Search result

Type for person and corporation: Mintmaster (MM Mod)

Aatz, Joseph (um 1760-) [10752]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Adelmann, Johann Ludwig (um 1605-) [13915]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Aigmann, Johann Jakob [10654]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Albrecht, Wolf (1568-1630) [1570]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Alnpeck, Andreas [1571]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Altmann, Bastian (1650-07.03.1703) [8331]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ammann, Hans Heinrich (15.11.1607 - 09.07.1669) [11444]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Andrae, Gabriel [14066]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Angerer, Christoph [4773]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Angermayr, Moritz (1641-1724) [14466]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Apfelfelder, Hans (-1560) [7425]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Arnold, Jobst [14246]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Arnoldi, Justus [12755]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Aschpacher, Ludwig [12935]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ayrer, Caspar (1592-1636?) [1577]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ayrer, Daniel (01.09.1577 - 20.04.1633) [14249]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Ayrer, Hans Jakob (1598-1641) [15461]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Balde, Peter [1579]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Balducci, Giacomo [10785]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Balduin, Hans [15625]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Balthasar, Simon [13871]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bar, Simon de [1581]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Barozzi, Zuane [15741]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bartels, Barthold [12627]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Baumgart, Heinrich Christoph [15124]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bechstedt, Bartholomäus (um 1575-1627) [13118]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bechstedt, Gregor (um 1540-1603) [13036]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Becker, Andreas [11666]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Becker, Heinrich [13140]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Becker, Paul [11550]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Beckman, Kaspar [13611]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Beheim, Bernhard the younger [5217]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Beheim, Hans [8517]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Beheim, Thomas (-1551) [13854]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Beissner, Ernst [12756]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bembo, Donato [10784]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bengeradt, Balthasar Johann (06.08.1709 - 26.08.1784) [4916]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Bergkmann, Hans [11708]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Berlin, Andreas [1582]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Berman, Stenzel (um 1580-) [13731]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bernhard, Johann Leonhard (um 1720-) [4006]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Bertorf, Jakob [8519]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bethmann, Balthasar Johann (12.08.1679 - 26.06.1738) [1583]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Beutmüller (Peutmüller), Georg (um 1597 - vor 1659) [12087]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Biener, Hans (1556-1604) [1584]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bilderbeck, Julius [12752]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Biller, Johann David (um 1720-1779) [4172]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Billerbeck, Nikodemus [1585]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Binnenboß, Gottfried [1586]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bischoff, Johann Philipp [9665]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Block, Braun (Bruno) [14156]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Block, J. C. [12825]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Block, Valentin [12917]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bobrowtschikow, Michail [12703]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bockolt, Jürgen [11585]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bonhorst, Heinrich (21.04.1643 - 02.10.1711) [1590]
Die-cutter, Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Boratini, Titus Livius (1617-1682 (1681?)) [3003]
Leaseholder, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bornemann, Rudolf (1650-06.08.1711) [1591]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bosenhoven, Martin [10632]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Brandes, Heinrich [13736]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Brauns, Johann Albrecht (1666-23.05.1739) [11629]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Bremer, Tönnies (um 1590-1628) [11639]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Bren, Daniel von [14632]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Brenn, Ephraim (1774-1793) [1593]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Brettschneider, Christoph [5386]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Breuer, Johann Georg (um 1630-1695) [3672]
Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Brosenthal, Marcus Ambrosius of (ca. 1530-1592) [13744]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Brüel, Theodor Wilhelm (1810-1885) [1592]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Brüell, Hans Moritz von [11704]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Brumleu, Johann Wilhelm Christian (um 1795-1866) [8827]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Brun, Marcus [11663]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Brunner, Josef [14113]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Brusewitz, Emil [3088]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bucheli, Franz Karl [1959]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bunsen, Johann Georg (14.06.1766 - 14.01.1833) [4934]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Bunsen, Philipp Christian (01.10.1729 - 10.02.1790) [1596]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Busch, Dietrich (1546-25.03.1592) [12569]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Busch, Georg Christoph (13.11.1749 - 01.01.1811) [14479]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Busch, Johann Christoph (1715-1765) [1599]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Buschen, Peter [2957]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Buschick, Gustav Julius (13.06.1815 - 12.12.1897) [9583]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Busso, Daniel [13976]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Butenev, Constantin [11958]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Cantor, Kryštof [13911]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Careelberg, Lorenz [1606]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Karel, Ludvík [13858]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Carpe, Christoph [13117]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Cavo, Giovanni Andrea [10791]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Cavo, Michele [10790]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Cerretani, Paolo di Niccolò [5099]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Cetto, Andrea (-1666) [10651]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ceuli, Girolamo [10787]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Chadov, Alexeji [11959]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Citarella, Giovanni Francesco [10789]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Claus, Johann Eberhard Volkmar [1962]
