2023) [1053]
Authority, Sitter
Constantine IV (1341-1344), king of Little Armenia (um 1300-17.04.1344) [12053]
Authority, Sitter
Constance (1191-1198), 1191-1197 empress, from 1194 queen of Sicily (1154-27.11.1198) [2953]
Authority, Sitter
Constance II (1276-1285), queen of Aragon, from 1282 of Sicily (um 1249-09.04.1302) [4707]
Koson [1054]
Authority, Sitter
Cotys I [4200]
Cotys I (c. AD 45-68) [10492]
Authority, Sitter
Cotys III [4201]
Kraft VII (1610-1641), count of Hohenlohe-Neuenstein (14.11.1582 - 11.09.1641) [14207]
Authority, Sitter
Croesos (c. 555-541 BC), king of Lydia (- um 541 v. Chr.) [7642]
Kublai Khan (1260-1294), Great Khan of the Mongols, from 1271 as Shizu emperor of China (23.09.1215 - 18.02.1294) [8917]
Kujula Kadphises [1055]
Authority, Sitter
Külüg Khan (1307-1311), Great Khan of the Mongols, as Wuzong emperor of China (1281-27.01.1311) [8919]
Cunimund (c. 560-567), king of the Gepids [7563]
Kuno (1156-1212), lord of Minzenberg [1056]
Authority, Sitter
Kuno of Falkenstein (1362-1388), archbishop of Trier (um 1320-21.05.1388) [1057]
Authority, Sitter
Kuprlli (c. 440 BC), dynast in Lycia [7640]
Ladislaus I (1077-1095), king of Hungary (1048-29.07.1095) [13284]
Authority, Sitter
Ladislaus II (1162-1163), king of Hungary (1131-14.01.1163) [13280]
Authority, Sitter
Ladislaus III (1204-1205), king of Hungary and Croatia (um 1200-07.05.1205) [13277]
Authority, Sitter
Ladislaus IV (1272-1290), king of Hungary and Croatia (1262-10.07.1290) [13275]
Authority, Sitter
Ladislaus V Postumus (1453-1457), king of Hungary and Bohemia (22.02.1440 - 23.11.1457) [4766]
Authority, Sitter
Ladislaus, count of Haag (um 1505-1566) [1058]
Laelianus (-269 n. Chr.) [1059]
Authority, Sitter
Lambert of Spoleto (892-898), from 894 kig of Italy and emperor (ca. 875-15.10.898) [11498]
Authority, Sitter
Landfried II (1166-1185), abbot of Kempten [8988]
Authority, Sitter
Lattorf, General Christoph Friedrich von (07.09.1696 - 03.04.1762) [458]
Laycock, James [11251]
Leo Gabalas [14894]
Authority, Sitter
Leo I (-474 n. Chr.) [1060]
Authority, Sitter
Leo II (467-474 n. Chr.) [5155]
Authority, Sitter
Leo II (1187-1219), prince, from 1199 as Leo I king of Little Armenia (-01.05.1219) [12063]
Authority, Sitter
Leo III (1270-1289), king of Little Armenia (um 1236-1289) [12065]
Authority, Sitter
Leo III (795-816), pope (um 750-12.06.816) [3056]
Leo III Isaurus (717-741) (-18.06.741) [1061]
Authority, Sitter
Leo IV (1303/1305-1307), king of Little Armenia (1289-1307) [12064]
Authority, Sitter
Leo IV (775-780) (um 750-780) [2959]
Authority, Sitter
Leo IX (1049-1054), pope (21.06.1002 - 19.04.1054) [8257]
Authority, Sitter
Leo V (1320-1341), king of Little Armenia (1309-28.08.1341) [12066]
Authority, Sitter
Leo V (813-820) [7003]
Authority, Sitter
Leo VI (886-912) (19.09.866 - 11.05.912) [1062]
Authority, Sitter
Leo X (1513-1521), pope (1475-1521) [1063]
Authority, Sitter
Leon/Leontius (695-698) (-15.02.706) [6997]
Authority, Sitter
Leonardo Donà (1606-1612), doge of Venice (1536-16.07.1612) [9763]
Authority, Sitter
Leonardo Loredan (1501-1521), doge of Venice (16.11.1436 - 21.06.1521) [9775]
Authority, Sitter
Leonello d'Este (1441-1450), margarve of Ferrara (21.09.1407 - 01.10.1450) [2205]
Authority, Sitter
Leonhard of Keutschach (1495-1519), archbishop of Salzburg (um 1442-08.06.1519) [1064]
Authority, Sitter
Leontius (484-488) [6907]
Authority, Sitter
Leopold Anton von Firmian (1727-1744), archbishop of Salzburg (27.05.1679 - 22.10.1744) [14445]
Authority, Sitter
Leopold Heinrich (1766-1770), count of Schlick (29.07.1729 - 26.06.1770) [14110]
Authority, Sitter
Leopold I (1658-1705), emperor (09.06.1640 - 05.05.1705) [1065]
Authority, Sitter
Leopold I (1831-1865), king of the Belgians (16.12.1790 - 10.12.1865) [1066]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Leopold II (1790-1792), emperor (05.05.1747 - 01.03.1792) [1067]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Leopold II (1824-1859), Grand duke of Tuscany (03.10.1797 - 29.01.1870) [1069]
Authority, Sitter
Leopold II (1865-1909), king of the Belgians (09.04.1835 - 17.12.1909) [1068]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Leopold III (1095-1136), margrave and duke of Austria, patron Saint from 1485 (1073-15.11.1136) [1070]
Authority, Sitter
Leopold IV (1396-1411), until 1406 as Leopold II count of Tyrol, duke of Austria (1371-03.11.1411) [12609]
Authority, Sitter
Leopold IV (1905-1918), prince of Lippe (30.05.1871 - 30.12.1949) [4376]
Authority, Sitter
Leopold IV Friedrich (1817-1871), duke of Anhalt (01.10.1794 - 22.05.1871) [1071]
Authority, Sitter
Leopold V (1177-1194), duke of Austria, from 1192 of Styria (1157-31.12.1194) [8270]
Authority, Sitter
Leopold V (1619-1632), archduke and count of Tyrol, bishop of Passau and Strasbourg (09.10.1586 - 13.09.1632) [7448]
Authority, Sitter
Leopold VI (1194-1230), duke of Styria, from 1198 of Austria (15.10.1176 - 28.07.1230) [1072]
Authority, Sitter
Leopold of Bebenburg (1353-1363), bishop of Bamberg (um 1297-28.10.1363) [1073]
Authority, Sitter
Leopold William of Austria (1625/32-1662), archduke, abbot from 1626 (05.01.1614 - 20.11.1662) [1074]
Authority, Sitter
Leovigild (572-586) [1075]
Authority, Sitter
Leszek Czarny (1279-1288), duke of Poland (1241-1288) [4826]
Authority, Sitter
Leukon II [12617]
Lewis, Morgan [11032]
Libius Severus (-465 n. Chr.) [3064]
Authority, Sitter
Licinius I (um 265-325 n. Chr.) [1076]
Authority, Sitter
Ling (AD 168-189), emperor of China (156-13.05.189 n. Chr.) [8846]
Liu Bei (AD 221-223), emperor of China (161-10.06.223 n. Chr.) [14608]
Liu Bian/Shao (AD 189), emperor of China (um 176-190 n. Chr.) [8847]
Liu Yi/Shao (AD 125), emperor of China (-125 n. Chr.) [8841]
Liutgard II (1130-1152), abbess of Gandersheim [10613]
Authority, Sitter
Liutprand (756-758), duke of Benevento [1077]
Authority, Sitter
Liuva II (601-603) [1078]
Authority, Sitter
Lizong (1224-1264), emperor of China (26.01.1205 - 16.11.1264) [13485]
Lloyd, John [11308]
Lloyd, Samuel [11213]
Longqing (1567-1572), emperor of China (04.03.1537 - 05.07.1572) [8866]
Lorenz (1360-1394), lord of Werle (um 1340-1394) [14882]
Lorenz of Bibra (1495-1519), bishop of Würzburg (1459-06.02.1519) [5237]
Authority, Sitter
Lorenzo Celsi (1361-1365), doge of Venice (-18.07.1365) [9787]
Authority, Sitter
Lorenzo di Piero de’ Medici (1516-1519), duke of Urbino (12.09.1492 - 04.05.1519) [9856]
Authority, Sitter
Lorenzo Priuli (1556-1559), doge of Venice (1489-17.08.1559) [9769]
Authority, Sitter
Lorenzo Tiepolo (1268-1275), doge of Venice (-15.08.1275) [9796]
Authority, Sitter
Lothair (954-986), king of the Franks (941-986) [4560]
Lothar (Lüder) Udo (1036-1057), count of Stade, from 1056 margrave of the Nordmark (nach 994-07.11.1057) [10192]
Authority, Sitter
Lothar Franz of Schönborn (1693-1729), from 1695 archbishop of Mainz, bishop of Bamberg (04.10.1655 - 30.01.1729) [8832]
Authority, Sitter
Lothar Friedrich of Metternich-Burscheid (1673-1675), archbishop of Mainz, bishop of Worms (29.09.1617 - 03.06.1675) [7691]
Authority, Sitter
Lothair I (840-855), emperor (795-855) [1079]
Authority, Sitter
Lothair II (855-869), king of the Franks [1080]
Lothar of Metternich (1599-1623), archbishop of Trier (31.08.1551 - 17.09.1623) [12023]
Authority, Sitter
Lothair of Supplingenburg (1106-1137), duke of Saxony, from 1125 king, from 1133 emperor (1075-03.12.1137) [1081]
Authority, Sitter
Lotto della Gherardesca (1285-1302), count of Donoratico [6458]
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (1806-1810), king of Holland (02.09.1778 - 25.07.1846) [1082]
Authority, Sitter
Louis-Alexandre Berthier (1806-1814), prince of Neuchâtel (20.11.1753 - 01.06.1815) [8385]
Authority, Sitter
Louis-Philippe (1830-1848), king of France (06.10.1773 - 26.08.1850) [7244]
Authority, Sitter
Louise Marie (1849-1859), duchess and regent of Parma (21.09.1819 - 01.02.1864) [3000]
Authority, Sitter
Lucius Clodius Macer (-68 n. Chr.) [4821]
Authority, Sitter
Lucius Verus (130-169 n. Chr.) [1083]
Authority, Sitter
Luder of Borch (1231-1251), bishop of Verden (-28.06.1251) [10180]
Authority, Sitter
Ludolf II (1253-1255), bishop of Halberstadt [10680]
Authority, Sitter
Ludolf of Holte (1227-1247), bishop of Münster [10116]
Authority, Sitter
Ludolf of Kroppenstedt (1192-1205), archbishop of Magdeburg (-17.08.1205) [1084]
Authority, Sitter
Ludolf of Mihla (1280-1285), bishop of Naumburg (-06.08.1285) [10883]
Authority, Sitter
Ludovico Gonzaga (1444-1478), margrave of Mantua (05.07.1412 - 12.06.1478) [2474]
Authority, Sitter
Ludovico Manin (1789-1797), doge of Venice (14.05.1725 - 24.10.1802) [1085]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig (1282-1213), count of Arnsberg (-02.05.1313) [9013]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig (1295-1305), duke of Carinthia, duke of Tyrol [12610]
Authority, Sitter
Louis (1434-1465), prince of Piedmont, from 1439 duke of Savoy [1086]
Ludwig (1568/78-1593), duke of Württemberg (01.01.1554 - 28.08.1593) [1087]
Ludwig (1597-1622), count of Leiningen-Westerburg (10.08.1557 - 22.08.1622) [1088]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig (1818-1830), Grand duke of Baden (09.02.1763 - 30.03.1830) [1089]
Authority, Sitter
Louis I (1662-1701), prince of Monaco (25.07.1642 - 03.01.1701) [9649]
Authority, Sitter
Louis the Child (899-911), king (893-911) [1090]
Authority, Sitter
Louis the Pious (813/814-840), emperor, 781-814 king of Aquitaine (778-20.06.840) [1091]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig Eberhard (1615-1650), count of Hohenlohe-Pfedelbach (19.01.1590-1650) [14209]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig Friedrich (1617-1631), duke of Württemberg-Mömpelgard, fromt 1628 administrator (29.01.1586 - 26.01.1631) [1092]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig Friedrich (1710-1759), duke of Saxe-Hildburghausen (11.09.1710 - 10.06.1759) [1093]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig Friedrich II (1793-1807), prince of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt (09.08.1767 - 28.04.1807) [8587]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig Günther I (1612-1646), count of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt (27.06.1581 - 04.11.1646) [13114]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig I (1183-1231), duke of Bavaria and from 1214 count palatine of the Rhine (23.12.1173 - 15.09.1231) [15238]
Authority, Sitter
Louis I (1217-1239), abbot of Hersfeld [9504]
Authority, Sitter
Louis I (1322-1346), count of Flanders (um 1304-26.08.1346) [1094]
Louis I (1342-1382), king of Hungary (05.03.1326 - 10.09.1382) [1095]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig I (1413-1458), landgrave of Hesse (06.02.1402 - 17.01.1458) [1096]
Ludwig I (1419-1450), count of Flanders (-23.09.1450) [4638]
Ludwig I (1605-1643), count of Erbach (1579-1643) [12524]
Ludwig I (1606-1650), prince of Anhalt-Köthen (17.06.1579 - 07.01.1650) [4229]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig I (1825-1848), king of Bavaria (25.08.1786 - 29.02.1868) [1097]
Authority, Sitter
Louis I (1861-1889), king of Portugal (31.10.1838 - 19.10.1889) [11718]
Authority, previous Owner, Sitter
Louis I of Anjou (1351-1384), count, from 1360 duke of Anjou, from 1382 count of Provence and titular king of Naples (1339-20.09.1384) [1099]
Louis I of Bar (1391-1430), from 1397 cardinal, 1419-1423, 1424-1430 administrator of Verdun, 1413-1420 bishop of Châlons (um 1375-23.06.1430) [4595]
Ludwig II (1140-1172), landgrave of Thuringia (1128-14.10.1172) [1100]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig II (1399-1436), duke of Brieg and from 1419 also of Liegnitz (1384-30.04.1436) [12923]
Ludwig II (1458-1471), landgrave of Hesse (07.09.1438 - 08.11.1471) [1102]
Ludovico II (1475-1504), margrave of Saluzzo (1438-1504) [1103]
Authority, Sitter
Louis II (1516-1526), king of Hungary and Bohemia (01.07.1506 - 29.08.1526) [1104]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig II (1830-1848), Grand duke of Hesse (26.12.1777 - 16.06.1848) [1106]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig II (1864-1886), king of Bavaria (25.08.1845 - 13.06.1886) [1107]
Authority, Sitter
Louis II (840-875), king of Italy, from 844 king of the Lombards, from 855 emperor (825-12.08.875) [1108]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig II the German (840-876), king (um 806-28.08.876) [1109]
Louis II Stammerer (877-879), king (01.11.846 - 10.04.879) [9005]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig II the Strict (1253-1294), duke of Bavaria and count palatine of the Rhine (13.04.1229 - 02.04.1294) [1111]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig II of Mâle (1346-1384), count of Flanders (25.10.1330 - 30.01.1384) [1110]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig III (1172-1190), landgrave of Thuringia (1151/1152-16.10.1190) [1112]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig III (1410-1436), count palatine of the Rhine (23.01.1378 - 30.12.1436) [1113]
