
Accession (7 Records)
The type of accession of an object into the collection: e.g. purchased, donated etc.

Class/status (364 Records)
The legal status of the person, ethnic, or institutional authority under which any numismatic object is issued. This term can be described more closely at a secondary level (Archbishopric - Archbishopric Cologne, Swiss Federation - Canton of Graubünden etc.).

Corporation (767 Records)
A corporation, public or private, which is related to an object in the collection.

Country (101 Records)
A modern state or country to which certain regions, places (as mints, places of issue for paper money), and find places are being assigned to.

Currency (27 Records)
A system of monetary units in common use, issued by a state, city, or any other legal authority, consisting of various subunits and multiples (denominations).

Denomination (2627 Records)
Term indicating the value of a coin or banknote within a certain denominational system.

Item (38 Records)
The type of a numismatic object, e.g. coin, medal, token etc.

Location (3499 Records)
The location or place, in which a coin was minted, paper money issued or an object found.

Manufacture (16 Records)
The technique of manufacture, e.g. struck or cast.

Material (66 Records)
The physical material from which an object is made.

Object status (8 Records)
Term to describe the physical status of an object, e.g. present, damaged, lost, stolen...

Owner (92 Records)
The owner of the collection in question.

Peculiarity of production (15 Records)
A notable, characteristic or unusual physical feature of an individual numismatic object which distinguishes it from other examples of the same group, or of a group of numismatic objects that marks it out from other groups, and which is related to the process of production of a numismatic object.

Period (16 Records)
A period in time and in the history of humans, also used here to categorizing certain periods in art history.

Person (14433 Records)
Any individual in his or her relationship or role to an object in question.

Region (491 Records)
A region either historic or contemporary within a modern state.

secondary Treatment (41 Records)
Any features which arise subsequent to the actual production of a numismatic object; for example halving, chop-marking, etc.

Status of property (7 Records)
The type of ownership or legal status of property of an object in the collection, e.g. property, loan, or foreign property etc.

Type for person and corporation (110 Records)
Term to describe the role of an individual or corporation regarding a numismatic object, e.g. authority, sitter, previous owner etc.

19 Categories (22725 Records)