Mint Director, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Clivate, Francesco da [4249]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Clivate, Gianluca da [4250]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Clivate, Matteo da [4251]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Clotz, Josef Hubert von (1735-14.04.1786) [12936]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Coburger, Anton [2968]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Coisfeld, Heinrich von [7622]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Contarini, Nicolò [15745]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Cotrullo, Jacopo [10788]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Coyet, Gillis (Julius) the Elder [13801]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Cradell, Philipp [7881]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Cramer, Hermann (um 1600-1652/1653) [7624]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Cramer, Kaspar (1632-1680) [7585]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Cramer von Clausbruch, Gotthelf Wilhelm August (1784-1850) [1966]
Mint Director, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Croll, Ernst Dietrich (1715-1778) [1610]
Mint Director, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Cronberg, Johann August von (1731-1804) [12826]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Damiani, Paschal Josef von (um 1740-) [12942]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Dannies, Siegmund (1652-) [1613]
Leaseholder, Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Dase, Johann (-18.11.1647) [14278]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Dasselmann, Hans [12920]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Dedekind, Bernhard Julius (1693-19.09.1749) [1615]
Die-cutter, Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Delbrück, Cord [13034]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Depser (Deper), Heinrich (-1612) [1618]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Detmer, Andreas [7959]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Diel, Hartmann [15457]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Dierleber, Sebald [11736]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Dietherr, Christoph (1528-1594) [2954]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Distler, Kaspar (1550-1595) [2933]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Dittmar, Johann [1619]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Döll (Doell), Karl Wilhelm (19.05.1787 - 31.03.1848) [9026]
Die-cutter, Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod), Sitter
Dominig, Jiří [13864]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Donà, Giulio [15749]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Dorsman, Paulus [1620]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Draubel, Christoph [2958]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Drissler, Joseph [13453]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Dubois, Rudolph David (-1797) [1588]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Eberhardt, Johann Christian (1731-1789) [1625]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Eck, Wilhelm van [1627]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ecke, Hans the Elder von der [12590]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ecke, Hans the Younger von der [12591]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ecke, Heinrich von der [11577]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Eckhardt, Barthel [11658]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Edler, Johann Michael [1628]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Egerer, Gregor [8648]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Egra, Vincenz [4935]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ehlers (Elers), Johann (1634-1692) [1629]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ehrenberg, Adam Heinrich von [1630]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Eichelsteiner, Johann Jacob [13843]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Einbrügge, Anton [10633]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Einkorn, Gregor (1500-1569) [10420]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Eisenbein, Thomas [12751]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Eisendraht, Barthel [11665]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Eizinger, Kaspar [13876]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Elias, Johann [11712]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Eltmer, Johann von (-1548) [7570]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Emerich, Christian [12534]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Emich, Gregor [1632]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Engellender, Hans [4936]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ercker (Erckerová), Susanna (Zuzana) [1634]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ernst, Johann Wolfgang [13127]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Eykeningen, Peter von [7728]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Faber, Michael [4937]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Faby, Josef (1732-25.07.1806) [12939]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Falconer, John (1612-1670) [10404]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Faltz, Raimund (04.07.1658 - 21.05.1703) [2947]
Die-cutter, Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod), previous Owner, Sitter
Federer, Hieronymus (09.01.1614 - 09.02.1673) [14476]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Federer, Johann Michael (19.04.1678-1740) [14480]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Fenner, Ignaz Sebastian [13883]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Fenner, Johann Sebastian [13892]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Fenner, Tobias [13902]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Fent, Reinhard [12678]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Feustel (Feistel), Christof (Christoffer) (1578-1638) [11553]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Fischer, Gustav Theodor (13.12.1803 - 05.01.1861) [9582]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Fischer, Jacob (1545-1608) [14474]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Fischer, Matthias (um 1620-1683) [1637]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Fischer, Nikolaus (um 1590-) [12226]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Fischer, Wolfgang Ulrich [13457]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Fleming, Hans [10637]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Fochtmann (Forchtmann), Caspar [11565]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Förster, Johann [13741]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Förster, Johann Martin (1723-1793) [2956]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Fossert, Herman (-1533) [13609]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Frenzel, Šalamoun [13895]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Freude, Matthias the Elder (um 1600-1668) [9028]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Freund, Johann Friedrich (1785-1857) [1639]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Freytag, Johann Jeremias (1653-1735/1736) [1641]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Fricke, Andreas [11638]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Frießhammer, Franz (1630-1673) [14465]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Fritsch, Martin [13878]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Fritz, Johann Georg (1811-24.11.1852) [8929]
Die-cutter, Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Fröhlich, Hans [13873]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Fröhmel, Wolfgang (1595-) [13165]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Frowein, Wilhelm [8725]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Fueter, Christian (16.06.1752 - 19.01.1844) [8675]
Die-cutter, Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Füge, Georg [1636]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Fulda, Dietrich Heinrich (1748-1831) [2945]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Funcke, Andreas [11494]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Funcke, Sebastian [11495]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gambello, Vettor di Antonio (ca. 1455-1537) [5551]
Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ganser, Johann Martin (1608-03.05.1687) [13648]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gante, Hermann [1674]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gasiewski, Vincenz [4801]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gebhardt, Ulrich (Utz) [10421]