Ludwig III (1848-1877), Grand duke of Hesse (09.06.1806 - 13.06.1877) [14188]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig III (1913-1918), king of Bavaria (07.01.1845 - 18.10.1921) [1114]
Authority, Sitter
Louis III (879-882), king (um 864-05.08.882) [13337]
Louis III the Younger (879-882), king (um 835-20.01.882) [1115]
Ludwig IV (1436-1449), count palatine of the Rhine (01.01.1424 - 13.08.1449) [1116]
Ludwig IV (1639-1663), duke of Brieg, from 1653 of Liegnitz (19.04.1616 - 24.11.1663) [4459]
Authority, Sitter
Louis IV (936-954), king of the Franks (um 920-954) [4513]
Authority, Sitter
Louis IV the Bavarian (1314-1347), king, from 1328 emperor [1117]
Authority, Sitter
Louis IX (1226-1270), king of France (25.04.1214 - 25.08.1270) [1118]
Authority, Sitter
Lodovico Maria Sforza, il Moro (1494-1499, 1500), duke of Milan (27.07.1452 - 27.05.1508) [1119]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig Rudolph (1731-1735), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (22.07.1671 - 01.03.1735) [8762]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Ludwig V (1342-1361), duke of Bavaria, as Ludwig I 1323-1351 margrave of Brandenburg (1315-18.09.1361) [12724]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig V (1508-1544), count palatine of the Rhine (02.07.1478 - 16.03.1544) [2356]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig V (1596-1626), landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt (24.09.1577 - 27.07.1626) [14277]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig VI (1576-1583), count palatine of the Rhine (04.07.1539 - 22.10.1583) [9553]
Authority, Sitter
Louis VII (1137-1180), king of France (1120-18.09.1180) [1120]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig VIII (1739-1768), landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt (05.04.1698 - 17.10.1768) [1121]
Louis of Erlichshausen (1450-1467), master of the Teutonic order (-04.04.1467) [1122]
Ludwig of Hesse (1310-1357), bishop of Münster (-18.08.1357) [1123]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig of Stolberg (1535-1574), count of Eppstein-Königstein, from1566 of Wertheim (12.01.1505 - 01.09.1574) [1124]
Authority, Sitter
Louis of Taranto (1346-1362), from 1351 king of Naples, from 1349 count of Provence (1327-26.05.1362) [8223]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig Wilhelm (1677-1707), margrave of Baden (08.04.1655 - 04.01.1707) [2221]
Authority, Sitter
Ludwig X (1514-1545), duke of Bavaria (18.09.1495 - 22.04.1545) [14456]
Authority, Sitter
Louis XI (1461-1483), king of France (03.07.1423 - 30.08.1483) [1125]
Authority, Sitter
Louis XII (1498-1515), duke of Orléans, king of France, 1499, 1500-1512 duke of Milan (27.06.1462 - 01.01.1515) [1126]
Authority, Sitter
Louis XIII (1610-1643), king of France (27.09.1601 - 14.05.1643) [1127]
Authority, Sitter
Louis XIV (1643-1715), king of France (05.09.1638 - 01.09.1715) [1128]
Authority, Sitter
Louis XV (1715-1774), king of France (25.02.1710 - 10.05.1774) [1129]
Authority, Sitter
Louis XVI (1774-1793), King of France, from 1791 king of the French (23.08.1754 - 21.01.1793) [1130]
Authority, Sitter
Louis XVIII (1814-1824), king of France (17.11.1755 - 16.09.1824) [1131]
Authority, Sitter
Lumb, S. [11037]
Lupold (1051-1059), archbishop of Mainz [3862]
Authority, Sitter
Lysanias of Chalcis (ca. 80-36 v. Chr.) [8306]
Authority, Sitter
Lysias of Bactria [1132]
Authority, Sitter
Lysimachos (361/360-281 v. Chr.) [1133]
Authority, Sitter
M. Valerius M. f. Etruscus [10199]
Macrianus Minor (-261 n. Chr.) [1134]
Authority, Sitter
Macrinus (um 164-218 n. Chr.) [1135]
Authority, Sitter
Magas (c. 276-250 BC), king of Kyrene (ca. 320-250 v. Chr.) [11459]
Maǧd ad-Daula Abū Ṭālib Rustam b. Faḫr ad-Daula ʿAlī (387-420 AH/997-1029), Būyid ruler (993-1029) [10873]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Magnentius (um 301-353 n. Chr.) [1136]
Authority, Sitter
Magnus (1035-1047), king of Norway, since 1042 of Denmark (um 1024-25.10.1047) [4574]
Authority, Sitter
Magnus II (1477-1503), duke of Mecklenburg (1441-20.11.1503) [1137]
Magnus Maximus (um 335-388 n. Chr.) [1138]
Authority, Sitter
Magnus of Saxe-Lauenburg (1410-1452), bishop of Cammin (Kamień Pomorski) until 1424, then of Hildesheim (1390-21.09.1452) [10626]
Authority, Sitter
Mahmud II (1223-1255 AH/1808-1839), sultan (20.07.1785 - 01.07.1839) [12358]
Mahmud Schah (887-924 AH/1482-1518), Bahmani sultan (-27.12.1518) [6859]
Maiorianus (-461 n. Chr.) [1139]
Authority, Sitter
Mäkinen, Pertti (16.09.1952-) [3994]
Authority, Design
Malichus II (AD 40-70), king of the Nabataeans [15037]
Authority, Sitter
Malichus I (59-30 BC), king of the Nabataeans [15036]
Authority, Sitter
Manegold of Neuenburg (1285-1303), until 1286 bishop of Bamberg, from 1287 of Würzburg (-12.07.1303) [11103]
Authority, Sitter
Manfred (1250-1266), prince of Taranto, from 1258 king of Sicily (1232-26.02.1266) [1140]
Manuel Comnenus Ducas (1230-1237) (-1241) [7037]
Authority, Sitter
Manuel I (1238-1263), emperor of Trebizond (um 1218-1263) [1142]
Authority, Sitter
Manuel I Comnenus (1143-1180) (1118-1180) [1141]
Authority, Sitter
Manuel II (1332), emperor of Trebizond (-1332) [7056]
Authority, Sitter
Manuel II Palaeologus (1391-1425) (27.06.1350 - 21.07.1425) [6481]
Authority, Sitter
Manuel III Comnenus (1390-1417), emperor of Trebizond (1364-1417) [7063]
Authority, Sitter
Marcantonio Giustinian (1684-1688), doge of Venice (02.03.1619 - 23.03.1688) [9747]
Authority, Sitter
Marcantonio Memmo (1612-1615), doge of Venice (1536-31.10.1615) [9762]
Authority, Sitter
Marcantonio Trevisan (1553-1554), doge of Venice (1475-31.05.1554) [9771]
Authority, Sitter
Marcianus (um 390-27.01.457) [1143]
Authority, Sitter
Marco Barbarigo (1485-1486), doge of Venice (1413-14.08.1486) [9776]
Authority, Sitter
Marco Corner (1365-1368), doge of Venice (um 1288-13.01.1368) [9786]
Authority, Sitter
Marco Foscarini (1762-1763), doge of Venice (04.02.1696 - 31.03.1763) [9737]
Authority, Sitter
Marcus Antonius (um 83-30 v. Chr.) [1144]
Anthypatos, Authority, Consul, Imperator (Roman Republic), Sitter, Triumvir RPC
Marcus Aurelius (121-180 n. Chr.) [1145]
Authority, Sitter
Margaret I (1324-1354), bis 1347 queen, 1328-1347 empress, from 1345 countess of Hainaut (-23.06.1356) [8942]
Authority, Sitter
Margaretha II (1244-1280), countess of Flanders and Hainaut (1202-1280) [1147]
Margaretha of Brederode (1557-1577), abbess of Thorn [1148]
Margaret of Foix (1504-1513), regent of Saluzzo (1473-09.09.1536) [1146]
Authority, Sitter
Margrethe II (1972-), queen of Denmark (16.04.1940-) [1149]
Authority, Sitter
Maria (1382-1392), queen of Hungary (1371-17.05.1395) [1150]
Maria (1477-1482), duchess of Burgundy (13.02.1457 - 27.03.1482) [1151]
Authority, Sitter
Mary (1542-1569), queen of Scotland (08.12.1542 - 18.02.1587) [1152]
Authority, Sitter
Maria de’ Medici (1600-1610), queen of France (26.04.1575 - 03.07.1642) [1153]
Authority, Sitter
Mary I (1553-1554), queen of England (18.02.1516 - 17.11.1558) [1154]
Authority, Sitter
Maria I (1777-1816), queen of Portugal (17.12.1734 - 20.03.1816) [1155]
Authority, Sitter
Mary II (1689-1694), queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland (30.04.1662 - 28.12.1694) [1156]
Authority, Sitter
Maria II (1826, 1834-1853), queen of Portugal (04.04.1819 - 15.11.1853) [1157]
Authority, Sitter
Maria Louise of Habsburg-Lorraine (1814-1847), duchess of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla (12.12.1791 - 17.12.1847) [1158]
Authority, Sitter
Maria Theresia (1740-1780), queen of Hungary and Bohemia, empress (13.05.1717 - 29.11.1780) [1159]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Marie of Brabant (1347-1399), duchess of Guelders [1160]
Maria of Jever (1536-1575), regent of the lordship of Jever (05.09.1500 - 20.02.1575) [4245]
Marie of Orléans-Longueville, duchess of Nemours (1694-1707), princess of Neuchâtel (05.03.1625 - 16.06.1707) [8384]
Authority, Sitter
Marino Falier (1354-1355), doge of Venice (1274-17.04.1355) [9790]
Authority, Sitter
Marino Grimani (1595-1605), doge of Venice (1533-25.12.1605) [1161]
Authority, Sitter
Marino Morosini (1249-1253), doge of Venice (1181-01.01.1253) [9798]
Authority, Sitter
Marino Zorzi (1311-1312), doge of Venice (um 1231-03.07.1312) [9794]
Authority, Sitter
Marius (-269 n. Chr.) [1162]
Authority, Sitter
Marcus Sitticus Count of Hohenems (1612-1619), archbishop of Salzburg (24.06.1574 - 09.10.1619) [1163]
Authority, Sitter
Marquard Fugger (1601-1655), lord of Nordendorf (04.11.1595 - 24.08.1655) [12147]
Marquard Rudolf von Rodt (1689-1704), bishop of Constance (09.04.1644-1704) [14641]
Authority, Sitter
Marquard Sebastian Freiherr Schenk von Stauffenberg (1683-1693), bishop of Bamberg (14.05.1644 - 09.10.1693) [1164]
Authority, Sitter
Martin (1594-1597), count of Regenstein (1581-1597) [10750]
Authority, Sitter
Martin I (1392-1409), king of Sicily (1376-25.07.1409) [14194]
Authority, Sitter
Martin V (1417-1431), pope (1368-20.02.1431) [4678]
Authority, Sitter
Martin of Gerstmann (1574-1585), prince of Neiße, bishop of Breslau (08.03.1527 - 23.05.1585) [1165]
Martinianus [6584]
Authority, Sitter
Masinissa (um 238-149 v. Chr.) [8528]
Māstich Ūnash (Ni Nie Shi Shi) [12952]
Matthäus Asen Cantakuzenus (um 1325-1383) [14895]
Authority, Sitter
Matthäus Lang of Wellenburg (1519-1540), archbishop of Salzburg (1468-30.03.1540) [1166]
Authority, Sitter
Matthäus Schiner (1499-1522), bishop of Sion (1465-01.10.1522) [1167]
Authority, Sitter
Matthias (1608-1619), king of Hungary, from 1611 king of Bohemia, from 1612 emperor (24.02.1557 - 20.03.1619) [1168]
Authority, Sitter
Matthias Corvinus (1458-1490), king of Hungary (23.03.1443 - 06.04.1490) [1169]
Authority, Sitter
Maues [14078]
Authority, Sitter
Mauricius Tiberius (582-602) (539-27.11.602) [1170]
Authority, Sitter
Maussolos (-353 v. Chr.) [1171]
Max Gandolph Count Kuenburg (1668-1687), archbishop of Salzburg (30.10.1622 - 03.05.1687) [1172]
Authority, Sitter
Maxentius (-28.10. 312 n. Chr.) [1173]
Authority, Sitter
Maximianus Herculius (um 250-310 n. Chr.) [1174]
Authority, Sitter
Maximilian Francis of Austria (1784-1801), archbishop of Cologne and bishop of Münster, from 1780 master of the Teutonic order (08.12.1756 - 26.07.1801) [7614]
Authority, Sitter
Maximilian Friedrich of Königsegg-Rothenfels (1761-1784), archbishop of Cologne, from 1762 bishop of Münster (13.05.1708 - 15.04.1784) [7613]
Authority, Sitter
Maximilian Heinrich of Bavaria (1650-1688), duke of Bavaria, archbishop and elector of Cologne, bishop of Hildesheim and Liège (08.12.1621 - 05.06.1688) [3085]
Authority, Sitter
Maximilian I (1477-1519), from 1493 king of the Germans, 1508 emperor (22.03.1459 - 12.01.1519) [1176]
Authority, Sitter
Maximilian I (1597-1651), duke of Bavaria, 1623-1648 elector of the Palatinate, from 1648 elector of Bavaria (17.04.1573 - 27.09.1651) [1177]
Authority, Sitter
Maximilian I Joseph (1806-1825), king of Bavaria (27.05.1756 - 13.10.1825) [1178]
Authority, Sitter
Maximilian II (1564-1576), emperor (31.07.1527 -12.10.1576) [1180]
Authority, Sitter
Maximilian II Emanuel (1679-1726), elector of Bavaria (11.07.1662 - 26.02.1726) [1181]
Authority, Sitter
Maximilian II Fugger (1598-1629), lord of Boos until 1620, then of Babenhausen (08.02.1587 - 02.03.1629) [12144]
Maximilian II Joseph (1848-1864), king of Bavaria (28.11.1811 - 10.03.1864) [1182]
Authority, Sitter
Maximilian III (1585-1618), archduke of Austria, coadjutor and from 1590 master of the Teutonic order (12.10.1558 - 02.11.1618) [1179]
Authority, Sitter
Maximilian III Joseph (1745-1777), elector of Bavaria (28.03.1727 - 30.12.1777) [1183]
Authority, Sitter
Maximilian Karl (1672-1718), count, from 1711 prince of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort (14.07.1656 - 26.12.1718) [1184]
Authority, Sitter
Maximilian of Bronckhorst-Batenburg-Steyn (1602-1641), lord of Batenburg and Steyn (um 1561-30.06.1641) [13257]
Authority, Sitter
Maximinus Daia (-313 n. Chr.) [1185]
Authority, Sitter
Maximinus Thrax (um 172-238 n. Chr.) [1186]
Authority, Sitter
Mazaios (-328 v. Chr.) [1187]
Mazakes (333/332 BC), satrap of Egypt, later in Babylonia? [11460]
Mechthild I (1196-1223), abbess of Gandersheim [10615]
Authority, Sitter
Medici, Lorenzo de’ (01.01.1449 - 08.04.1492) [2295]
Authority, Sitter
Meginhard I (1018-1034), bishop of Würzburg [11174]
Authority, Sitter
Mehmed II Fatih (1444-1446 und 1451-1481), sultan (30.03.1432 - 03.05.1481) [2134]
Authority, Sitter
Mehmed IV (1058-1099 AH/1648-1687), sultan (02.01.1642 - 06.01.1693) [7745]
Mehmed V (1909-1918), sultan (02.11.1844 - 03.07.1918) [1205]
Authority, Sitter
Meinhard (1241-1252), bishop of Halberstadt [10679]
Authority, Sitter
Meinhard II (1257-1295), duke of Tyrol,from 1286 duke of Carinthia (1238-1295) [1188]
Meinhard of Bamberg (1085-1088), bishop of Würzburg (-20.06.1088) [11184]
Authority, Sitter