Die-cutter, Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gebhart, Tobias (1540-1615) [1676]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gebhart, Oldřich [13860]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Geelhaar, Caspar the Younger (1663-1728) [1678]
Mint Director, Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Geitzkofler, Balthasar [13862]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Geitzköfler, Georg [9554]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gelbach, Adolarius [15622]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Georg Białozer (1661-1665), archbishop of Vilnius [4800]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Georgens, Jonas (um 1580-1653) [5143]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Geramb, Karl von [12934]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gerlach, Christian [11660]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gerlach, Hans Martin [14157]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gessner, Hans Jakob (24.02.1677-1737) [13777]
Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gil, Jerónimo Antonio (02.11.1732 - 18.04.1798) [8339]
Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gittermann, Johann Christian [1680]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Göbel, Caspar (um 1520-nach 1605) [1675]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Göbel, J. [1967]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gonzalo, Gratiano [1685]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Graczow, Mikolaj [1687]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Grasgov, Apollon [3089]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gritti, Alvise [15753]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Grohmann, Johann Georg (04.12.1773 - 28.10.1844) [1691]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gronwalt, Herbert (um 1540-1602) [7569]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gronwalt, Ludwig (-1574) [7571]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gronwalt, Reiner (um 1570-1605) [7584]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Grosch (Gross), Georg [13135]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gruber, Johann (Hans) [7956]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gruber(t), Florian [1692]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gründler, Johann Jeremias (1681-1753) [1688]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Grüner, Frederik (1618-1674) [1689]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Grüner, Peter (1584-1650) [1690]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Grünhofer, Hermann [8516]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gualchieri, Giovanni Carlo [14915]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Gulden, Paul (-1593) [4772]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Haas, Johann Ludwig [11446]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hachenberg, Pascal [13974]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hacke (Hake), Michael [12956]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hakl, Řehoř [13890]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hagelsheimer (called Held), Friedrich (um 1590-1630) [12086]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hager, Dietrich [13137]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hallaicher, Johann Ludwig (1610-1678) [4945]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Halter, Heinrich Friedrich (21.04.1669 - 01.10.1730) [1694]
Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Hamerani, Giovanni Martino (10.02.1646 - 28.06.1705) [1695]
Die-cutter, Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod), Sitter
Hamerani, Ottone (05.11.1694-1768) [14177]
Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hammerschmid, Anton Josef [1696]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Han, Gerhard [13983]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Händl, Andrae (um 1580-1622) [9682]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hansen, Henning (um 1565-1623) [1698]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hanson, Hans [13614]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hansson, Anders (-1536) [13610]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hantberger, Ulrich [15356]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hantschen, Heinrich [12914]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Happe, Volkmar [13244]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hardege, Idel [11579]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Harder, Hanns [1699]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Harstenhorst, Didrik [13608]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Härtel, Sebastian [11671]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hartmann, Adam (um 1530-1582) [13861]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hartmann, Borchert (1655-1688) [1700]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hase, Burkhart [1973]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hasselbrink, Conrad [15123]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Hausen, Philipp von [11705]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hauter, Johann Jakob (um 1735-16.11.1780) [4135]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hecht, Ernst Peter (1652-1731) [1701]
Mint Director, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hecht, Johann Benjamin (um 1700-1762) [1702]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Heckenauer, Wilhelm (1585-) [15667]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hedwiger, Christoph [1703]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Heerwagen, Jacob Friedrich (17.08.1747 - 11.02.1824) [14203]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hegner, Christoph [12229]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hema, Peter [12570]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Herbach, Caspar (1600-1664) [3815]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Herbach, Frederik Caspar (-nach 1672) [1706]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Herbst, Henning (Heinrich) Albrecht (1662-13.12.1734) [13644]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hermann, Johann (um 1580-1636) [8198]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hermann, Johann Casimir (1608-1673) [13717]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hermann, Johann Caspar (1610-1688) [13718]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hermanns, Franz Hermann (1659-07.02.1720) [7616]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Hillard, Bernhard [11661]
Leaseholder, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hille, Bastian (1644-1723) [1707]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hille, Heinrich Christoph (um 1660-1729) [8828]
Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hille, Heinrich Johann (1637-1705) [8764]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hille, Johann Christian (um 1670-1721) [1708]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hille, Johann Heinrich (1737-1802) [4963]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hoen, Gerhard (-13.09.1625) [12958]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hofer, Martin [13903]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hoffmann, Johann [1709]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hoffmann, Johann Heinrich [1710]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hoffmann, Kaspar [5041]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hoffmann, Melchior [1711]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hofman, Paul [1712]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hofmann, Johann Michael (1656-1736) [8642]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Höjer, Hans [13800]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Höjer, Jost [13613]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Holeisen (Hohleisen), Johann Bartolomäus (um 1590-1668) [12765]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Holeisen (Hohleisen), Johann Christian (1700-15.05.1771) [11570]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Holeisen (Hohleisen), Johann Christoph (1640-1697) [14642]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Holland, Johann Lorenz [10423]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Holtzhey, Martin (18.09.1697 - 01.11.1764) [3053]
Die-cutter, Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hölzl, Šebestián [13077]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Holzschuher, Leopold (1512-16.10.1571) [14440]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hopfgarten, Lazarus Christian (um 1590) [12681]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Horn, Georg Friedrich [4799]
Leaseholder, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hoyer, Gottfried Otto [1986]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hubáček, Jakub [13857]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hübner, Andreas [13472]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Huebmer, Beneš [13075]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Huebmer, Lorenz [1715]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hull, John (18.12.1624 - 01.10.1683) [8557]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hüls, Gerhard (1688-14.06.1765) [7588]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hundertpfund, Balthasar (-1550?) [4648]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hundertpfundt, Anton (-1530) [5215]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Hundt, Konrad [1716]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hünerkopf, Wolf (um 1494-1566) [15416]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Hunger, Christoph Sigmund (1642-1708) [8643]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Huser, Jan Jakob [12572]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Huxer, Caspar (1552-1629) [13269]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ilders, Hennig [4375]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Innocenti, Luigi (Aloysius) [14624]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Iossa, Nicholai [11957]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ivanov, Egor [12705]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ivanov, Jakov [12706]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Jachtmann, Matyáś [13913]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Jacob, Hans (Johann) (um 1580-1635) [1717]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Jacob, Hans Heinrich (um 1605-) [13975]
Leaseholder, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Jäger, Erich [1724]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Jäger, Reichard [11667]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Janus, Valentin [1721]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Jaster, Christoph Henning (1703-) [1722]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Jaster, Johann Justus (1701-1758) [1723]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Běšín-Jeptiška, Jan [13856]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Jessensky, Isaias [13866]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Jonge, Jacob Jansz. de [4259]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Jorand, Hans [12743]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Jordan, Georg (Jörg) (-1517) [8924]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Juli, Anton P. [13366]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Junge, Reinholt [9007]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kadner von Greifeneck, Georg [1727]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Karpinskiy, Alexei [15722]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Käschnitz von Weinberg, Joseph (15.02.1705 - 03.06.1753) [13881]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kellner, Georg [12228]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kelp, Zacharias Daniel [1969]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kerber, Johann [13473]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kerssenbruck, Otthe Christoff von [11706]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ketteler, Engelbert (um 1600-1661) [1731]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Keusell (Küsel), Henning (um 1570-09.10.1626) [14250]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Keusell (Küsel), Steffen [4371]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kirschenhofer, František Ignác [13887]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kirszenstein, Hieronymus Krispin [3002]
Crown Treasurer, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Klähren, Heinrich von der (um 1580-) [11637]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kleimionov, Vasily [15720]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Klein, Hans (-1632) [12518]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Klemmer of Klemmersberg, Sigmund Anton (1735-19.11.1812) [13364]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Kling, Franz Philipp [13745]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Klinghammer, Johann Anton David (1730-1766) [3492]
Die-cutter, Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Klüwer, Daniel (um 1585-1618) [13732]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Klüwer, Philipp [1988]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Knaust, Johann Christian (18.01.1744 - 05.08.1809) [8588]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Knoblauch, Johann [15267]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Knoph, Hans Schierven (1729-1788) [4859]
Mint Director, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Knorr (Knorre), Ernst the Elder (1556-10.10.1622) [14251]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Knorr (Knorre), Wolff Albrecht (um 1595-1643) [11741]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Knorre, Otto Heinrich (24.03.1724 - 04.06.1805) [9668]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Koburger, Anthonius (1528-1576) [3461]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Koburger, Anton the Younger (1571-1631) [1732]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Koburger, Hans (Johann) Philipp (1608-1666) [1733]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Koch, Daniel (27.02.1616 - 07.12.1650) [14517]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Koch, Daniel (um 1630-1671) [14518]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Koch, David (um 1595-1650/51) [1734]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Koch, Jobst Dietrich [1735]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Koch, Johann (um 1640-1698) [10422]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Koch, Ludwig Christian (1717-01.09.1792) [15365]
Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kock, Markus (-20.11.1657) [9547]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kohl, Kaspar [12753]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kohl, Melchior [12754]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Köhler, Henrik [1728]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Köln (Cöllen), Balduin (-1623) [14154]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Könecke, Joachim [12915]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Koppers, Heinrich (um 1680-1735) [7620]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Körll, Jürgen (-um 1620) [14578]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Korn, Ferdinand (13.03.1826 - 26.05.1891) [15031]
Engraver General, Medalist, Mint Director, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kostka of Postupic, William [8210]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kraft, Christoph [11675]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Krämer, Wolf (um 1555-1629) [15621]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kramer Edler von Münzburg, Ignaz (1698-29.12.1784) [12941]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Kraus, Prof. Friedrich (05.06.1848 - 20.08.1916) [8051]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Krell, Paul [1968]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Krieg, Johannes [7950]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kroll, Johann Ernst (1756-1804) [1737]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kruckenberg, Georg (1590-1661) [2955]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Krug, Hans the Elder (um 1455-1519) [10417]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Krüger, Gotfred [1736]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Krümper, Stefan [13141]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Krumpper, Thomas [8518]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kuhlmann, Heinrich [11711]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Küne (Köhne), Andreas (1540-1599) [9901]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Küne (Köhne), Georg (um 1570-) [1729]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Küne (Köhne), Hans (um 1510-1570) [9902]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kurzleben, Kurt Abraham von [11703]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Küster, Georg (1702-1764) [1730]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Kuttner, Melchior [13255]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lachentris, Hans the Younger [12918]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Laffer(d)s, Andreas (1572-1645) [14152]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Laffer(d)s, Hans (um 1580-1640) [1742]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lampertz, Heinrich [3214]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lasanz, Hans [13863]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lauch, Hans [1745]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lauer, Hans Christoph (1585-1639) [1746]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lauer, Hans David (1615-1668) [8274]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lauffer, Hans (1584-1632) [12095]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Rechenpfg.-macher