Meinher of Neuenburg (1272-1280), bishop of Naumburg (vor 1246-1280) [7931]
Melgarejo, Mariano (13.04.1820 - 23.11.1871) [12375]
Authority, Sitter
Menandros I of Bactria [1189]
Authority, Sitter
Menelik II (1889-1913), emperor of Ethiopia (17.08.1844 - 12.12.1913) [1190]
Authority, Sitter
Meregart (1160-1161), abbess of Quedlinburg [1191]
Authority, Sitter
Metokos (Medokos) [4207]
Mezesius (622-669) [14883]
Authority, Sitter
Michael (Miguel) I (1828-1834), king of Portugal (26.10.1802 - 14.11.1866) [1192]
Authority, Sitter
Michael Apafi (1661-1690), prince of Transylvania (03.11.1632 - 15.04.1690) [1193]
Authority, Sitter
Michael Comnenus (1341, 1344-1349), emperor of Trebizond (1285-) [7061]
Authority, Sitter
Michał I (1669-1673), king of Poland and Grand duke of Lithuania (31.05.1640 - 10.11.1673) [13730]
Authority, Sitter
Michael I (811-813) (-844) [7001]
Authority, Sitter
Michael I Comnenus Angelus (-1215) [14889]
Authority, Sitter
Michael II (820-829) (770-02.10.829) [1194]
Authority, Sitter
Michael II Comnenus Angelus (1237-1268) (-1266/68) [7039]
Authority, Sitter
Michael III (842-867) (839-867) [1195]
Authority, Sitter
Michael III Shishman Asen (1323-1330), tsar of Bulgaria (um 1280-31.07.1330) [13145]
Authority, Sitter
Michael IV (1034-1041) (1010-10.12.1041) [7015]
Authority, Sitter
Michael Küchmeister (1414-1422), master of the Teutonic order (ca. 1360/1370-15.12.1423) [10272]
Authority, Sitter
Michael V (1041-1042) (-24.08.1042) [7016]
Authority, Sitter
Michael VI (1056-1057) (-1059) [1196]
Authority, Sitter
Michael VII Ducas (1071-1078) [1197]
Authority, Sitter
Michael VIII Palaeologus (1224-11.12.1282) [1198]
Authority, Sitter
Michael of Kuenburg (1554-1560), archbishop of Salzburg (10.10.1514 - 17.11.1560) [14442]
Authority, Sitter
Michele Morosini (1382), doge of Venice (um 1308-15.10.1382) [9784]
Authority, Sitter
Michele Steno (1400-1413), doge of Venice (1331-26.12.1413) [9783]
Authority, Sitter
Mieszko I (969-992), duke of Poland (-25.05.992) [4579]
Mieszko II (1025-1034), from 1032 duke and 1025-1031 king of Poland (990-10.05.1034) [4580]
Mieszko III the Old (1173-1202) (1126-13.03.1202) [1199]
Mieszko of Bytom (1328-1344), bishopf of Nitra, from 1334 of Veszprém (ca. 1295-1344) [12930]
Mikipsa (148-118 BC), king of the Massylians [7636]
Authority, Sitter
Milo (722/723-761/762), bishop of Trier and 714-744 of Reims [1200]
Authority, Sitter
Ming (AD 58-75), emperor of China (28-75 n. Chr.) [8836]
Minh Mạng (1820-1841), emperor of Vietnam (25.05.1791 - 20.01.1841) [13487]
Mirfin, John [11030]
Mithridates I (171-138 BC) (-132 v. Chr.) [1201]
Authority, Sitter
Mithridates I Kallinikos of Commagene (-70 v. Chr.) [7109]
Authority, Sitter
Mithridates II (123-88 BC) [4285]
Authority, Sitter
Mithridates II of Commagene [4222]
Authority, Sitter
Mithridates III (-68 n. Chr.) [9520]
Authority, Sitter
Mithridates III (c. 57-54 BC) [5127]
Authority, Sitter
Mithridates III of Pontos [4597]
Authority, Sitter
Mithridates IV (c. AD 128-147) [4286]
Authority, Sitter
Mithridates IV of Pontos [1202]
Authority, Sitter
Mithridates VI Eupator of Pontos (ca. 134-63 v. Chr.) [1203]
Authority, Magistrate (Ant), Sitter
Mithrapata [1204]
Authority, Sitter
Mitso Asen (1256/1257), tsar of Bulgaria [14891]
Authority, Sitter
Mohammed Shah III Lashkari (867-887 AH/1463-1482), Bahmani sultan (-26.03.1482) [6851]
Molon (-220 v. Chr.) [6856]
Authority, Sitter
Monck, John Berkeley (19.9.1769 - 13.12.1834) [11212]
Möngke (1251-1259), Great Khan of the Mongols (1209-11.08.1259) [8052]
Monounios [12368]
Moor, Charles [11271]
Morgan, David [11254]
Morgan, Henry [11204]
Authority, Producer
Morgan, Morgan [11033]
Moritz (1541/1547-1553), elector of Saxony (21.03.1521 - 11.07.1553) [1206]
Authority, Sitter
Moritz (1592-1627), langrave of Hesse-Kassel (25.05.1572 - 15.03.1632) [14198]
Authority, Sitter
Moritz (1656-1681), duke of Saxe-Zeitz (28.02.1619 - 04.12.1681) [1207]
Authority, Sitter
Mostis [1208]
Authority, Sitter
Muhammad Azam Shah (1118-1119 AH/1707), Mughal emperor (28.06.1653 - 08.06.1707) [6556]
Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān ibn ʿAlī alʿAbbāsī [12735]
Authority, Governor (ISL)
Muḥammad IV (1276-1290 AH/1859-1873), sultan of Marocco (1803-16.09.1873) [12022]
Muhammad Kam Bakhsh (1119-1120 AH/1707-1708), Mughal emperor (06.03.1667 - 14.01.1709) [6557]
Muhammad Shah (1131-1161 AH/1719-1748), Mughal emperor (07.08.1702 - 16.04.1748) [6563]
Muhammad XIII (889-894 AH/1485-1489), emir of Granada (-1494?) [6454]
Muhiyuddin Muhammad Aurangzeb ‘Alamgir (1068-1118 AH/1657-1707), Mughal emperor (03.11.1618 - 03.03.1707) [6555]
Murad Bakhsh (1657-1658), Mughal prince and governor (08.09.1624 - 04.12.1661) [6973]
Murat, Marshall Joachim (25.03.1767 - 13.10.1815) [10609]
Authority, Sitter
Muskett, William [11229]
Mustafa III (1171-1187 AH/1757-1774), sultan (28.01.1717 - 21.01.1774) [7743]
Mutsuhito (1868-1912), era Meiji, emperor of Japan (03.11.1852 - 30.07.1912) [1210]
Muzong (821-824), emperor of China (795-25.02.824) [8860]
Muʾaiyid ad-Daula Abū Manṣūr Būya b. Rukn ad-Daula al-Ḥasan (356-373 AH/967-983), Būyid ruler (942-983) [10845]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Muʿāwiya (II) ibn Yazīd (I) (64 AH/683-684), caliph [8794]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Muʿizz ad-Daula Abu ᾽l-Ḥusain Aḥmad b. Būya (328-356 AH/939-967), Būyid ruler (915-967) [10833]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Nambed (Namupad) [12587]
Napad (1st century AD) [11462]
Authority, Sitter
Napoleon Bonaparte (1799-1815), 1799-1804 first consul, 1804-1814, 1815 as Napoleon I emperor of the French (15.08.1769 - 05.05.1821) [1211]
Authority, Sitter
Narseh (293-303) [1212]
Authority, Sitter
Naser al-Din Shah (1848-1896), Shah of Persia (16.07.1831 - 01.05.1896) [7736]
Nāṣir ad-Daula Abū Muḥammad al-Ḥasan (317-356 AH/935-967), Hamdanid ruler (929-968) [11335]
Naṣr (II.) b. Aḥmad (301-331 AH/914–943), Sāmānidi ruler (-943) [11655]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Nasr II (301-332 AH/914-943), emir of the Samanids [1213]
Nectanebo II (c. 359-342 BC) [1214]
Nepotianus (-30.06.350 n. Chr) [1216]
Authority, Sitter
Nero (37-68 n. Chr.) [1217]
Authority, Sitter
Nerva (30-98 n. Chr.) [1218]
Authority, Sitter
Nezoōl/Nezana [13005]
Authority, Sitter
Niccolò' III d'Este (1393-1441), margrave of Ferrara (-26.12.1441) [2204]
Authority, Sitter
Nichols, Henry [11249]
Nikephorus Basilakes [14887]
Nikephorus Bryennius (1077-1078) [7026]
Authority, Sitter
Nikephorus I (802-811) (um 760-811) [1219]
Authority, Sitter
Nikephorus II Phocas (963-969) (912-969) [1220]
Authority, Sitter
Nikephorus III (1078-1081) [7025]
Authority, Sitter
Nikokles (c. 321-306 BC), king of Paphus [7680]
Nikokles (c. 374-361 BC), king of Salamis [8327]
Nikokreon (332/331-311/310 BC), king of Salamis [8595]
Nicolas I (1860-1916), prince, from 1910 king of Montenegro (07.10.1841 - 01.03.1921) [3083]
Authority, Sitter
Nicolò Contarini (1630-1631), doge of Venice (26.09.1552 - 02.04.1631) [9758]
Authority, Sitter
Nicolò da Ponte (1578-1585), doge of Venice (15.01.1491 - 30.07.1585) [9764]
Authority, Sitter
Nicolò Donà (1618), doge of Venice (28.01.1539 - 09.05.1618) [9760]
Authority, Sitter
Nikolaus Fugger (1611-1676), lord of Nordendorf (24.02.1596 - 12.05.1676) [12146]
Nicolas I (1825-1855), emperor of Russia (06.07.1796 - 02.03.1855) [1221]
Authority, Sitter
Nicolas II (1894-1917), emperor of Russia (18.05.1868 - 17.07.1918) [1222]
Authority, Sitter
Nicolas Joseph (1762-1790), Prince Eszterházy, Field Marshall (18.12.1714 - 28.09.1790) [12528]
Authority, Sitter
Nicolò Marcello (1473-1474), doge of Venice (um 1399-01.12.1474) [1223]
Authority, Sitter
Nicolò Sagredo (1675-1676), doge of Venice (18.09.1606 - 14.08.1676) [9749]
Authority, Sitter
Nikolaus Schiner (1496-1499), bishop of Sion (1437-30.10.1510) [1224]
Nicolò Tron (1471-1473), doge of Venice (um 1399-1473) [1225]
Authority, Sitter
Nicholas V (1447-1455), pope (15.11.1397 - 24.03.1455) [10850]
Authority, Sitter
Nikomedes I [8693]
Authority, Sitter
Nikomedes II Epiphanes (-127 v. Chr.) [8694]
Authority, Sitter
Nikomedes III Euergetes [8695]
Authority, Sitter
Nikomedes IV Philopator (-74 v. Chr.) [8696]
Authority, Sitter
Ningzong (1194-1224), emperor of china (19.22.1168 - 17.09.1224) [7660]
Nonnos [1227]
North, George [11226]
Nott, Michael [11024]
Numerianus (um 253-284 n. Chr.) [1228]
Authority, Sitter
Nūr ad-Daula Abū Naṣr Šāh-Fīrūz b. ʿIzz ad-Daula Baḫtiyār (-389 AH/999), Būyid ruler [11656]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Nūr ad-Dīn Maḥmūd b. Zangī (541-569 AH/1146-1174), Zengid ruler (1118-15.05.1174) [12130]
Nur-al-din Muhammad Jahangir (1014-1037 AH/1605-1627), Mughal emperr (31.08.1569 - 28.10.1627) [6553]
Authority, Sitter
Nurhaci (1616-1626), emperor of China (1559-30.09.1626) [14342]
Obodas I (96-85 BC), king of the Nabataeans [12532]
Authority, Sitter
Obodas III (c. 30-9 BC), king of the Nabataeans [8247]
Authority, Sitter
Ottavio Farnese (1547-1587), duke of Parma and Piacenza (09.10.1524 - 18.09.1586) [1229]
Authority, Sitter
Odo/Eudes (888-898), king of the Franks (-01.01.898) [1230]
Authority, Sitter
Odoardo Farnese (1622-1646), duke of Parma and Piacenza (28.04.1612 - 11.09.1646) [14601]
Authority, Sitter
Odoacer (476-493) [1231]
Authority, Sitter
Offa (757-796), king of Mercia (-26.07.796) [1232]
Authority, Sitter
Ohrmazd (Hormizd) I (271/272-273) [10455]
Authority, Sitter
Ohrmazd (Hormizd) II (302/303-309/310) [10454]
Authority, Sitter
Ohrmazd (Hormizd) IV (579-590) [4372]
Authority, Sitter
Ohrmazd (Hormizd) V (631-632) [12792]
Authority, Sitter
Olof Skötkonung (994-1024), king of Sweden, 1000-10015 king of Norway (um 980-1022) [4572]
Authority, Sitter
Olaf Engelbrektsson (1523-1537), archbishop of Trondheim (-07.02.1538) [5228]
Olaf I (1086-1095), king of Denmark (1050-18.08.1095) [4577]
Authority, Sitter
Olaf I Tryggvason (995-1000), king of Norway (968-09.09.1000) [4578]
Authority, Sitter
Olav V (1957-1991), king of Norway (02.07.1903 - 17.01.1991) [14351]
Authority, Sitter
Oliver, Henry [12954]
Olybrius (-472 n. Chr.) [6921]
Authority, Sitter
Omar-Beg (1341-1348), emir of Aydın (um 1309-1348) [1236]
Orabazes II (c. AD 150-165) [15121]
Authority, Sitter
Orchard, Isaac [11266]
Ordulf (1059-1072), duke of Saxony (-28.03.1072) [10167]
Authority, Sitter
Orio Mastropiero (1178-1192), doge of Venice [9800]
Authority, Sitter
Orodes I (1st century AD), king of Elymais [10946]
Authority, Sitter
Orodes I (c. 90-77 BC) [4279]
Authority, Sitter
Orodes II (57-38 BC) [4278]
Authority, Sitter
Orodes II (late 1st century AD), king of Elymais [10947]
Authority, Sitter
Orodes III (AD 4-6) [4280]
Authority, Sitter
Orodes III (c. AD 100), king of Elymais [10948]
Authority, Sitter
Orodes IV (c. AD 150), king of Elymais [10950]
Authority, Sitter
Orodes V (c. AD 180), king of Elymais [10951]
Authority, Sitter
Orontas [1237]
Authority, Sitter
Orophernes [1238]
Authority, Sitter
Orou, dynast in Caria [13081]
Oshin (1307-1320), king of Little Armenia (1282-20.07.1320) [11492]
Authority, Sitter
Oscar I (1844-1859), king of Sweden and Norway (04.07.1799 - 08.07.1859) [11954]
Authority, Sitter
Oscar II (1872-1907), king of Sweden, until 1905 king of Norway (21.01.1829 - 08.12.1907) [3086]
Authority, Sitter
Osroes I (c. AD 109-129) [4292]
Authority, Sitter
Osroes II [13146]
Authority, Sitter
Oswald II (1511-1545), count of Berg [1239]
Authority, Sitter
Otbert (906-913), bishop of Strasbourg [11340]
Authority, Sitter
Othbert (1092-1119), bishop of Liège [1240]
Otho (32-69 n. Chr.) [1241]
Authority, Sitter
Ottheinrich (1505-1559), duke of Palatinate-Neuburg until 1557, from 1556 elector and count palatine of the Rhine (10.04.1502 - 12.02.1559) [2450]
Authority, Sitter
Otto (1305-1311), count of Cleves (1278-29.10.1311) [4599]
Authority, Sitter
Otto (1886-1916), king of Bavaria (27.04.1848 - 11.10.1916) [9538]
Authority, Sitter
Otto the Rich (1156-1190), margrave of Meißen (-18.02.1190) [1242]
Authority, Sitter
Otto I (1102-1139), bishop of Bamberg (um 1160-30.06.1139) [14016]
Authority, Sitter
Otto I (1153/1157-1184), margrave of Brandenburg (1124-1184) [1243]
Authority, Sitter
Otto I (1204-1218), bishop of Münster (-06.03.1218) [10114]
Authority, Sitter
Otto I (1227/1235-1252), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (1204-09.06.1252) [7859]
Authority, Sitter
Otto I (1270-1305), count of Waldeck (-11.11.1305) [1244]
Authority, Sitter
Otto I (1832-1862), king of Greece (01.06.1815 - 26.07.1867) [1245]
Authority, Sitter
Otto I (936-973), king and duke of Saxony, from 951 king of Italy, from 962 emperor (23.11.912 - 07.05.973) [1246]
Authority, Sitter
Otto I of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1260-1279), bishop of Hildesheim (um 1247-04.07.1279) [10623]
Authority, Sitter
Otto I of Lobdeburg (1207-1223), bishop of Würzburg (-05.12.1223) [8211]
Authority, Sitter
Otto II (1184-1205), margrave of Brandenburg (-04.07.1205) [1247]
Authority, Sitter
Otto II (1229-1271), count of Guelders (1215-10.01.1271) [1248]
Authority, Sitter
Otto II (1277-1330), duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, prince of Lüneburg (um 1266-10.04.1330) [8994]
Authority, Sitter
Otto II (1413-1428), duke of Pomerania-Stettin (um 1380-27.03.1428) [10270]
Authority, Sitter
Otto II (961-983), king, from 967 co-emperor, from 973 emperor (955-07.12.983) [1249]
Authority, Sitter
Otto II the Illustrious (1214-1253), count palatine of the Rhine, since 1231 duke of Bavaria (07.04.1205 - 29.11.1253) [14084]
Authority, Sitter
Otto II von Berg (1184-1220), bishop of Freising (-17.03.1220) [15237]
Authority, Sitter
Otto II of Lippe (1247-1259), bishop of Münster (-21.06.1259) [10134]
Authority, Sitter
Otto III (1220-1267), margrave of Brandenburg (-09.10.1267) [3065]
Otto III (1249-1305), count of Ravensberg (um 1246-25.03.1305) [10141]
Authority, Sitter
Otto III (1295-1310), duke of Carinthia and Carniola, count of Tyrol (1265-25.05.1310) [12611]
Authority, Sitter
Otto III (1383-1428), count of Hoya (-13.04.1428) [10160]
Authority, Sitter
Otto III (983-1002), king, from 996 emperor (980-1002) [1250]
Authority, Sitter
Otto IV (1198-1218), king, from 1209 emperor (1175-19.05.1218) [1251]
Authority, Sitter
Otto IV (1267-1308/1309), margrave of Brandenburg (ca. 1238-1308/1309) [10904]
Authority, Sitter
Otto Truchsess of Waldburg-Trauchburg (1543-1573), bishop of Augsburg (25.02.1514 - 02.04.1573) [10727]
Authority, Sitter
Otto VII (1204-1234), count of Andechs, duke of Merania [12249]
Authority, Sitter
Otto of Hesse (1327-1361), archbishop of Magdeburg (1301-30.04.1361) [1252]
Authority, Sitter
Otto von Rietberg (1277-1307), bishop of Paderborn (-23.10.1307) [10131]
Authority, Sitter
Otto of Schkeuditz (Kuditz) (1123-1136), bishop of Halberstadt [10673]
Authority, Sitter
Otto of Ziegenhain (1419-1430), archbishop of Trier (um 1380-13.02.1430) [7843]
Authority, Sitter
Ottokar IV (1164-1192), margrave, from 1180 duke of Styria (1163-08.05.1192) [8279]
Authority, Sitter
Ouazebas [4186]
Authority, Sitter
Ousanas I [13001]
Authority, Sitter
Ousas/Ousanas II [13006]
Authority, Sitter
Pacatianus (-248 n. Chr.) [1254]
Authority, Sitter
Pakores [5160]
Authority, Sitter
Pacorus I (c. 51-38 BC) (um 63-38 v. Chr.) [10316]
Authority, Sitter
Pacorus II (AD 75-c. 110) [4293]
Authority, Sitter
Paolo Renier (1779-1789), doge of Venice (21.11.1710 - 13.02.1789) [9736]
Authority, Sitter
Paris Count Lodron (1619-1653), archbishop of Salzburg (13.02.1586 - 15.12.1653) [1255]
Authority, Sitter
Parker, William [11031]
Parthamaspates (AD 116-123), king of Parthia to AD 117, from AD 118 king of Osroene [4294]
Authority, Sitter
Pasquale Cicogna (1585-1595), doge of Venice (1509-02.04.1595) [1256]
Authority, Sitter
Pasquale Malipiero (1457-1462), doge of Venice (um 1392-07.05.1462) [9781]
Authority, Sitter
Patraos (c. 335-315 BC), king of Paeonia [1257]
Authority, Sitter
Paul Alexander Leopold (1820-1851), prince of Lippe (06.11.1796 - 01.01.1851) [1258]
Authority, Sitter
Paul Friedrich (1837-1842), Grand duke of Mecklenburg (15.09.1800 - 07.03.1842) [1259]
Authority, Sitter
Paul Friedrich Emil Leopold (1851-1875), prince of Lippe (01.09.1821 - 08.12.1875) [1260]
Authority, Sitter
Paul I (1796-1801), emperor of Russia (01.10.1754 - 23.03.1801) [12858]
Authority, Sitter
Paul II (1464-1471), pope (1417-1471) [1261]
Authority, Sitter
Paul III (1534-1549), pope (29.02.1468 - 10.11.1549) [2279]
Authority, Sitter
Paul IV (1555-1559), pope (28.06.1476 - 18.08.1559) [10763]
Authority, Sitter
Paul Sixt III of Trautson (1598-1621), count of Falkenstein (um 1548-30.07.1621) [8234]
Authority, Sitter
Paul V (1605-1621), pope (1552-1621) [1263]
Authority, Sitter
Paul VI (1963-1978), pope (26.09.1897 - 06.08.1963) [10757]
Authority, Sitter
Paul of Rusdorf (1422-1441), master of the Teutonic order (um 1385-09.01.1441) [10273]
Authority, Sitter
Pausanias (393 BC), king of Macedon (-393 v. Chr.) [11644]
Peel, 1st Baronet Robert (25.05.1750 - 03.05.1830) [11262]
Perctarit (661-662/671-688), king of the Lombards [1264]
Authority, Sitter
Perdikkas II (448-413 BC), king of Macedon [9514]
Perikles [6923]
Authority, Sitter
Peroz I (459-484) [11723]
Authority, Sitter
Peroz III [14079]
Authority, Sitter
Perseus (213/212-um 165 v. Chr.) [1265]
Authority, Sitter
Pertinax (126-193 n. Chr.) [1266]
Authority, Sitter
Pescennius Niger (um 135-194 n. Chr.) [1267]
Authority, Sitter
Peter (1371-1394), count of Geneva [4644]
Peter (1853-1900), Grand duke of Oldenburg (08.07.1827 - 13.06.1900) [14179]
Authority, Sitter
Pierre d'Aubusson (1476-1503), Grand master of the order of St. John of Jerusalem (1423-03.07.1503) [1275]
Authority, Sitter
Pierre de Corneillan (1354-1355), Grand master of the order of St. John of Jerusalem [4818]
Authority, Sitter
Peter Ernst I, count of Mansfeld, Spanish governor (12.08.1517 - 23.05.1604) [7449]
Authority, Sitter
Peter I (1350-1368), king of Castile and León (30.08.1334 - 23.03.1369) [1269]
Authority, Sitter
Peter I (1359-1369), king of Cyprus (09.10.1328 - 16.01.1369) [5239]
Authority, Sitter
Peter I (1689-1725), emperor of Russia (09.06.1672 - 08.02.1725) [1268]
Authority, Sitter
Peter I Karadjordjevic, king of the Serbs (1903-1921), from 1918 of the Croats and Slovenes (11.07.1844 - 16.08.1921) [5171]
Authority, Sitter
Peter I Muschat (1375-1391), prince of Moldavia [4839]
Peter II (1369-1382), king of Cyprus (um 1357-13.10.1382) [5240]
Authority, Sitter
Peter III (1276-1285), king of Aragon, from 1282 as Peter I king of Sicily (1240-11.11.1285) [1270]
Peter III (1761-1762), emperor of Russia (21.02.1728 - 17.07.1762) [1271]
Authority, Sitter
Peter III (1777-1786), king of Portugal (05.07.1717 - 25.05.1786) [3306]
Authority, Sitter
Pierre III of Mirepoix (1309-1324), bishop of Cambrai (-1326?) [1272]
Peter IV (1336-1387), king of Aragon (05.09.1319 - 06.01.1387) [1273]
Authority, Sitter
Pier Luca II (1528-1548), count of Messerano [1274]
Peter Orseolo (1038-1041, 1044-1046), king of Hungary (um 1008-1046) [13288]
Authority, Sitter
Peter of Aspelt (1297-1320), until 1305 bishop of Basels, from 1306 archbishop of Mainz (um 1245-05.06.1320) [4643]
Authority, Sitter
Peter of Biron (1769-1795), duke of Courland and Semigallia (15.02.1724 - 13.01.1800) [4378]
Authority, previous Owner, Sitter
Petronius Maximus (396-31.05.455 n. Chr.) [1276]
Authority, Sitter
Pharnabazos (-nach 373 v. Chr.) [1277]
Authority, Sitter
Pharnakes I of Pontos [4596]
Authority, Sitter
Pharnakes II (-47 v. Chr.) [1278]
Authority, Sitter
Pharzoios [4477]
Authority, Sitter
Philetairos (um 343-263 v. Chr.) [1279]
Authority, Eponym (posthumously), Sitter
Philiberto II (1497-1504), duke of Savoy (10.04.1480 - 10.09.1504) [2153]
Authority, Sitter
Philip (1522-1544), duke of Palatinate-Neuburg (12.11.1503 - 04.07.1544) [14460]
Authority, Sitter
Philip I (1060-1108), king of France (23.05.1052 - 30.07.1108) [1283]
Authority, Sitter
Philip II Augustus (1180-1223), king of France (21.08.1165 - 14.07.1223) [1287]
Authority, Sitter
Philip III (1270-1285), king of France (03.04.1245 - 05.10.1285) [1289]
Authority, Sitter
Philip IV (1285-1314), king of France (1268-29.11.1314) [1292]
Authority, Sitter
Philip V (1316-1322), king of France (1293-03.01.1320) [1296]
Authority, Sitter
Philip VI (1328-1350), king of France (1293-22.08.1350) [1298]
Authority, Sitter
Philipp Christoph of Sötern (1610-1652), bishop of Speyer (11.12.1567 - 07.02.1652) [1280]
Authority, Sitter
Philipp de Platea (1522-1529), bishop of Sitten (um 1475-22.4.1538) [12374]
Philip the Good (1419-1467), duke of Burgundy (31.07.1396 - 15.06.1467) [1281]
Philip the Bold (1384-1404), duke of Burgundy and count of Flanders (17.01.1342 - 27.04.1404) [1282]
Philipp Ernst (1585-1631), count of Mansfeld-Artern (11.05.1560 - 16.09.1631) [11696]
Philipp Ernst (1610-1628), count of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (11.08.1584 - 29.01.1628) [14208]
Authority, Sitter
Philipp Heinrich (1615-1644), count of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg (03.06.1591 - 25.03.1644) [14210]
Authority, Sitter
Philip I (1482-1506), duke of Burgundy, from 1504 king of Castile and León (22.07.1478 - 25.09.1506) [1284]
Authority, Sitter
Philip I (1494-1551), prince of Brunswick-Grubenhagen (1476-04.09.1551) [10500]
Authority, Sitter
Philip I (1509-1567), landgrave of Hesse (13.11.1504 - 31.03.1567) [3051]
Authority, Sitter
Philip I of Heinsberg (1167-1191), archbishop of Cologne (1130-13.08.1191) [9720]
Authority, Sitter
Philip II (1556-1598), king of Spain, from 1580 as Philip I king of Portugal (21.05.1527 - 13.09.1598) [1285]
Authority, Sitter
Philip II (1606-1618), duke of Pomerania-Stettin (29.07.1573 - 03.02.1618) [1286]
Authority, Sitter
Philip II of Daun (1508-1515), archbishop of Cologne (1463-12.02.1515) [7606]
Authority, Sitter
Philip III (1598-1621), king of Spain, as Philip II king of Portugal (14.04.1578 - 31.03.1621) [1290]
Authority, Sitter
Philip IV (1513-1574), count of Waldeck (1493-30.11.1574) [9016]
Authority, Sitter
Philip IV (1621-1665), king of Spain, als Philip II 1621-1640 king of Portugal (08.04.1605 - 17.09.1665) [1293]
Authority, Sitter
Philip Julius (1603-1625), duke of Pomerania-Wolgast (27.12.1584 - 06.02.1625) [7746]
Authority, Sitter
Philip Ludwig II (1580-1612), count of Hanau-Münzenberg (18.11.1576 - 09.08.1612) [1294]
Philipp Moritz (1612-1638), count of Hanau-Münzenberg (25.08.1605 - 03.08.1638) [13916]
Authority, Sitter
Philip Reinhard, count of Solms, Danish governor in Wolfenbüttel (24.07.1593 - 18.04.1635) [7440]
Philipp Sigismund of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1586-1623), bishop of Verden, from 1591 of Osnabrück (01.07.1568 - 19.03.1623) [4435]
Philip V (1615-1657), count of Mansfeld-Bornstedt (1589-08.04.1657) [11693]
Philip V (1700-1746), king of Spain (19.12.1683 - 09.07.1740) [1297]
Authority, Sitter
Philip of Saint Pol (1427-1430), duke of Brabant and Limburg (25.07.1404 - 04.08.1430) [1299]
Authority, Sitter
Philip of Swabia (1198-1208), König (1177-21.06.1208) [1300]
Authority, Sitter
Philip of Spanheim (1247-1256), elected archbishop of Salzburg (-22.07.1279) [15048]
Authority, Sitter
Philippe (2013-), king of the Belgians (15.04.1960-) [7237]
Authority, Sitter
Philippicus (Bardanes) (711-713) [1301]
Authority, Sitter
Philippos I Philadelphos (um 115-83 v. Chr.) [3072]
Authority, Sitter
Philippos II (359-336 BC), king of Macedon (um 382-336 v. Chr.) [1302]
Authority, Sitter
Philippos III Arrhidaios (323-317 BC), king of Macedon (352-25.12.317 v. Chr.) [4225]
Philippos V (221-179 BC), king of Macedon (238-179 v. Chr.) [1303]
Authority, Sitter
Philippus I (um 204-249 n. Chr.) [1304]
Authority, Sitter
Philippus II (237-249 n. Chr.) [1305]
Authority, Sitter
Phillips, J. [11305]
Phillips, W. [11304]
Philopator (20 BC-AD 17) (ca. 50 v.-17 n. Chr.) [10256]
Philoxenos of Bactria [1306]
Authority, Sitter
Phintias (289-279 BC), tyrant of Akragas [12363]
Phipps, James [11267]
Phocas (602-610) [1307]
Authority, Sitter
Phraatakes (2 BC-AD 4) [4281]
Authority, Sitter
Phraates (c. AD 100), king of Elymais [10949]
Authority, Sitter
Phraates II (138-127 BC) [4283]
Authority, Sitter
Phraates III (c. 70-57 BC) [4284]
Authority, Sitter
Phraates IV (38-2 BC) [4277]
Authority, Sitter
Phriapatius [13147]
Authority, Sitter
Pibo (1070-1107), bishop of Toul [8259]
Authority, Sitter
Pier Maria Rossi (1438-1482), count of Berceto (25.03.1413 - 02.09.1482) [1308]
Authority, Sitter
Pietro Gradenigo (1289-1311), doge of Venice (1251-13.08.1311) [8938]
Authority, Sitter
Pietro Grimani (1741-1752), doge of Venice (05.10.1677 - 07.03.1752) [9739]
Authority, Sitter
Pietro Lando (1538-1545), doge of Venice (um 1462-09.11.1545) [9773]
Authority, Sitter
Pietro Loredan (1567-1570), doge of Venice (um 1482-03.05.1570) [9767]
Authority, Sitter
Pietro Mocenigo (1474-1476), doge of Venice (um 1405-1476) [9779]
Authority, Sitter
Pietro Ziani (1205-1229), doge of Venice (um 1153-14.03.1229) [7030]
Authority, Sitter
Pigres [9562]
Pilgrim (1021-1036), archbishop of Cologne (985-25.08.1036) [1309]
Authority, Sitter
Pilgrim II (1195-1204), patriarch of Aquileia [1310]
Authority, Sitter
Pilgrim II (1365-1396), archbishop of Salzburg (um 1330-05.04.1396) [1311]
Authority, Sitter
Pepin the Short (751-768), king of the Franks (714-24.09.768) [1312]
Pepin II (839-852), king of Aquitaine (823-864) [1313]
Authority, Sitter
Pius II (1458-1464), pope (1405-1464) [1314]
Authority, Sitter
Pius IV (1559-1565), pope (31.03.1499 - 09.12.1565) [13791]
Authority, Sitter
Pius IX (1846-1878), pope (13.05.1792 - 07.02.1878) [10758]
Authority, Sitter
Pius V (1566-1572), pope (1504-1572) [2154]
Authority, Sitter
Pius VI (1775-1799), pope (25.12.1717 - 29.08.1799) [1315]
Authority, Sitter
Pius VII (1800-1823), pope (14.08.1742 - 20.08.1823) [7518]
Authority, Sitter
Pius XI (1922-1939), pope (31.05.1857 - 10.02.1939) [13845]
Authority, Sitter
Pius XII (1939-1958), pope (02.03.1876 - 09.10.1958) [2344]
Authority, Sitter