Lauffer, Karl Gottlieb (1728-1779) [5326]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lauffer, Matthäus (1587-1634) [12093]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lavy, Filippo (um 1776-1851) [10866]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lays, Günter [13615]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Leclerc, Gabriel (25.08.1674-1743) [3472]
Die-cutter, Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lehner, Haubold (1559-1628) [13369]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lehr, Cyriacus von (um 1590-) [14065]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Leinung, Christoph (1605-1637) [15022]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lengefelder, Centurio [13912]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lerch, Balthasar (um 1495-) [10263]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lerch, Martin (1494-21.02.1520) [14472]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lesse, Daniel (um 1625-) [1971]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lichten, Jakob [11713]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lidijin, Olof [1759]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lidl, Matej [13859]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Liebholt, Andreas [12251]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lilienthal, Johann [12664]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Lindner, Abraham [8521]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lippold, Tobias [14097]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lisola, Baron Franz de (22.08.1613 - 19.12.1674) [10652]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Löffler, Ferdinand (um 1565-1616) [8520]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Löhr, Heinrich (Henning) (um 1590-) [4020]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Löhr, Peter (um 1620-) [14297]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Longerich, Johann Adam [7626]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Longerich, Kaspar (1655-1693) [10150]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Longerich, Nicolaus (1650-1700) [7583]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Loos, Friedrich Wilhelm (II.) (1811-1893) [3046]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Loos, Gottfried Bernhard (06.08.1773 - 29.07.1843) [3037]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Producer, Sitter, Warden
Lorenz, Hans [15463]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Loss, Hans [13899]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Löwe, Johann Heinrich (um 1700-1759) [1747]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Löwel, Georg Christoph (30.10.1768 - 04.05.1835) [8589]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lucke, Berthold [1788]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lüdemann, Simon (-19.07.1619) [1749]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lüders, Hermann (um 1630-1692) [1750]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Lüders, Ludolf Heinrich [1751]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lutz, Hans (um 1480-1536) [14477]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Lynnar, Heinrich von (-1518) [7623]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Malipiero, Gerolamo [15755]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Mannelli, Alessandro di Leonardo [15673]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Marcello, Gerolamo [15751]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Markov, Ivan [12707]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Marquardt, Curt [11716]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Marquart, Conrad [7958]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Martens, Johann [7747]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Martens, Jürgen [12535]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Martens, Michael [12415]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Martin, Johann [12403]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Martinengo, Gotthard (1732-1800) [4187]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Martinengo, Johann Nikolaus (1726-) [1984]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Matthias, Fellner von Feldegg (um 1580-1637) [9683]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Mattighofer, Christoph [1810]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Matz, Hans [13875]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Meinhardt, Hans Georg [12687]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Mewes, Daniel [11700]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Meyer, Heinrich (um 1580) [13116]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Meyer, Henning Christopher the Elder [4870]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Meyer, Henning Christopher the Younger [4871]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Meyer, Matthias (1674-16.09.1632) [7396]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Miani, Alvise [10861]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Mirendorf, Jacob [12955]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Mittelbach, Christoph [12663]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Mittermayer, Mathias [8644]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Moerynck, Johann [7630]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Molin, Piero [10929]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Molino, Lunardo [10860]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Möller, Michael [10926]
Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Mühlrad, Paul [1811]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Müller, Franz Ferdinand (um 1680-1733) [14467]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Müller, Jeremias [12090]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Müller, Liborius [1812]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Münch, Johann Anselm (1600-1658) [4946]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Namen, Johan Sebastian van [1980]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Nebeltau, Samuel [12556]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Neidhardt, Johann [3054]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Neißmann, Reinhard [11330]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Netzebandt, Nicolaus [12557]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Neubauer, Ernst Georg (1703-19.03.1749) [1826]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Neubauer, Johann Georg (-17.09.1725) [1830]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Neuberger, Hans [12227]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Neumeister, Johann Georg (um 1730-1790) [4949]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Neuß, Matthias von [11677]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Newers, Peter (1641-1699) [7587]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Niederländer, David (1580-) [13456]