Pixodaros (-um 334 v. Chr.) [1316]
Pnytagoras (c. 351-331 BC), king of Cyprus [8325]
Polemon I (c. 37-8 BC), king of Pontos [11856]
Authority, Sitter
Polemon II (AD 38-64/65), king of Pontos (ca. 12 v.-nach 68 n. Chr.) [9521]
Authority, Sitter
Poppo (1019-1042), patriarch of Aquileia (-28.09.1042) [11755]
Poppo (Burchard) (1090-1097/1103), archbishop of Metz (-1103) [8201]
Authority, Sitter
Poppo of Babenberg (1016-1047), archbishop of Trier (986-16.06.1047) [8187]
Authority, Sitter
Porter, Samuel [11276]
Postumus (-269 n. Chr.) [1317]
Authority, Sitter
Potho of Pothenstein (1379-1381), bishop of Münster (-1390) [1318]
Authority, Sitter
Poynty Lane, Henry [11291]
Pribislav-Heinrich (died 1150), prince of the Hevelli (um 1075-1150) [1319]
Authority, Sitter
Priscus Attalus [1320]
Authority, Sitter
Probus (232-282 n. Chr.) [1321]
Authority, Sitter
Prockter, John [11248]
Procopius (-28.05.366 n. Chr.) [1322]
Authority, Sitter
Prusias I (-182 v. Chr.) [1323]
Authority, Sitter
Prusias II (-149 v. Chr.) [6447]
Authority, Sitter
Przemysl Ottocar I (1192-1230), until 1193 duke, from 1198 king of Bohemia (um 1155-15.12.1230) [8979]
Authority, Sitter
Przemysl Ottocar II (1253-1278), king of Bohemia, from 1261 duke of Styria (um 1232-26.08.1278) [1253]
Authority, Sitter
Ptolemaios (AD 23-40), king of Mauretania (um 10 v. Chr.-40 n. Chr.) [4367]
Authority, Duumvir, Sitter
Ptolemaios (c. 163-130 BC), king of Commagene [8978]
Authority, Sitter
Ptolemaios I Soter (367/366-283/282 v. Chr.) [1324]
Authority, Sitter
Ptolemaios II Philadelphos (308-29.01.246 v. Chr.) [1325]
Authority, Sitter
Ptolemaios III Euergetes I (um 284-222 v. Chr.) [1326]
Authority, Sitter
Ptolemaios IV Philopator (245-204 v. Chr.) [1327]
Authority, Sitter
Ptolemaios IX Soter II (Lathyros) (-81/80 v. Chr.) [4528]
Authority, Sitter
Ptolemaios Keraunos (281-279 BC), king of Macedon [11461]
Ptolemaios V Epiphanes Eucharistos (06.10.210-180 v. Chr.) [1328]
Authority, Sitter
Ptolemaios VI Philometor (-145 v. Chr.) [4342]
Authority, Sitter
Ptolemaios VIII Euergetes II (Physkon) (um 180-26.06.116 v. Chr.) [4527]
Authority, Sitter
Ptolemaios of Chalcis (-40 v. Chr.) [1329]
Ptolemaios X Alexander I (-88 v. Chr.) [1330]
Authority, Sitter
Ptolemaios XI Alexander II (um 105-80 v. Chr.) [4154]
Authority, Sitter
Ptolemaios XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) (115/107-51 v. Chr.) [4529]
Authority, Sitter
Ptolemaios XV Kaisarion (47-23.08.30 v. Chr.) [9815]
Authority, Sitter
Pumiathon [1331]
Pupienus (um 164-238 n. Chr.) [1332]
Authority, Sitter
Puyi (1908-1912, 1917), emperor of China, 1934-1945 emperor of Manchukuo (07.02.1906 - 17.10.1967) [8872]
Authority, Sitter
Pylaimenes Euergetes (c. 100 BC), king of Paphlagonia [11054]
Pyrrhos I of Epiros (319-272 v. Chr.) [4220]
Qawām ad-Daula Abu ᾽l-Fawāris b. Bahāʾ ad-Daula Ḫusra-Fīrūz (403-419 AH/1012-1028), Būyid ruler (1000-1028) [10875]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Qianlong (1735-1796), emperor of China (25.09.1711 - 07.02.1799) [7656]
Quietus (-261 n. Chr.) [1333]
Authority, Sitter
Quintillus [1334]
Authority, Sitter
Qutb al-Din Muhammad ibn Zengi (1197-1219), emir of Sinjar [7650]
Raban of Helmstatt (1396-1439), 1396-1438 bishop of Speyer, from 1430 archbishop of Trier (um 1362-04.11.1439) [1335]
Authority, Sitter
Rabbel II (AD 70-106 ), king of the Nabataeans [15040]
Authority, Sitter
Radboto (1168-1181), abbot of Pegau [1336]
Rafi-ud-Darjat (1131 AH/1719), Mughal emperor (01.12.1699 - 06.06.1719) [6561]
Raimbert/Reginbert (1024-1039), bishop of Verdun [8292]
Authority, Sitter
Raymond Berengar (1365-1374), Grand master of the order of St. John of Jerusalem [4820]
Authority, Sitter
Raymond Berengar I (1035-1076), count of Barcelona (um 1023-1076) [1337]
Raymond II (1137-1152), count of Tripolis (um 1115-1152) [1338]
Raymond II Roupen (1216-1219), prince of Antioch (um 1195-1222) [12072]
Authority, Sitter
Raymond II. (1152-1187), count of Tripolis (um 1142-1187) [1339]
Rainald III (1343-1361), duke of Guelders (13.05.1333 - 04.12.1371) [1341]
Rainald IV/I (1402-1423), duke of Guelders and Jülich (um 1365-25.06.1423) [1340]
Authority, Sitter
Rainald of Dassel (1159-1167), archbishop of Cologne (1114-14.08.1167) [1342]
Authority, Sitter
Rainier III (1949-2005), prince of Monaco (31.05.1923 - 06.04.2005) [2825]
Authority, Sitter
Rakoczi, Franz (27.03.1676 - 08.04.1735) [634]
Rama Bahadur Shah Dewa (1777-1799), king of Nepal (25.05.1775 - 25.04.1806) [1343]
Rama V (1868-1910), king of Siam (20.09.1853 - 23.10.1910) [13689]
Authority, Sitter
Ranuccio I Farnese (1592-1622), duke of Parma and Piacenza (28.03.1569 - 05.03.1622) [1344]
Authority, Sitter
Raymund Ferdinand von Rabatta (1713-1722), bishop of Passau (04.02.1669 - 25.10.1722) [14459]
Authority, Sitter
Readett, William [11274]
Rechiar (448-455), king of the Suebi [1347]
Rees, Hopkin [11253]
Regalianus (-260 n. Chr.) [1348]
Authority, Sitter
Reginbert (1051-1081), abbot of Echternach [8438]
Authority, Sitter
Reinhard II (1369-1396), lord of Schönforst [5317]
Reinhard of Blankenburg (1107-1123), bishop of Halberstadt (-02.03.1123) [10672]
Authority, Sitter
Reccared (586-601) [1345]
Authority, Sitter
Recceswinth (653-672) [1346]
Authority, Sitter
René d'Anjou (1435-1442/80), king of Naples, titurlar king of Jerusalem (16.01.1409 - 10.07.1480) [4075]
Authority, Sitter
René II (1473-1508), duke of Lorraine (02.05.1451 - 10.12.1508) [8953]
Authority, Sitter
Reniero Zeno (1253-1268), doge of Venice (-07.07.1268) [9797]
Authority, Sitter
Renzong (1022-1063), emperor of China (30.05.1010 - 30.04.1063) [7661]
Reynolds, Frederick Riddell [11250]
Rhaeskuporis I [4208]
Rheskouporis II [11353]
Authority, Sitter
Rheskouporis III (-227 n. Chr.) [4182]
Authority, Sitter
Rheskouporis V (-276 n. Chr.) [11421]
Authority, Sitter
Rheskouporis VI (-342 n. Chr.) [11351]
Authority, Sitter
Rhoimetalkes I (-12 n. Chr.) [4197]
Authority, Sitter
Rhoimetalkes II [4199]
Authority, Sitter
Rhoimetalkes III [4198]
Authority, Sitter
Rhoontopates [1349]
Richard I (1039-1046), bishop of Verdun (-07.11.1046) [8293]
Authority, Sitter
Richard I (1169-1199), from 1189 king of England, from 1169 Count of Poitou, Duke of Aquitaine 1172-1196, from 1189 Duke of Normandy (08.09.1157 - 06.04.1199) [1350]
Authority, Sitter
Richard I (943-996), duke of Normandy (um 935-20.11.996) [4562]
Richard II (1377-1399), king of England and Duke of Aquitaine (06.01.1367 - 14.02.1400) [1351]
Authority, Sitter
Richard II of Grandpré (1107-1114), bishop of Verdun (um 1026-1114) [8314]
Authority, Sitter
Richard of Cornwall (1257-1272), king (05.01.1209 - 02.04.1272) [1352]
Authority, Sitter
Richard von Greiffenklau zu Vollraths (1511-1531), archbishop of Trier (1467-13.03.1531) [2159]
Authority, Sitter
Richhar/Richer (1089-1107), bishop of Verdun (gestorben 08.03.1107) [8294]
Authority, Sitter
Richwin (914-933), bishop of Strasbourg (-30.08.933) [11341]
Authority, Sitter
Rinaldo d'Este (1694-1737), duke of Modena and Reggio (25.04.1655 - 26.10.1737) [7947]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Robert I (1071-1093), count of Flanders (um 1033-13.10.1093) [14018]
Authority, Sitter
Robert I of Bourbon-Parma (1854-1907), duke (from 1860 titular duke) of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla (09.07.1848 - 16.11.1907) [1353]
Authority, Sitter
Robert II (1093-1111), count of Flanders (um 1065-05.10.1111) [11621]
Authority, Sitter
Robert II (996-1031), king of France (27.03.972 - 20.07.1031) [1354]
Authority, Sitter
Robert II de Lénoncourt (1535-1561), bishop and archbishop (um 1485-04.02.1561) [9014]
Authority, Sitter
Robert III (1305-1322), count of Flanders (1249-01.09.1322) [10059]
Authority, Sitter
Robert of Anjou (1309-1343), king of Naples, count of Provence (1278-20.01.1343) [1355]
Authority, Sitter
Robertson, John [11268]
Roderic (710-711) [8732]
Authority, Sitter
Roger (1156-1161), duke of Apulia (1152-1161) [4704]
Authority, Sitter
Roger de Pins (1355-1365), Grand master of the order of St. John of Jerusalem (-28.05.1365) [4819]
Authority, Sitter
Roger I (1072-1101), count of Sicily (1031-22.06.1101) [1356]
Authority, Sitter
Roger II (1105-1154), count of Sicily, from 1130 king (22.12.1095 - 26.02.1154) [4670]
Authority, Sitter
Roger III (1130-1149), duke of Apulia (1118-02.05.1149) [4705]
Authority, Sitter
Roger of Salerno (1112-1119), regent (-28.06.1119) [1357]
Romanus I (920-944) (-948) [2962]
Authority, Sitter
Romanus II (959-963) (938-963) [7014]
Authority, Sitter
Romanus III (1028-1034) (968-11.04.1034) [1358]
Authority, Sitter
Romanus IV (1068-1071) (-1072) [1359]
Authority, Sitter
Romulus (Augustulus) [1360]
Authority, Sitter
Rosenberg, Peter Vok of (01.10.1539 - 06.11.1611) [13743]
Authority, Sitter
Rosenberg, William of (10.03.1535 - 31.08.1592) [13742]
Authority, Sitter
Rüdiger of Bergheim (1233-1250), bishop of Passau (um 1175-14.04.1258) [14081]
Authority, Sitter
Rudolf (1606-1621), prince of Anhalt-Zerbst (28.10.1576 - 20.08.1621) [4228]
Authority, Sitter
Rudolph (923-936), king of the Franks (um 890-15.01.936) [13619]
Authority, Sitter
Rudolfo Gonzaga (1586-1593), margrave of Castiglione and from 1592 of Castel Goffredo (07.03.1569 - 03.01.1593) [12073]
Authority, Sitter
Rudolf I (1284-1290), archbishop of Salzburg (-03.08.1290) [14606]
Authority, Sitter
Rudolf I of Habsburg (1273-1291), king, 1276-1286 duke of Carinthia, 1278-1282 duke of Austria (01.05.1218 - 15.07.1291) [1362]
Authority, Sitter
Rudolf II (1576-1612), emperor, Roman König from 1575, king og Hungary from 1572, of Bohemia from 1575 (18.07.1552 - 20.01.1612) [1363]
Authority, Sitter
Rudolf II of Scherenberg (1466-1495), bishop of Würzburg (um 1401-29.04.1495) [11106]
Authority, Sitter
Rudolph III (1298-1307), duke of Austria and Styria, as Rudolph I king of Bohemia (um 1282-04.07.1307) [12248]
Authority, Sitter
Rudolf IV (1358-1365), duke of Austria, Styria, Carinthia, from 1363 duke of Tyrol(Österreich) (01.11.1339 - 27.07.1365) [12612]
Authority, Sitter
Rudolf VIII (1483-1510), lord of Diepholz (1473-1510) [10164]
Authority, Sitter
Rudolf of Diepholz (1426/1433-1455), 1426 (postulatus) bishop elecet, 1433 bishop of Utrecht (1400-24.03.1455) [1364]
Rudolf of Dingelstedt (1253-1260), archbishop of Magdeburg (-29.04.1260) [1365]
Authority, Sitter
Rudolf of Schladen (1136-1149), bishop of Halberstadt [10674]
Authority, Sitter
Rudolf of Wied (1183-1189), anti-archbishop of Trier (-09.07.1197) [12038]
Authority, Sitter
Rudolf of Zähringen (1167-1191), 1160 archbishop of Mainz, bishop of Liège (um 1135-05.08.1191) [9010]
Authority, Sitter
Rudolph August (1666-1704), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, prince of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (16.05.1627 - 26.01.1704) [1366]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Rukn ad-Daula Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥasan b. Būya (335-366 AH/947-977), Būyid ruler (896-977) [10837]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Rupert von Bodman (1678-1728) (13.03.1646 - 10.11.1728) [1361]
Ruprecht I (1353-1390), count palatine of the Rhine (1309-1390) [1367]
Authority, Sitter
Ruprecht II (1390-1398), count palatine of the Rhine (1325-1398) [1368]
Ruprecht III (1160-1191), count of Nassau [12039]
Authority, Sitter
Ruprecht III (1398-1410), count palatine of the Rhine, from 1400 king (05.05.1352 - 18.05.1410) [1369]
Authority, Sitter
Ruprecht VII (1355-1390), count of Nassau-Idstein (1340-04.09.1390) [1370]
Ruprecht of the Palatinate (1463-1480), archbishop of Cologne (27.02.1427 - 16.07.1480) [1371]
Authority, Sitter
Rushbury [11029]
Rusudan (1222-1245), queen (1194-1245) [5278]
Ruthard (1088-1109), archbishop of Mainz (-02.05.1109) [3863]
Authority, Sitter
Ryall, Henry (1777-1840) [11197]
Sabakes (c. 350-333 BC), satrap of Egypt [11463]
Said Ali (1886-1912), sultan of Grande Comore (-10.02.1916) [1372]
Sayf al-Dīn Ghāzī II (565-576 AH/1170-1180), Zengid ruler [12949]
Salentin of Isenburg (1567-1577), archbishop of Cologne (1532-19.03.1610) [1373]
Authority, Sitter
Salm ibn Qutayba ibn Muslim al-Bāhilī [12734]
Authority, Governor (ISL)
Salomon (1063-1074), king of Hungary (1053-1087) [4583]
Authority, Sitter
Salomon (890-919), bishop of Constance [1374]
Saloninus (-260 n. Chr.) [4149]
Authority, Sitter
Šams ad-Daula Abū Ṭāhir Šāh-Ḫusrau b. Faḫr ad-Daula ʿAlī (387-412 AH/997-1021), Būyidi ruler [10874]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Ṣamṣām ad-Daula Abū Kālīǧār Marzubān b. ʿAḍud ad-Daula Fanā-Ḫusra (362-388 AH/973-998), Būyid ruler (um 963-998) [10848]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Sámuel Aba (1041-1044), king of Hungary (um 990-05.07.1044) [13287]
Authority, Sitter
Sanabares [13148]
Authority, Sitter
Sanad ad-Daula Abū Ḥarb Ḥabašī b. Muʿizz ad-Daula Aḥmad (356-357 AH/967-968), Būyid ruler (gestorben 979/980) [10840]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Sancho (1311-1324), king of Majorca (1277-04.09.1324) [1375]
Authority, Sitter
Sancho I (1185-1211), king of Portugal (11.11.1154 - 26.03.1211) [1376]
Authority, Sitter
Sancho I Ramirez (1063-1094), king of Aragon, from 1076 as Sancho V king of Navarre (um 1045-04.06.1094) [1377]
Authority, Sitter
Sandars, Samuel [11219]
Sanǧar b. Toġan-Šāh (581-583 AH/1185-1187), emir of Nishapur [8751]
Saracho of Rossdorf (1056-1071), abbot in Corvey (um 1010-09.01.1071) [10135]
Authority, Sitter
Šaraf ad-Daula Abu ᾽l-Fawāris Šīrzīl b. ʿAḍud ad-Daula Fanā-Ḫusra (357-379 AH/968-989), Būyid ruler (um 960-989) [10849]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Saratokos [4209]
Sariakos [4210]
Saumakos [13245]
Sauromates I (-123 n. Chr.) [4185]
Authority, Sitter
Sauromates II (-210 n. Chr.) [11352]
Authority, Sitter
Sauromates IV (-276 n. Chr.) [11357]
Authority, Sitter
Scauniperga (751-756) [2998]
Shah Alam I Bahadur (1119-1124 AH/1707-1712), Mughal emperor (14.10.1643 - 27.02.1712) [6558]
Shah Alam II (1173-1221 AH/1759-1806), Mughal emperor (25.06.1728 - 10.11.1806) [6940]
Shah Jahan II (1131 AH/1719), Mughal emperor (1696-19.09.1719) [6562]
Shah Jahan III (1173 AH/1759-1760), Mughal emperor (1711-1772) [6939]
Scipione Gonzaga (1636-1670), prince of Bozzolo, from 1636 duke of Sabbioneta (1596-1670) [1378]
Authority, Sitter
Sebastian of Rostock (1664-1671), prince of Neisse, bishop of Breslau (24.08.1607 - 09.06.1671) [1379]
Authority, Sitter
Sebastiano Venier (1577-1578), doge of Venice (um 1496-03.03.1578) [9765]
Authority, Sitter
Sebastiano Ziani (1172-1178), doge of Venice (um 1102-13.04.1178) [9801]
Authority, Sitter
Sebastianus (-413 n. Chr.) [6902]
Authority, Sitter
Sébastien de Montfalcon (1517-1536), bishop of Lausanne (1489-1560) [14602]
Authority, Sitter
Seleukos I Nikator (um 358-281 v. Chr.) [1380]
Authority, Sitter
Seleukos II Kallinikos (265-226 v. Chr.) [1381]
Authority, Sitter
Seleukos III Keraunos (243-223 v. Chr.) [4530]
Authority, Sitter
Seleukos IV Philopator (-175 v. Chr.) [1382]
Authority, Sitter
Seleukos V Philometor [6852]
Authority, Sitter
Seleukos VI Epiphanes Nikator (um 120-95 v. Chr.) [1383]
Authority, Sitter
Septimius Severus (146-211 n. Chr.) [1384]
Authority, Sitter
Seuthes III (-um 295 v. Chr.) [4211]
Severus Alexander (208-235 n. Chr.) [1385]
Authority, Sitter
Severus II (-16.09.307 n. Chr.) [1386]
Authority, Sitter
Shang (AD 106), emperor of China (105-106 n. Chr.) [8839]
Shapur I (240-272) (- 272) [1388]
Authority, Sitter
Shapur II (309-379) [10453]
Authority, Sitter
Shapur III (383-388) [1389]
Authority, Sitter
Shenzong (1067-1085), emperor of China (25.05.1048 - 01.04.1085) [13488]
Sheppard, William [11018]
Shi Siming (759-761), emperor of China (703-18.04.761) [14612]
Shihab-al-din Muhammad Shah Jahan I (1037-1068 AH/1628-1658), Mughal emperor (15.01.1592 - 22.01.1666) [6554]
Shizong (1161-1189), emperor of China (29.03.1123 - 20.01.1189) [14341]
Shun (AD 125-144), emperor of China (115-144 n. Chr.) [8842]
Shunzhi (1644-1661), emperor of China, 1643-1644 of the Manchu (15.03.1638 - 05.02.1661) [7669]
Sico (817-832) [1390]
Authority, Sitter
Siconolf (839-849) [1391]
Authority, Sitter
Sieciech (-1113) [14667]
Siegfried (1060-1084), archbishop of Mainz [1392]
Authority, Sitter
Siegfried (1180-1200), abbot of Hersfeld [1393]
Authority, Sitter
Siegfried I of Anhalt (1173-1184), bishop of Brandenburg until 1179, then archbishop of Bremen (um 1132-24.10.1184) [10174]
Authority, Sitter
Siegfried II of Eppstein (1200-1230), archbishop of Mainz (um 1165-09.09.1230) [14193]
Authority, Sitter
Siegfried II of Querfurt (1279-1310), bishop of Hildesheim (-05.05.1310) [10624]
Authority, Sitter
Siegfried III of Eppstein (1230-1249), archbishop of Mainz (um 1194-09.03.1249) [8931]
Authority, Sitter
Siegfried IV (1107-1144), count of Boyneburg, vogt (um 1095-27.04.1144) [10604]
Authority, Reeve, Sitter
Siegfried of Rekkin (1185-1224), abbot of Pegau [8981]
Authority, Sitter
Siegfried of Westerburg (1275-1297), archbishop of Cologne (-07.04.1297) [1394]
Authority, Sitter
Siegmund (1486-1495), margrave of Brandenburg-Kulmbach (27.09.1468 - 26.02.1495) [15235]
Authority, Sitter
Sigibert III (633/639-656) (um 629/630-01.02.656) [1395]
Authority, Sitter
Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta (1432-1468), from 1432 lord of Rimini (19.06.1417 - 09.10.1468) [2472]
Authority, Sitter
Sigismund (1387-1437), king of Hungary, from 1419 king of Bohemia, from 1411 king of the Germans, from 1433 emperor, 1378-1388, 1411-1415 elector of Brandenburg (15.02.1368 - 09.12.1437) [1396]
Authority, Sitter
Sigismund (1439-1496), archduke of Austria (26.10.1427 - 04.03.1496) [1399]
Authority, Sitter
Sigismund (1553-1566), margrave of Brandenburg (11.12.1538 - 13.09.1566) [1397]
Authority, Sitter
Sigismund (516-524), king of the Burgundians [1398]
Sigismund Báthory (1581-1602), prince of Transylvania (1572-27.02.1613) [7444]
Sigismund Franz (1662-1665), archduke of Furter Austria (28.11.1630 - 25.06.1665) [1400]
Authority, Sitter
Sigismund I (1506-1548), king of Poland, as Sigismund II Grand duke of Lithuania (01.01.1467 - 01.04.1548) [1401]
Authority, Sitter
Sigismund II Augustus (1529-1572), Grand duke of Lithuania, from 1530 king of Poland, from 1548 sole ruler (01.08.1520 - 07.07.1572) [1402]
Authority, Sitter
Sigismund III (1587-1632), king of Poland and Grand duke of Lithuania (20.06.1566 - 30.04.1632) [1403]
Authority, Sitter
Sigismund III Christoph von Schrattenbach (1753-1771), archbishop of Salzburg (28.02.1698 - 16.12.1771) [14447]
Authority, Sitter
Sigismund Rakoczi (1607-1608), prince of Transylvania (1544-05.12.1608) [1404]
Authority, Sitter
Sigismund of Saxony (1440-1443), bishop of Würzburg (03.03.1416 - 24.12.1471) [11108]
Authority, Sitter
Sihtric III (989-1029), king of Ireland [4570]
Authority, Sitter
Silvestro Valier (1694-1700), doge of Venice (28.03.1630 - 07.07.1700) [9745]
Authority, Sitter
Simon bar Kokhba (-135 n. Chr.) [4241]
Simon Heinrich Adolph of Lippe-Detmold (1718-1734), count of Lippe (25.01.1694 - 12.10.1734) [1405]
Authority, Sitter
Simon Heinrich of Lippe-Detmold (1665-1697), count of Lippe (13.03.1649 - 02.05.1697) [1406]
Simon I (1273-1344), lord of Lippe (um 1261-10.08.1344) [10153]
Authority, Sitter
Simon I of Lippe (1247-1277), bishop of Paderborn (um 1196-06.06.1277) [10132]
Authority, Sitter
Simon VI (1563-1613), count of Lippe (15.04.1554 - 07.12.1613) [1407]
Simon VII (1613-1627), count of Lippe (30.12.1587 - 26.03.1627) [13254]
Authority, Sitter
Simone Boccanegra (1339-1344, 1356-1363), doge of Genoa [1408]
Sinān ad-Daula Abū ʿĀmir al-Ḥasan ibn al-Musayyib (388-393 AH/999-1003), Uqailid ruler [11317]
Sinatrukes I (c. 78-70 BC) [11647]
Authority, Sitter
Sinkins, Jane [11193]
Sisebut (612-621) [8731]
Authority, Sitter
Sisenand (631-636) [1409]
Authority, Sitter
Sixtus IV (1471-1484), pope (1414-1484) [1410]
Authority, Sitter
Sixtus V (1585-1590), pope (1521-1590) [1411]
Authority, Sitter
Sizer, William [11027]
Skostokos [4212]
Smalpage, John [11036]
Sophia of Brehna (1203-1226), abbess of Quedlinburg [10960]
Authority, Sitter
Sophia of Gleichen (1459-1489), abbess of Essen [5315]
Sophytes (c. 300 BC) [11464]
Authority, Sitter
Spalahores/Spalirisos [9855]
Authority, Sitter
Sparadokos [4213]
Sparks, William [11196]
Spithridates (c. 365-334 BC), satrap of Lydia and Ionia [1413]
Authority, Sitter
Spokes (c. 360 BC), dynast in Thrace [7297]
Sppntaza, dynast in Lycia [7647]
Stanislaw Augustus (1764-1795), king of Poland (17.01.1732 - 12.02.1798) [1414]
Authority, Sitter
Stansall, Thomas [11270]
Stasioikos I [1415]
Stasioikos II [1416]
Stauracius (811) (-812) [2992]
Authority, Sitter
Sten Sture (1471-1497, 1501-1503) (-14.12.1503) [1418]
Stefan (1515-1526), count of Schlick (24.12.1487-1526) [1419]
Authority, Sitter
Etienne II de la Garde (1351-1359), archbishop of Arles [7378]
Stephen Báthory (1576-1586), king of Poland, Grand duke of Lithuania, 1571-1576 prince of Transylvania (27.09.1533 - 12.12.1586) [1420]
Authority, Sitter
Stephen Bocskai (1604-1606), prince of Transylvania (01.01.1557 - 29.12.1606) [9670]
Authority, Sitter
Stefan Dragutin (1276-1316), king of Serbia, from 1282 ruler of Syrmian (um 1252-12.03.1316) [4838]
Authority, Sitter
Stephen I (1135-1154), king of England (1097-25.10.1154) [1417]
Authority, Sitter
Stephen I (590-627) [4373]
Stefan I (997-1038), king of Hungary (969-15.08.1038) [4582]
Stefan I Uroš (1243-1276), König of Rascia and Serbia (um 1220-01.05.1277) [4677]
Authority, Sitter
Stefan II (1116-1131), king of Hungary and Croatia (um 1101-03.04.1131) [13282]
Authority, Sitter
Stephan II Kotromanic (1322-1353), ban in Bosnia (1292-1353) [4837]
Authority, Sitter
Stefan II Uroš Milutin (1282-1321), king of Rascia and Serbia (1253-29.10.1321) [4676]
Authority, Sitter
Stefan III (1162-1172), king of Hungary and Croatia (1147-11.03.1172) [13279]
Authority, Sitter
Stephan Uroš IV Dusan (1331-1355), king, from 1345 tsar of Serbia (1308-20.12.1355) [4846]
Authority, Sitter
Stefan V (1270-1272), king of Hungary, as Stephen VI king of Croatia (1239-06.08.1272) [4833]
Authority, Sitter
Étienne of Bar (1120-1162), bishop of Metz [8205]
Authority, Sitter
Stephanus Lecapenus (923-945) (um 921/923-963) [7013]
Authority, Sitter
Stephenson, James [11220]
Straton I of Bactria [1421]
Authority, Sitter
Suddhipala/Gegeen (1320-1323), Great Khan of the Mongols, as Yingzong emperor of China (1303-04.09.1323) [8916]
Suicca [1422]
Sulaymān Abū Ayyūb ibn ʿAbd al-Malik (96-99 AH/715-717), caliph [8796]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Sulṭān ad-Daula Abū Šuǧāʿ Fanā-Ḫusra b. Bahāʾ ad-Daula Ḫusra-Fīrūz (403-415 AH/1012-1024), Būyid ruler (993-1024) [10835]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Suzong (756-762), emperor of China (21.02.711 - 16.05.762) [8856]
Sweyn II Estridsen (1047-1075), king of Denmark (um 1020-28.04.1075) [4576]
Authority, Sitter
Swantibor III (1372-1413), duke of Pomerania-Stettin (um 1351-21.06.1413) [8955]
Authority, Sitter
Suintila (621-631) [1423]
Syllaeus (-6 v. Chr.) [15043]
Silvius II Friedrich (1664/1672-1697), duke of Württemberg-Oels (21.02.1651 - 03.06.1697) [2885]
Authority, Sitter
Tacitus (um 200-276 n. Chr.) [1424]
Authority, Sitter
Tāǧ ad-Daula Abu ᾽l-Ḥusain Aḥmad b. ʿAḍud ad-Daula Fanā-Ḫusra (372-375 AH/983-986), Būyid ruler [10871]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
Taichang (1620), emperor of China (28.08.1582 - 26.09.1620) [8867]
Taizong (626-649), emperor of China (599-10.07.649) [8853]
Taizong (976-997), emperor of China (20.11.939 - 08.05.997) [14338]
Taizu (960-976), emperor of China (21.03.927 - 14.11.976) [14339]
Talib ibn Ahmad (338-347 AH/949-958) [1425]
Tamar (1184-1213), queen of Georgia (1160-18.01.1213) [1426]
Tankred (1099-1112) (1072-12.12.1112) [1427]
Authority, Sitter
Tancred (1190-1194), king of Sicily (um 1138-20.02.1194) [4706]
Tarkondimotos I (c. 70-31 BC) [7634]
Authority, Sitter
Tarkondimotos II (c. 28-20 BC) [12367]
Tarkuwarma-Datames (-362 v. Chr.) [1428]
Authority, Sitter
Tekiš b. Il-Arslan (567-596 AH/1172-1200), shah of the Khwarazmian Empire [8753]
Tennes (c. 358-345 BC), king of Sidon [1429]
Teres III [4214]
Teththiweibi, dynast in Lycia [7654]
Tetricus I [1430]
Authority, Sitter
Tetricus II [4336]
Authority, Sitter
Theia/Teja (552) (-552) [1431]
Authority, Sitter
Themistokles, Athenian politician and Persian satrap (ca. 525-459 v. Chr.) [1432]
Authority, Sitter
Theobald II (1303-1312), duke of Lorraine (1263-13.05.1312) [10051]
Authority, Sitter
Theodahad (534-536) (um 480-536) [1433]
Authority, Sitter
Theoderic (493-526) (um 454-30.08.526) [1434]
Authority, Sitter
Theodor (Dietrich) Adolf von der Reck (1650-1661), bishop of Paderborn (18.06.1601 - 30.01.1661) [1435]
Authority, Sitter
Theodore Svetoslav (1300-1322), tsar of Bulgaria [4874]
Authority, Sitter
Theodor Thier (1719-1728), abbot of Werden (1674-1728) [1436]
Authority, Sitter
Theodora (1055-1056) (um 985-31.08.1056) [1437]
Authority, Sitter
Theodora (842-856) (um 810-11.02.867) [3365]
Authority, Sitter
Theodora Comnena (1284-1285), empress of Trebizond [7053]
Authority, Sitter
Theodoros Gabras, Dux of Chaldia (-02.10.1099) [9656]
Theodorus Angelus Comnenus Ducas (1215-1230), despot of Epirus, from 1225 emperor [7036]
Authority, Sitter
Theodorus I Lascaris (1204-1222) [7029]
Authority, Sitter
Theodorus II Lascaris (1254-1258) (1223-1258) [7034]
Authority, Sitter
Theodosius (590-602) (04.08.583-602) [6996]
Authority, Sitter
Theodosius I (347-395 n. Chr.) [1438]
Authority, Sitter
Theodosius II (401-450 n. Chr.) [1439]
Authority, Sitter
Theodosius III (715-717) [6999]
Authority, Sitter
Theophilus (829-842) [1440]
Authority, Sitter
Theothorses (-309 n. Chr.) [11420]
Authority, Sitter
Theudebert I (534-548) [1441]
Authority, Sitter
Theudebert II (596-612/613) (585 - um 612/613) [1442]
Authority, Sitter
Theuderic I (511-533) [1443]
Authority, Sitter
Thibanuw, dynast in Lycia [7646]
Thiddag/Deodatus (998-1017), bishop of Prague (- 11.06.1017) [13334]
Thietmar (1011-1048), count of the Billung (um 985-1048) [10156]