Leaseholder, Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Nielsen, Hans Christian [15569]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Nowak, Franz [8646]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Nowak, Johann Anton [1832]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Nübell, Franz [1820]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Nürnberger, Georg the Elder (05.10.1598 - 21.10.1667) [1825]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Nürnberger, Georg the Younger (1623-1682) [4964]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Nürnberger, Georg Friedrich (1650-1729) [1972]
Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Nürnberger, Paul Gottlieb (1684-12.10.1745) [4967]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Nyber, Nicolaus [7572]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
O'Feral, Friedrich Wilhelm (1706-1764) [12726]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Oeckeler, Heinrich (um 1560-1618) [1833]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Oeckermann, Rudolf Ernst (1734-07.07.1807) [1835]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Oppermann, Christian (um 1600-) [13978]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Oppermann, Georg [11670]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Oppermann, Heinrich [4464]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Oppermann, Nicolaus (Claws) [11555]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Örber von Örberstein, Christoph (um 1570-27.06.1647) [13867]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Otte (Otto), Hans Heinrich [13164]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Pabst, Johann [13121]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Paler (Pahler), Egidius (um 1580-1623) [14252]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Panckert, Jacob (um 1580-) [1839]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Patry, Jean [8662]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Pauer, Georg Thomas (um 1590-27.09.1634) [12252]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Paus, Paul Lieber [11662]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Pechstein (Backstein/Packstein), Heinrich (um 1590-) [7957]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Pecz, Hans [13914]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Perndorffer, Hans [14529]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Peter, Andreas [12573]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Peter, Heinrich [8664]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Pfahler, Christian (1603-1665) [4461]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Pfahler, Jakob (1568-1637) [11740]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Pfahler, Samuel (05.03.1647-1688) [2886]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Pfeiffer, Peter Marcel [13455]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Pflug, Christoph (1644-17.03.1693) [1842]
Leaseholder, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Philipsen, Marsilius [1843]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Pindemonte, Paolo [1844]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Pisani, Lunardo [15752]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Pisani, Paolo [15754]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Podivický, Pavel [13855]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Poelman, Paulus Charles Gerard (1792-1846) [11953]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Pott, Anton Gottfried (um 1690-1742) [1845]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Potthof, Hermann (um 1575-1635) [14660]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Preiss, Johann J. [8645]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Prellhoff, Adam [1847]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Puellacher, Ruprecht (-11.06.1563) [13925]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Puls, Hans [1861]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Putz, Ignaz Anton [8647]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Putzer, Hans (1585-1639) [5330]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Quendel, Wilhelm [11669]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Quensel (Quensell), Wilhelm (um 1600-) [12684]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Querini, Marchiò [15750]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Querini, Zuane [15748]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rabenstein, Johann Georg [10655]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Raders, Hans [12686]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ram, Count Lodovico [10930]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rasière, Isaac de [13259]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rasière, Laurens de [13258]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rasp, Johann Peter (26.10.1700 - 06.01.1773) [1871]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ravaschiero, G. B. [1987]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rebhun, Johann Adam (1661-1707) [1985]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Reeß, Johann (-1629) [7586]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rees (Rese/Reeß), Sebastian (um 1590-) [15456]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rehnen, Heinrich von (1560-1624) [801]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Reich, David (29.10.1715 - 17.09.1771) [12998]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Reich, Leonhard (23.2.1730 - 09.09.1798) [12997]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Reick, Georg [1877]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Reinhard, Johann Balthasar (1729-1816) [1879]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Reinhardt, Tobias [12660]
Leaseholder, Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Reinmann, Martin (1596-1675) [1880]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rentsch, Hans [12225]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Rentsch, Michel [14098]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Richerds, Hermann [14508]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Riedel, Georg (23.12.1598 - 03.11.1672) [12230]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Riedel, Jonas [12224]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Riedner, Adam Nikolaus (24.11.1759 - 14.10.1839) [5332]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Riedner, Georg Nikolaus (um 1730-13.09.1793) [5331]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rieger, Hans (um 1583-19.03.1653) [1881]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rinckleben, Michael [11701]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ritter, Friedrich (um 1750-1820) [8930]
Mint Director, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ritter, Hans (1645-1715) [15544]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ritter, Wolf Chr. [12091]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Riva, Zuane da [15756]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rizema, Ipo [13256]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Roessler, Johann Hector (1779-1863) [1991]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Romunde, Dirk von [14582]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Romunde, Gerrit von [14581]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Romunde, Johann von (04.12.1574-) [14580]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ronseler, Jakob [4950]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rösch, Johann Egydius [5333]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rosenberger, Marquard (um 1480-1536) [4908]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Sitter