Authority, Sitter
Thomas di Campofregoso (1415-1421, 1426-1437, 1437-1442), doge of Genoa (1375-1453) [1445]
Authority, Sitter
Thomas Franz of Schauenstein (1723-1740), Freiherr of Ehrenfels, lord of Haldenstein [12824]
Authority, Sitter
Thomas I of Schauenstein (1609-1628), Freiherr of Ehrenfels, lord of Haldenstein [12522]
Authority, Sitter
Thomas II of Schauenstein (1666-1667), Freiherr of Ehrenfels, lord of Haldenstein [12823]
Thrasamund (496-523), king of the Vandals [1446]
Authority, Sitter
Tianqi (1620-1627), emperor of China (23.12.1605 - 30.09.1627) [7663]
Tiberius (42 v.-37 n. Chr.) [1447]
Authority, Consul, Sitter
Tiberius II Constantinus (578-582) (-13.08.582) [1448]
Authority, Sitter
Tiberius III Apsimarus (698-705) (-706) [6998]
Authority, Sitter
Tiberius Iulius Ininthimeus (-240 n. Chr.) [11617]
Authority, Sitter
Tigranes II (95-56 v. Chr.), king of Armenia (um 140-55 v. Chr.) [1449]
Authority, Sitter
Timarchos (c. 164-161 BC), Seleucid usurper (-160 v. Chr.) [5151]
Authority, Sitter
Timotheos (345-337 BC), tyrant of Herakleia Pontike [13651]
Temür Khan (1294-1307), Great Khan of the Mongols, as Chengzong emperor of China (1265-10.02.1307) [8918]
Tinco [1450]
Tiribazos, Persian satrap (-362 v. Chr.) [1451]
Tiridates I [4276]
Authority, Sitter
Tissaphernes (-nach 395 v. Chr.) [1452]
Authority, Sitter
Titus (39-81 n. Chr.) [1453]
Authority, Sitter
Tnnemi, dynast in Lycia [7651]
Toghon Temür (1333-1370), Great Khan of the Mongols, until 1368 as Huizong emperor of China (1320-23.05.1370) [8912]
Tommaso Mocenigo (1414-1423), doge of Venice (um 1343-04.04.1423) [9782]
Authority, Sitter
Tongzhi (1861-1875), emperor of China (27.04.1856 - 12.01.1875) [8871]
Jayaatu Khan (1328-1332), Great Khan of the Mongols, as Wenzong emperor of China (1304-02.09.1332) [8914]
Töregene (1242-1246), khatun of the Mongols (ca. 1185-1247) [12950]
Traianus (53-117 n. Chr.) [1454]
Authority, Magistrate (Ant), Sitter
Traianus Decius (um 190/200-251 n. Chr.) [1455]
Authority, Sitter
Trbbenimi, dynast in Lycia [7637]
Trebonianus Gallus (um 206-253 n. Chr.) [1456]
Authority, Sitter
Tự Đức (1847-1883), emperor of Vietnam (22.09.1829 - 19.07.1883) [13492]
Tulga (640-642) [1457]
Authority, Sitter
Udalric (1012-1034), duke of Bohemia [1458]
Authority, Sitter
Udalschalk (1184-1202), bishop of Augsburg [1459]
Authority, Sitter
Udo (1051-1069), bishop of Toul [8258]
Authority, Sitter
Udo I of Thuringia (1125-1148), bishop of Naumburg (um 1090-1148) [10858]
Authority, Sitter
Udo II of Veldenz (1161-1186), bishop of Naumburg (-04.04.1186) [7927]
Udo of Nellenburg (1066-1078), archbishop of Trier (ca. 1030-11.11.1078) [8355]
Authority, Sitter
Udo von Norden (1421-1433) [1460]
Ulrich (1149-1160, 1177-1180), bishop of Halberstadt (-30.07.1180) [1461]
Authority, Sitter
Ulrich (1498-1550), duke of Württemberg (08.02.1487 - 06.11.1550) [1462]
Authority, Sitter
Ulrich (1618-1622), duke of Pomerania, bishop of Cammin (Kamień Pomorski) (12.08.1589 - 31.10.1622) [1463]
Authority, Sitter
Ulrich I (923-973), bishop of Augsburg (890-973) [1464]
Authority, Sitter
Ulrich II (1181-1202), duke of Carinthia (um 1176-10.08.1202) [12244]
Authority, Sitter
Ulrich II (c. 1188), count of Lüchow [10207]
Authority, Sitter
Ulrich III (1256-1269), duke of Carinthia (um 1220-27.10.1269) [12243]
Authority, Sitter
Ulrich III (1555-1603), duke of Mecklenburg (05.03.1527 - 14.03.1603) [1465]
Authority, Sitter
Ulrich of Manderscheid (1430-1436), archbishop (elect) of Trier [7844]
Authority, Sitter
Ulrich of Seckau (1256-1265), archbishop of Salzburg (-1268) [15047]
Authority, Sitter
Ulrich of Wettin (1187-1206), count of Meißen (um 1170-28.09.1206) [1466]
Ulrika Eleonora (1718-1720), queen of Sweden (02.02.1688 - 05.12.1741) [1467]
Authority, Sitter
Umberto I (1878-1900), king of Italy (14.03.1844 - 29.07.1900) [1468]
Authority, Sitter
Uranius Antoninus [1469]
Authority, Sitter
Urban V (1362-1370), pope (um 1310-19.12.1370) [1470]
Authority, Sitter
Urban VI (1378-1389), pope (um 1318-15.10.1389) [2536]
Authority, Sitter
Urban VII (1590), pope (04.08.1521 - 27.09.1590) [13798]
Authority, Sitter
Urban VIII (1623-1644), pope (05.04.1568 - 29.07.1644) [1471]
Authority, Sitter
Urchan-Beg (c. 1333), emir of Mentesche [1472]
Uriel von Gemmingen (1508-1514), archbishop of Mainz (29.06.1468 - 09.02.1514) [15166]
Authority, Sitter
Uto III (950-965), bishop of Strasbourg [1473]
Authority, Sitter
Vaballathus (-um 273 n. Chr.) [2174]
Authority, Sitter
Valens (um 328-09.08.378 n. Chr.) [1474]
Authority, Sitter
Valentin II (1539-1563), count of Erbach (1517-1563) [12564]
Authority, Sitter
Valentinianus I (321-375 n. Chr.) [1475]
Authority, Sitter
Valentinianus II (371-392 n. Chr.) [1476]
Authority, Sitter
Valentinianus III (419-455 n. Chr.) [1477]
Authority, Sitter
Valerianus I (um 200-nach 262 n. Chr.) [1478]
Authority, Sitter
Valerius Valens (- um 317 n. Chr.) [1479]
Authority, Sitter
Vardanes I (c. AD 40-45) [4296]
Authority, Sitter
Vardanes II/son of Vardanes (AD 55-58) [4297]
Authority, Sitter
Vasudeva I [1480]
Authority, Sitter
Vasudeva II [5161]
Authority, Sitter
Veit Adam von Gepeckh (1618-1651), bishop of Freising (1584-08.12.1651) [14457]
Authority, Sitter
Verica [11620]
Vespasianus (9-79 n. Chr.) [1481]
Authority, Sitter
Vetranio (-356 n. Chr.) [1482]
Authority, Sitter
Victoria (1837-1901), queen of the United Kingdom, from 1877 empress of India (24.05.1819 - 22.01.1901) [1483]
Authority, Sitter
Victorinus (-271 n. Chr.) [1484]
Authority, Sitter
Victor Amadeus III (1773-1796), king of Sardinia, Cyprus, and Jerusalem (26.06.1726 - 16.10.1796) [1485]
Authority, Sitter
Victor Emmanuel II (1849-1878), king of Sardinia, from 1861 of Italy (14.03.1820 - 09.01.1878) [3042]
Authority, Sitter
Victor Emmanuel III (1900-1946), king of Italy (11.11.1869 - 28.12.1947) [5170]
Authority, Sitter
Viktor Friedrich (1721-1765), prince of Anhalt-Bernburg (20.09.1700 - 18.05.1765) [1486]
Authority, Sitter
Vima Kadphises [2877]
Authority, Sitter
Vima Taktu [1487]
Authority, Sitter
Vincenzo I. Gonzaga (1587-1612), duke of Mantua (21.09.1562 - 09.02.1612) [1488]
Authority, Sitter
Vincenzo II Gonzaga (1626-1627), duke of Mantua (08.02.1594 - 25.12.1627) [1489]
Authority, Sitter
Vitale Michiel II (1156-1172), doge of Venice (-28.05.1172) [9802]
Authority, Sitter
Volkwin IV (1214-1248), count of Schwalenberg [1491]
Vologases I (AD 51-79) [4411]
Authority, Sitter
Vologases III (AD 105-147) [4298]
Authority, Sitter
Vologases IV (AD 147-191) [4299]
Authority, Sitter
Vologases V (AD 191-208) [4300]
Authority, Sitter
Vologases VI (AD 208-228) [4301]
Authority, Sitter
Volrad (1255-1296), bishop of Halberstadt [10681]
Authority, Sitter
Volrat VI (1585-1627), count of Mansfeld-Artern (12.08.1558 - 25.08.1627) [11695]
Volricus de Ostis (1236-1253) [1492]
Authority, Sitter
Volusianus (um 230-253 n. Chr.) [1493]
Authority, Sitter
Vonones [9854]
Authority, Sitter
Vonones I (c. 8-12) [9735]
Authority, Sitter
Vonones II (c. AD 51) (-51 n. Chr.) [4302]
Authority, Sitter
Voss, John [11292]
Wa'zeb/ WʽZB (Ella Gabaz) [13009]
Authority, Sitter
Wahram I (273-276) [1494]
Authority, Sitter
Wahram II (276-293) [1495]
Authority, Sitter
Wahram IV (388-399) [12787]
Authority, Sitter
Wahram V (420-438) [11758]
Authority, Sitter
Wahram VI (590-591) [12788]
Authority, Sitter
Waifar (745-768), duke of Aquitaine [1496]
Waldemar (1182-1208), until 1208 bishop of Schleswig, 1192/1206-1217 archbishop of Bremen (1157/58-1235/36) [10176]
Authority, Sitter
Valdemar II (1202-1241), king of Denmark, 1182-1202 Duke of Schleswig (28.06.1170 - 28.03.1241) [5251]
Authority, Sitter
Walkash (484-488) [13518]
Authority, Sitter
Walram III (1371-1415), count of Saint-Pol and Ligny (um 1357-12.04.1415) [10058]
Authority, Sitter
Walram IV (1370-1393), count of Nassau-Idstein (1354-07.11.1393) [11318]
Authority, Sitter
Walram of Jülich (1332-1349), archbishop of Cologne (um 1304-14.08.1349) [1497]
Authority, Sitter
Walram of Moers (1417-1456), 1434-1450 bishop elect of Utrecht, from 1450 bishop of Münster (um 1393-03.10.1456) [1498]
Authority, Sitter
Walter II (1133-1166), lord of Arnstein [1499]
Authority, Sitter
Walter III (1176-1198), lord of Arnstein [8538]
Wamba (672-680) [1500]
Authority, Sitter
Wang Man (AD 9-23), emperor of China (45 v.-23 n. Chr.) [7670]
Wanli (1572-1620), emperor of China (04.09.1563 - 18.08.1620) [7668]
Waraw’îl Ghaylân (c. AD 25-40), king of Qataban [6983]
Ward, Henry [11026]
Warren, Robert [11183]
Wartislaw IX (1417-1457), duke of Pomerania-Wolgast (um 1400-1457) [10900]
Authority, Sitter
Vasily Dmitriyevich (1389-1425), Grand prince of Moscow (1371-28.02.1425) [4840]
Authority, Sitter
Vasili IV Ivanovich Shuisky (1606-1610), emperor of Russia (22.09.1552 - 12.09.1612) [10815]
Authority, Sitter
Wechtar (c. 670), duke of the Lombards [10231]
Wekhssere I, dynast in Lycia [7648]
Wekhssere II, dynast in Lycia [7649]
Wen (581-604), emperor of China (21.07.541 - 13.08.604) [8849]
Wenxuan (550-559), emperor of China (526-559) [14610]
Wenceslaus (1301-1305), king of Hngary, as W. III 1305/06 king of BohemiaBöhmen (06.10.1289 - 04.08.1306) [13274]
Authority, Sitter
Wenceslaus (1342/1345-1364), duke of Liegnitz (-06.06.1364) [1501]
Wenceslaus (1353-1383), duke of Luxembourg (25.02.1337 - 08.12.1383) [3398]
Wenceslaus II (1278-1305), king of Bohemia, from 1300 as Wenceslaus I king of Poland (27.09.1271 - 21.06.1305) [1502]
Authority, Sitter
Wenceslaus II (1363-1419), from 1363 als W. IV king of Bohemia, from 1376-1400 king of the Holy Roman empire, 1373-1378 elector of Brandenburg (26.02.1361 - 16.08.1419) [1503]
Authority, Sitter
Wenzong (826-840), emperor of China (20.11.809 - 10.02.840) [8861]
Werinto (1108-1127), abbot of Formbach [12242]
Authority, Sitter
Werner (1064-1078), archbishop of Magdeburg (um 1010-1078) [1504]
Authority, Sitter
Werner of Falkenstein (1388-1418), archbishop of Trier (um 1355-04.10.1418) [1505]
Authority, Sitter
Whalley, James [11255]
Wichmann (1149-1192), until 1154 bishop of Naumburg, from 1154 archbishop of Magdeburg (-25.08.1192) [1506]
Authority, Sitter
Widekind VI (1238-1264), count of Schwalenberg [1507]
Widukind of Waldeck (1265-1269), bishop of Osnabrück (-18.11.1269) [10127]
Authority, Sitter
Wigbold (1297-1304), archbishop of Cologne [1508]
Authority, Sitter
Wiguleus Fröschl von Marzoll (1500-1517), bishop of Passau (04.04.1445 - 06.11.1517) [14458]
Authority, Sitter
Wilbrand of Käfernburg (1235-1254), archbishop of Magdeburg (um 1180-05.04.1253) [1509]
Authority, Sitter
Wilderod (991-999), bishop of Strasbourg [11496]
Authority, Sitter
William (1056-1076), bishop of Utrecht (-27.04.1076) [10064]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm (1313-1338), count of Arnsberg (um 1277-1338) [10133]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm (1386-1406), duke of Carinthia, Styria and from 1396 of Austria (um 1370-15.07.1406) [12613]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm (1603-1642), duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg-Harburg (15.03.1564 - 30.03.1642) [12746]
Authority, honored person (no portrait), Sitter
Wilhelm (1640-1662), duke of Saxe-Weimar (21.04.1598 - 27.05.1668) [1510]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm (1831-1884), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (25.04.1806 - 18.10.1884) [1511]
Authority, Sitter
Gugliemo Gonzaga (1550-1587), duke of Mantua, margrave, from 1574 duke of Montferrat (24.04.1538 - 14.08.1587) [12795]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm Anton von der Asseburg (1763-1782), bishop of Paderborn (16.02.1707 - 26.12.1782) [10015]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm Ernst (1683-1728), duke of Saxe-Weimar (30.10.1662 - 26.08.1728) [8330]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm Ernst (1901-1918), Grand duke of Saxe-Weimar (10.06.1876 - 24.04.1923) [1513]
Authority, Sitter
William I (1154-1166), king of Sicily (1122-07.05.1166) [4703]
Authority, Sitter
William I (1165-1214), king of Scotland (1143-04.12.1214) [4807]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm I (1401-1432), count of Limburg (1385-28.02.1459) [10091]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm I (1483-1493), landgrave of Hesse (04.07.1466 - 08.02.1515) [1514]
William I (1815-1840), king of the Netherlands (24.08.1772 - 12.12.1843) [1515]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm I (1816-1864), king of Württemberg (27.09.1781 - 25.06.1864) [1516]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm I (1861-1888), king of Prussia, from 1871 German emperor (22.03.1797 - 09.03.1888) [1517]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm I (c. 1286-1292), duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1270-30.09.1292) [10397]
Authority, Sitter
William I de la Roche (1280-1287), duke of Athens [9626]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm the Elder (1416-1482), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (um 1400-25.07.1482) [10495]