Rosenstock, Franz Faber von (-1679) [10281]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rossner, Hans [12571]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rothe, August [11664]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rothe, Constantin [9667]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rothe, Matthias [1882]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rothe, Michael [11679]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Röthling, Johann Andreas [13136]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ruckdeschel, Christoph Lorenz (13.03.1721 - 30.06.1768) [13775]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ruckdeschel, Johann Lorenz (1690-1742) [1883]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rücke, Hans (um 1560) [12682]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rukop, Hans [11576]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rund, Dietrich [4770]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ruperti, Ludwig Christian (um 1720-14.12.1778) [11630]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Rustmeyer, Jochim [9669]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Rütgers, Johann (1662-08.05.1744) [7592]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Sacchetti, Filippo di Niccolò di Andrea [10931]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Säckelmeister [1990]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Salomon, Alessandro [15746]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Šatný, Jiří [13865]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Sattler, Hans [12094]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Sauerbrey, Jobst Friedrich (1674-1718) [1975]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Saunderson, Robert (ca. 1608-07.10.1693) [8558]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schacht, Moritz [1886]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schäfer, Friedrich (1725-1776) [3004]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schäffer, Anton (1722-1799) [4959]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Shagin, Ilja [12704]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schalmberger (Schollenberger), Michael (1587-1627) [12096]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schambach, Johannes (Hans) [7876]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Scharff, Ferdinand [13882]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schele, Andreas (um 1610-16.11.1677) [1889]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Schepp, Johann Christoph (1725-1788) [2974]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Scherl, Ehrhard (1531-1598) [5334]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schilling, Matthias [15704]
Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schirmer, Christian (1679-1761) [1890]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Schlanbusch, Hermann (um 1575-1643) [1891]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schlüter, Christoph Henning (1635-1688) [1892]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Schlüter, Henning (um 1600-1672) [1893]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schmidt, Hans (um 1565-) [4953]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schmidt, Terentius [14255]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schmille, Johannes [1992]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schneider, Ernst Friedrich [1895]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schneider, Lorenz Christoph [1898]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Schneider (called Weißmantel), Johann [1896]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schnese, Alexei (1743-1801) [15019]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schöbl, Tobias (1705-25.04.1789) [12938]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Schomburg, Johann Georg (1672-1745) [1899]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Schönau, Friedrich [1888]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schörbrot, Johannes (Hans) [1887]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schrader, Lüdicke [11707]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schrader, Peter the Elder (um 1594-1654) [13134]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schreck, Conrad (um 1520-08.09.1580) [1903]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schreiber, Henning (um 1580-1640) [1905]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schreibersdorf, Albrecht von [10657]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schreier, Hans [14069]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schrempf, Veit (1716-09.11.1773) [14511]
Die-cutter, Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Schröder, Johann Anton (um 1715-1786) [1901]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schröder, Justus Carl (um 1740-) [15256]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schultes, Ernst [14096]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schuster, Tobias [1906]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schwager, Zacharias [14256]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schwellenburg, Heinrich (1582-16.01.1632) [14286]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Schwingerschuh, Paul Erdmann von [1907]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Sehle, Johann Christoph (1656-1701 (1695?)) [1908]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Seidlitz, Johann Georg [8641]
Die-cutter, Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Semitecolo, Gerolamo [1909]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Semitecolo, Zan Antonio [15742]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Sensenschmidt von Siegen, Hans [4955]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Sesto, Alessandro [1910]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Sesto, Lorenzo [2973]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Siburg, Gilles von [7652]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Sickel, Valentin (um 1510-1572) [7952]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Siegel, Johann Christian Gottfried [1912]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Sievert, Heinrich [1914]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Simmelbeck, Petter [13612]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Simons, Hans [11710]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Sindt, Nikolaus [13977]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Singer, Dr. Georg Heinrich (1725-22.061779) [3067]
Mint Director, Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Sinzig, Jakob von [10634]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Škréta, Pavel [13896]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Sommer, Johann [11709]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Sömmerling, Georg [11681]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Soranzo, Agustin [15747]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Söter [12919]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Speyer, Thiess von [7725]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Spiegel, Hans Heinrich [13126]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Stadler, Hans Jakob (um 1600-) [13897]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Stampfer, Jakob (um 1505-02.07.1579) [15575]
Coin Validator, Die-cutter, Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Stange, Georg [11680]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Steffen, Benedict [1917]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Stein, David [13474]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Steinmüller, Řehoř [14579]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Steinmüller, Sebastian [1919]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Stichmann, Johan [1920]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Stigelitz, Albrecht [13985]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Stipel, Hans [1921]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Stockheim, Valentin [14537]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Stockmar, Theodor (um 1750-1820) [10636]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Stogkhem, Valentin von [11631]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Stöhr, Anton [13880]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Stöhr, František [13879]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Stopfels, Hans [1970]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Straß von Straußenegg, Georg Christoph [13893]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Straub (Strauch), Heinrich (1577-02.12.1635) [12089]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Stricker, Christoph (um 1645-1715) [1923]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Strozzi, Carlo [15702]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Studer, Johann Gotthelf (21.07.1763 - 29.03.1832) [1961]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Stutz, Conrad (1580/82-1662) [1925]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Sulzberger, Hieronymus (um 1563-1622) [13017]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Sundtheim, Christoph [11659]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Suttner, Jan [13076]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Svendsen, Georg Wilhelm [1928]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Sylm, Friedrich Wilhelm (1727-1771) [15255]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Taglang, Johann Heinrich (1593-1622) [1929]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Tallemann, Wolter [1930]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Täubner, Markus [5534]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Teseo, Joseffo [7946]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Textor, Ernst (1605-1668?) [8724]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Tham, Sebastian (1811-1892) [11955]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Thun, Johann [1932]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Tilly, Arnold [13980]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Timpf (Tympf), Andreas (1618-1690) [3206]
Leaseholder, Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Timpf (Tympf), Peter (1595-1693/1696) [12739]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Timpf (Tympf), Samuel (1585-1656) [1936]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Timpf (Tympf), Simon [4456]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Timpf (Tympf), Simon (um 1555-1621) [12666]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Timpf (Tympf), Thomas (1633-1690) [11635]
Leaseholder, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Timpf (Tympf), Thomas [12680]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Tornau (Thornow), Hans (um 1500-1551) [14538]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Torre, Carlo [5164]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Tramontano, Giancarlo (1450-29.12.1514) [8287]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Treuttner, Hans [11673]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Triangel, Bartholomäus [10653]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Trifonov, Alexander [15721]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Troncio, Gugliemo [8194]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Trümmer, Johann Otto (um 1725-28.10.1778) [4957]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Tuchmann, Hans [2966]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Tunkl of Brničko, Heinrich [8209]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Uffelmann, Berndt [11702]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Uhle, Franz Carl [8581]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ulbeck, Wolf (um 1490-1562) [15341]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ulm, Friedrich [11672]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ulm, Heinrich [11676]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ulmer, Steffen [11578]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Urleben, Casper [13120]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ursentaler, Ulrich the Elder (1482-1562) [5181]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ursinus, David [13981]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Varenhorst, Christoph [11648]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Varice, Pierre [1941]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Veeber (Veever), Heinrich [1942]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Vizzamano, Bernardino [15744]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Vogel, Johann (um 1590) [15669]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Vogt, Johann the Younger [10631]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Voigt, Simon [4385]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Wachsmuth, Andreas (18.02.1545 - 25.02.1604) [11290]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wagner, Asmus [14151]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wagner, Johann [12911]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wagner, Johann Jakob (1650-21.02.1702) [14639]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wagner, Lorenz [12912]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wahl, Georg Wilhelm (1706-21.05.1778) [3830]
Die-cutter, Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Walch, Martin (1520-25.09.1575) [14478]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Walter, Hans (-1596) [1697]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Warnod, Franҫois (-1792) [8663]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Weber, Andreas [7955]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Weber, Daniel [15522]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Weber, Lippold (um 1610-1674) [1945]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Weber, Matthias [4454]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Weckerl, Martin Maximilian von [13888]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wedemeyer, Jonas [4479]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wegerich, Peter (1562-1640) [11445]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wegerich, Tobias (vor 1599-21.01.1677) [11453]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Weihe, Henning [13138]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Weiss, Niklas [12092]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Weizelmann, Hans [4239]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Welle, Friedrich [1946]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wendel, Seger [4379]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Wendels, Friedrich (-26.08.1728) [11561]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wenighausen, Jobst [11668]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wenningshausen, Jost [13139]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Werner, Jiri [13898]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Werner/Werneyer, Lorenz (1581-04.07.1621) [14199]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wessel, Statius (-1614) [1947]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Westermann, Heinrich (um 1585-) [14253]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Westphal, Gregor [7875]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wiesener (Wiesemann), Jacob [14276]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wilcke, Christian [7871]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Winkler, Johann (um 1700-1785) [15527]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Winterstein, Matthias [13984]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wintgens, Heinrich (Henning) (1542-) [12675]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wintgens, Johann [12676]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wintgens, Nikolaus [1950]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wode., Nikolaus [13982]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wohnsiedler, Bernhard [13885]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wolf, Heinrich [1989]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wölke, David [11678]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wolker, Jakob Wernher [1951]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wolrab, Hans (Johann) Jakob (30.06.1633 - 24.06.1690) [4064]
Die-cutter, Medalist, Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Woltereck, Johann (um 1625-1679) [1952]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Wonsielder, Krištof [13889]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Zaguri, Pietro [11564]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Zaitsev, Peter [15724]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Zeccha, Pier Paolo della [10786]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Zehenntner, Andreas (um 1515-) [2970]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Zehenntner, Hans [2969]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Zen, Marino [15743]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Zentgraf, Werner [1957]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ziegenhorn, Christoph the Younger [11715]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ziegenhorn, Georg David (um 1625-1686) [11613]
Mintmaster (MM Mod), Warden
Ziegenmeier, Heinrich Abel [13119]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Ziegler, Balthasar (1590-1634) [14475]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Zieseler (Ziesler), Hans (um 1585-1637) [1993]
Leaseholder, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Zindel, Hermann (um 1570-) [13979]
Die-cutter, Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Zorzi, Zan Antomio [15740]
Mintmaster (MM Mod)
Zwirner, Baltazar [5387]
Leaseholder, Mintmaster (MM Mod)