Authority, Sitter
William I the Conqueror (1066-1087), king of England, from 1035 as William II Duke of Normandy (1027/1028-09.09.1087) [1512]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm I Friedrich Ernst (1748-1777), count of Schaumburg-Lippe (09.01.1724 - 10.09.1779) [1518]
Authority, Sitter
William I of Bavaria (1354-1389), as William V count of Holland, from 1356 as William III count of Hainaut (12.05.1330-1389) [1519]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm I of Holte (1259-1260), bishop of Münster [10117]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm of Moers (1151-1160), abbot of Helmstedt [8939]
Wilhelm I, count of Mansfeld-Arnstein (1555-21.10.1615) [7452]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm I/III (1377-1402), duke of Guelders, from 1393 of Jülich (05.03.1364 - 16.02.1402) [1539]
Authority, Sitter
William II (1087-1100), king of England (1060-02.08.1100) [1520]
Authority, Sitter
William II (1166-1189), king of Sicily (um 1153-18.11.1189) [4669]
Wilhelm II (1360-1408), count, from 1380 as Wilhelm I duke of Berg (um 1348-24.06.1408) [1521]
Wilhelm II (1361-1393), duke of Jülich (1325-13.12.1393) [1522]
Wilhelm II (1367-1376), count of Isenburg-Wied [1523]
Wilhelm II (1380-1397), count of Ravensberg and duke of Berg (-1408) [10161]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm II (1493-1509), landgrave of Hesse (29.04.1469 - 11.07.1509) [1524]
William II (1840-1849), king of the Netherlands (06.12.1792 - 17.03.1849) [7239]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm II (1888-1918), king of Prussia, German emperor (27.01.1859 - 04.01.1941) [1525]
Authority, previous Owner, Sitter
Wilhelm II (1891-1918), king of Württemberg (25.02.1848 - 02.10.1921) [1526]
Authority, Sitter
William II the Younger (1482-1495), duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (um 1425-07.07.1503) [10496]
Authority, Sitter
William II of Bavaria (1404-1417), as William IV count of Hainnaut and as William VI of Holland and Zeeland (05.04.1365 - 31.05.1417) [14087]
Authority, Sitter
William II of Hardenberg (1310-1330), abbot of Werden [10105]
Authority, Sitter
William III (1397-1435), duke of Bavaria-Munich (1375-13.09.1435) [4631]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm III (1445-1482), duke of Saxony and landgrave of Thuringia (30.04.1425 - 17.09.1482) [1527]
William III of Orange (1672-1702), Stadtholder of the Netherlands, since 1689 king of England, Scotland and Ireland (14.11.1650 - 19.03.1702) [3400]
Authority, Sitter
William IV (1348-1380), abbot of Saint Oyen [1528]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm IV (1475-1511), duke of Jülich and Berg (09.01.1455 - 06.09.1511) [1529]
Wilhelm IV (1480-1559), count of Henneberg (1478-1559) [1530]
Wilhelm IV (1508-1550), duke of Bavaria (13.11.1493 - 07.03.1550) [14455]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm IV (1567-1592), Landgrave of Hessia (24.06.1532 - 25.08.1592) [14527]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm IV. Carl Heinrich Friso (1747-1751), prince of Orange, prince of Nassau (01.09.1711 - 22.10.1751) [1533]
Authority, Sitter
William IV Henry (1830-1837), king of of the United Kingdom and of Hanover (21.08.1765 - 20.06.1837) [1532]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm IX (1760-1821), count of Hanau, landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, as Wilhelm I 1803-1806, 1813-1821 elector of Hesse (03.06.1743 - 27.02.1821) [1534]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm Ludwig (1674-1677), duke of Württemberg (07.01.1647 - 23.06.1677) [14625]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm V (1539-1592), duke of Jülich, Cleves and Berg (28.07.1516 - 05.01.1592) [1535]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm V (1579-1597), duke of Bavaria (29.09.1548 - 07.02.1626) [2184]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm V (1627-1637), landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (14.09.1602 - 21.09.1637) [1536]
Wilhelm VI (1637-1663), landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (23.05.1629 - 16.07.1663) [1537]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm VII (1390/1398-1415), lord of Altena and Hoorn [5092]
Wilhelm VIII (1751-1760), landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (10.03.1682 - 01.02.1760) [14263]
Authority, Sitter
William of Blois (1175-1202), archbishop of Reims (1135-07.09.1202) [8935]
Authority, Sitter
William of Gennep (1349-1362), archbishop of Cologne (-15.09.1362) [1538]
Authority, Sitter
William of Holland (1234-1256), count of Holland, 1247/1254-1256 king (-28.01.1256) [4588]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelm of Lüneburg (11.04.1184 - 12.12.1213) [8991]
Authority, Sitter
William of Villehardouin (1246-1278), prince of Achaea (-01.05.1278) [1540]
William XI Palaeologus (1494-1518), marquess of Montferrat (10.08.1486 - 04.10.1518) [1541]
Authority, Sitter
Wilhelmina (1890-1948), queen of the Netherlands (31.08.1880 - 28.11.1962) [5134]
Authority, Sitter
Willem-Alexander (2013-), king of the Netherlands (27.04.1967-) [10798]
Authority, Sitter
Williams, David [11034]
Williams, William [11035]
Willigis (975-1011), archbishop of Mainz (um 940-1011) [8787]
Authority, Sitter
Wilson, Thomas [11256]
Wilson, Thomas [11275]
Winrich of Kniprode (1351-1382), master of the Teutonic order (um 1310-24.06.1382) [1543]
Vistam (ca. 591/592-597) [1544]
Authority, Sitter
Vitigis (536-540) (-542) [1545]
Authority, Sitter
Witteric (603-610) [1546]
Authority, Sitter
Wittiza (702-710) [1547]
Authority, Sitter
Wizlaw I (1221-1250), prince of Rügen (um 1180-1250) [10226]
Authority, Sitter
Wizlaw II (1260-1302), prince of Rügen (um 1240-29.12.1302) [10227]
Authority, Sitter
Wladislaus (1312-1352), duke of Bytom and Koźle (ca. 1277-1352) [12929]
Wladislaus (1434-1444), as Wladislaus III king of Poland, from 1440 as Wladislaus I king of Hungary (31.10.1424 - 10.11.1444) [4763]
Authority, Sitter
Wladislaus II (1138-1146), duke of Poland (1105-30.05.1159) [14322]
Wladislaus II (1356-1401), duke of Opole (-18.05.1401) [14290]
Authority, Sitter
Wladislaus II (1386-1434), king of Poland (-01.06.1434) [4828]
Authority, Sitter
Wladislaus II Jagiello (1471-1516), king of Bohemia from 1471 and Hungary from 1490 (01.03.1456 - 13.03.1516) [1548]
Authority, Sitter
Wladislaus IV (1610-1648), from 1632 king of Poland and Grand duke of Lithuania, 1610-1613 emperor of Russia (09.06.1595 - 20.05.1648) [2185]
Authority, Sitter
Wladislaus of Silesia (1265-1270), archbishop of Salzburg (1237-27.04.1270) [15046]
Authority, Sitter
Wolf Dietrich of Raitenau-Langenstein (1587-1612), archbishop of Salzburg (26.03.1559 - 20.01.1617) [1552]
Authority, Sitter
Wolfgang (1508-1562), prince of Anhalt-Köthen (01.08.1492 - 23.03.1566) [4382]
Authority, Sitter
Wolfgang (1538-1552), count of Stolberg (01.10.1501 - 08.03.1552) [9000]
Authority, Sitter
Wolfgang (1711-1738), count of Schrattenbach, bishop of Olomouc (12.09.1660 - 22.07.1738) [1550]
Authority, Sitter
Wolfgang Ernst (1611-1636), count of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort (15.08.1578 - 26.05.1636) [6507]
Authority, Sitter
Wolfgang Ernst I (1596-1633), count of Isenburg-Büdingen (29.12.1560 - 21.05.1633) [14244]
Authority, Sitter
Wolfgang Georg (1612-1631), count of Stolberg (20.12.1582 - 11.09.1631) [14155]
Authority, Sitter
Wolfgang I (1519-1522), count of Öttingen (16.05.1455 - 29.01.1522) [1551]
Wolfgang III (1615-1638), count of Mansfeld-Bornstedt (1575-15.05.1638) [11690]
Wolfgang of Dalberg (1582-1601), archbishop of Mainz (1537-05.04.1601) [1553]
Authority, Sitter
Wolfgang Wilhelm (1614-1653), duke of Palatinate-Neuburg and Jülich-Berg (04.11.1578 - 20.03.1653) [10767]
Authority, Sitter
Wolfger of Erla (1191-1218), bishop of Passau until 1204, then patriarch of Aquileia (um 1140-23.01.1218) [12932]
Authority, Sitter
Wolfram of Kirchburg (1175-1183), abbot of Helmstedt [10659]
Authority, Sitter
Wolrad IV (1588-1640), count of Waldeck (07.07.1588 - 06.10.1640) [3717]
Authority, Sitter
Wolter of Plettenberg (1494-1535), master of the Teutonic Order in Livonia (um 1450-28.02.1535) [1554]
Authority, Sitter
Wooley, Edward [11028]
Wratislaw II (1061-1092), from 1086 king of Bohemia (-14.01.1092) [1555]
Authority, Sitter
Wu (561-578), emperor of China (543-21.06.578) [14611]
Wu Sangui, General, from 1678 self proclaimed emperor of China (1612-02.10.1678) [7672]
Wu Zetian (690-705), empress of China (625-16.12.705) [8854]
Wuzong (840-846), emperor of China (ca. 810-846) [7673]
Xerxes I (486-465 BC) (um 519-04.08.465 v. Chr.) [7635]
Authority, Sitter
Xian (AD 189-220), emperor of China (02.04.181 - 21.04.234 n. Chr.) [8848]
Xianfeng (1850-1861), emperor of China (17.07.1831 - 22.08.1861) [8870]
Xianzong (805-820), emperor of China (17.03.778 - 14.02.820) [8859]
Xiaozhuang (528-531), emperor of China (507-26.01.531) [14609]
Xiaozong (1162-1189), emperor of China (27.11.1127 - 28.06.1194) [7679]
Xiumoba/Inaba (1st century AD), king of Khotan [14365]
Xuande (1425-1435), emperor of China (25.02.1399 - 31.01.1435) [7678]
Xuanzong (685-756), emperor of China (685-03.05.762) [8855]
Yaḥyā ibn Saʾīd al-Ḥarašī [12653]
Authority, Governor (ISL)
Yang (604-618), emperor of China (560-618) [8850]
Yasuhito (1709-1735), era Nakamikado, emperor of Japan (14.01.1702 - 10.05.1737) [14274]
Yazdgerd I (399-420) [12789]
Authority, Sitter
Yazdgerd II (438-457) [11760]
Authority, Sitter
Yazdgerd III (632-651) [1557]
Authority, Sitter
Yazīd [12717]
Yazid ibn Hatim al-Muhallabi (-787) [12713]
Authority, Governor (ISL)
Yesün Temür (1323-1328), Great Khan of the Mongols, as Jinzong emperor of China (1276-1328) [8915]
Yingsong (1063-1067), emperor of China (16.02.1032 - 25.01.1067) [7677]
Yongle (1402-1424), emperor of China (02.05.1360 - 12.08.1424) [7675]
Yongzheng (1722-1735), emperor of China (13.12.1678 - 08.10.1735) [8869]
Yoshihito (1912-1926), era Taisho, emperor of Japan (31.08.1879 - 25.12.1926) [1559]
Authority, Sitter
Yuan (49-33 BC), emperor of China (75-33 v. Chr.) [13491]
Zamasp (496-499) [1560]
Authority, Sitter
Zeno (-491 n. Chr.) [1561]
Authority, Sitter
Zenobia (-272 n. Chr.) [1562]
Authority, Sitter
Zenodoros of Chalcis (ca. 75-20 v. Chr.) [1563]
Authority, Sitter
Zhang (AD 75-88), emperor of China (57-09.04.88 n. Chr.) [8837]
Zhengde (1505-1521), emperor of China (26.10.1491 - 08.06.1521) [8883]
Zhengtong/Tianshun (1435-1449/1457-1464), emperor of China (29.11.1427 - 23.02.1464) [8886]
Zhenzong (997-1022), emperor of China (23.12.968 - 23.03.1022) [7674]
Zhezong (1085-1100), emperor of China (04.01.1076 - 23.02.1100) [7671]
Zhi (AD 145-146), emperor of China (138-146 n. Chr.) [8844]
Ziaelas (-228 v. Chr.) [8697]
Authority, Sitter
Ziyād ibn Abīh (ca. 622-673) [11891]
Authority, Governor (ISL)
Zoë (1042) (um 978-1050) [7017]
Authority, Sitter
Zoilos I of Bactria [1564]
Authority, Sitter
Zoilos II of Bactria [11646]
Authority, Sitter
Đurađ Branković (1427-1456), despot of Serbia (1377-24.12.1456) [11358]
Authority, Sitter
ʿAbd al-Malik Abū l-Walīd ibn Marwān (65-86 AH/685-705), caliph (646-04.10.705) [598]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
ʿAbd al-Muʾmin (1130-1163), first caliph of the Almohades (1094-1063) [12993]
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān (II) ibn al-Ḥakam (206-238 AH/822-852), emir of Cordoba (792-852) [12693]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān (III) ibn al-Ḥakam (300-350 AH/912-961), emir, from 929 caliph in Córdoba (889-15.10.961) [6453]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān (I) ibn Muʿāwiya (138-172 AH/756-788), emir of Córdoba (731-30.09.788) [208]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
ʿAbd ʿAshtart I., king of Sidon [11363]
Authority, Sitter
ʿAbd ʿAshtart III., king of Sidon [363]
‘Abd Allah b. al-Zubayr (63-73 AH/683-692), rival caliph (619-05.11.692) [14258]
ʿAbdallah Saif ad-daula (466-483 AH/1073-1090), emir in Granada (1056-) [5111]
ʿAḍud ad-Daula Abū Šuǧāʿ Fanā-Ḫusra b. Rukn ad-Daula al-Ḥasan (338-372 AH/949-983), Būyid ruler (24.09.936 - 26.03.983) [10841]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
ʿImād ad-Daula Abu ᾽l-Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Būya (322-338 AH/932-949), Būyid ruler (um 891-949) [10836]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
ʿImād/Muḥyī Dīn Allah Abū Kālīǧār Marzubān b. Sulṭān ad-Daula Fanā-Ḫusra (415-440 AH/1024-1048), Būyid ruler (1010-1048) [10879]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
ʿIzz ad-Daula Abū Manṣūr Baḫtiyār b. Muʿizz ad-Daula Aḥmad (344-367 AH/955-978), Būyid ruler (943-978) [10838]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)
ʿUbayd Allāh b. Abī Bakra [12721]
Authority, Governor (ISL)
ʿUmar ibn al-ʿAlā [12719]
ʿUmdat ad-Daula Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhīm b. Muʿizz ad-Daula Aḥmad (c. 365 AH/975), Būyid ruler (953-1009/1010) [10839]
Authority, Overlord (ISL)